The European Conference
June 26-30, 2017 Poznań, POLAND
Conference Proceedings
The PM'17 Conference Proceedings will be published as a regular issue of Acta Physica Polonica A.
All plenary and invited speakers, as well as authors of contributed presentations, are welcomed to submit manuscripts containing original, previously unpublished work, in accordance with the requirements of Acta Physica Polonica A and the conference deadline, which are specified below. Only one paper per registered participant may be published. All submitted papers will be subject to peer review process. Before publication, proofs will be sent to the contact author who submitted the paper.
Manuscript Requirements
- Length: 7 (seven) and 3 (three) two-column pages for invited and contributed papers, respectively
- Formatting: REVTeX (http://publish.aps.org/revtex) or MS Word (see template*) according to the specifications of APP A (see the Authors guide at http://www.ifpan.edu.pl/APP/guide.pdf)
* the template provided by courtesy of the organizers of CSMAG'13 conference
Notice: Please give DOI numbers, where applicable.
Submission of manuscripts
Manuscripts should be submitted to pm17-papers@amu.edu.pl in MS Word or LaTeX files, together with the PDF (.pdf) version. Figures and tables should be sent as separate electronic files. The title page should contain an e-mail address of the corresponding author.
Paper Submission Final Deadline
29th May, 2017