The European Conference
June 26-30, 2017 Poznań, POLAND
AWARDS - results
PM'17 Best Poster Awards
1. Aleksandr Chikov, Ekaterinburg, Russia: best poster P-2-21
Phase separation in the ground state of the model 2D spin-pseudospin system
2. Karol Synoradzki, Wrocław, Poland: second best poster P-7-04
Magnetocaloric effect in antiferromagnetic half-Heusler alloy DyNiSb
3. Vladimír Tkáč, Košice, Slovakia: third best poster P-3-18
Slow magnetic relaxation in the single-ion magnet CsNd(MoO4)2
Honorable mentions:
Jakub Łuczak, Poznań, Poland: poster P-4-01
Dynamics of a charge qubit encoded in a double quantum dot
Michal Rajňák, Košice, Slovakia: poster P-5-09
Influence of electric field on AC magnetic susceptibility of a mineral oil based ferrofluid
PM'17 Best Oral Presentation Awards
1. Merlin Pohlit, Frankfurt am Main, Germany: best oral presentation O-5-12
Micro-Hall-Magnetometry: Stray Field Studies of Directly Written Nanostructures
2. Lech Kalinowski, Katowice, Poland: second best oral presentation O-1-02
Doping effect on the electronic structure and thermodynamic properties in Ce3Ru4Sn13
3. Jakub Pawlak, Kraków, Poland: third best oral presentation O-4-12
Multiferroic multilayer as a base for future spintronics nanodevices
Awards Jury
Boris Tsukerblat, Beer Sheva, Israel (chairman)
Bogdan Dąbrowski, DeKalb, USA
Janusz Dubowik, Poznań, Poland
Dariusz Kaczorowski, Wrocław, Poland
Grzegorz Kamieniarz, Poznań, Poland
Jan Rusz, Uppsala, Sweden