The European Conference
June 26-30, 2017 Poznań, POLAND
Accepted abstracts
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Please proof read your published abstracts. If necessary, send us the corrected version by email, before April 30th.
Lp. | Name | PDF / LaTeX | Presenting Author | Presentation number | Title |
1 | Markus Stiller | PDF LaTeX | M. Stiller | oral O-5-01 | Strong out-of-plane magnetic anisotropy in ion irradiated anatase TiO$_2$ thin films |
2 | Jeremie Teyssier | PDF LaTeX | J. Teyssier | oral O-1-01 | Optical probe of correlations in rare-earth nickelates films |
3 | Nikolay Plakida | PDF LaTeX | N.M. Plakida | oral O-3-01 | Spin excitations and thermodynamics of the Heisenberg model on the layered honeycomb lattice |
4 | Reinhard K. Kremer | PDF LaTeX | Reinhard K. Kremer | oral O-2-01 | Multiferroicity due to Competing Spin Exchange in Antiferromagnetic Quantum Ribbon Chain Systems |
5 | Jerzy Krupka | PDF LaTeX | J. Krupka | oral O-6-01 | Ferromagnetic resonance and the linewidth in spherical samples – revision of the standard measurement techniques |
6 | Krzysztof Ptaszyński | PDF LaTeX | K. Ptaszy{\'n}ski | oral O-4-01 | Noise enhancement due to telegraphic switching in a two-level quantum dot coupled to spin-polarized leads |
7 | Jakub Chęciński | PDF LaTeX | J. Chęciński | oral O-8-01 | Micromagnetic simulations of a spin-torque oscillator reader |
8 | Chiaki Uyeda | PDF LaTeX | C. Uyeda | oral O-7-01 | Attempt to separate various diamagnetic and paramagnetic materials using a neodymium handy magnet |
9 | Konstantin Gusliyenko | PDF LaTeX | K. Guslienko | oral O-5-02 | Spin waves on the skyrmion background in thin cylindrical dots |
10 | Lech Kalinowski | PDF LaTeX | L. Kalinowski | oral O-1-02 | Doping effect on the electronic structure and thermodynamic properties in Ce$_{3}$Ru$_{4}$Sn$_{13}$ |
11 | Edouard Sonin | PDF LaTeX | E.B. Sonin | oral O-2-02 | Spin superfluidity in YIG films |
12 | Imre BAKONYI | PDF LaTeX | I. Bakonyi | oral O-4-02 | Giant magnetoresistance in metallic magnetic nanostructures: a unified view on granular and multilayer systems |
13 | Andrzej Szewczyk | PDF LaTeX | S. Lewinska | oral O-3-02 | Nonlinear off-digonal magnetic susceptibility of LiNiPO$_4$ |
14 | Oleksandr Chumak | PDF LaTeX | O.M. Chumak | oral O-6-02 | Magnetocrystalline anisotropy and magnetoelastic properties of the Co$_2$Fe$_{0.4}$Mn$_{0.6}$Si and Co$_2$FeGa$_{0.5}$Ge$_{0.5}$ Heusler alloys films |
15 | Oliver Strbak | PDF LaTeX | O. Strbak | oral O-8-02 | Magnetic Resonance Contrast Imaging of Magnetoferritin |
16 | Andrzej M. Oleś | PDF LaTeX | Andrzej M. Ole\'s | oral O-1-03 | Order in Quantum Compass and Orbital $e_g$ Models |
17 | Lukas Botsch | PDF LaTeX | L. Botsch | oral O-4-03 | Defect induced magnetism in ZnO: a first spintronic device application |
18 | Eugenio E. Vogel | PDF LaTeX | E.E. Vogel | oral O-5-03 | Prevalence and recovery of information stored in bundles of parallel magnetic nanowires |
19 | Piotr Kozłowski | PDF LaTeX | P. Kozłowski | oral O-2-03 | Frustration and quantum entanglement in the family of ring-shaped chromium nanomagnets |
20 | Volodymyr V. Kulish | PDF LaTeX | O.Gorobets | oral O-3-03 | Spin waves in a two-sublattice antiferromagnet. A new class of self-similar solutions of the Landau-Lifshitz equation |
21 | Gabriel Chaves | PDF LaTeX | Gabriel D. Chaves-O'Flynn | oral O-6-03 | Magnetocrystalline effects in narrow ferromagnetic patterns |
22 | Imre Hagymasi | PDF LaTeX | I. Hagym\'asi | oral O-1-04 | Stability of the topological Kondo insulating phase in one dimension |
23 | Martin Lonsky | PDF LaTeX | M. Lonsky | oral O-4-04 | Strongly Enhanced 1/f Noise in the Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors (Ga,Mn)As and (Ga,Mn)P |
24 | Igor L. Lyubchanskii | PDF LaTeX | I. L. Lyubchanskii | oral O-5-04 | Lateral shift of light beam transmitted trough photonic-magnonic crystals |
25 | Maciej M. Maśka | PDF LaTeX | Maciej M. Ma\'ska | oral O-2-04 | Phase coherence in a coupled boson-fermion model |
26 | Andrzej_Szytula | PDF LaTeX | A. Szytuła | oral O-3-04 | Magnetocaloric effect and physical properties of slowly cooled NiMn$_{1-x}$Cr$_x$Ge $(0.04 \le x \le 0.25)$ |
27 | Mirosław Werwiński | PDF LaTeX | M. Werwiński | oral O-6-04 | Ab initio studies of selected Fe/Co alloys for permanent magnet applications |
28 | Alexandr Stupakov | PDF LaTeX | A. Stupakov | oral O-1-05 | Effect of epitaxial strain on electronic and magnetic properties in NdNiO$_3$ thin films |
29 | Miguel Kiwi | PDF LaTeX | Miguel Kiwi | oral O-5-05 | Exchange bias in dipole coupled trilayers: experimental results and theoretical interpretation |
30 | Bartlomiej Wiendlocha | PDF LaTeX | B. Wiendlocha | oral O-4-05 | Mixed Eu$^{2+}$ - Eu$^{3+}$ valence state in Eu- and Na-doped PbSe |
31 | Grzegorz Musiał | PDF LaTeX | G. Musiał | oral O-2-05 | Computation of latent heat based on the energy distribution histogram in the 3D Ashkin-Teller model |
32 | Pavel Baláž | PDF LaTeX | P. Bal\'a\v{z} | oral O-3-05 | Ultrafast Spin Transfer Torque Generated by a Femtosecond Laser Pulse |
33 | Zbigniew Śniadecki | PDF LaTeX | Z. Śniadecki | oral O-6-05 | Magnetic properties and electronic structure of structurally disordered YCo$_2$ Pauli paramagnet |
34 | Wojciech Brzezicki | PDF LaTeX | W. Brzezicki | oral O-1-06 | Charge - orbital order and topological effects in presence of zig-zag magnetic textures in 4d – 3d hybrid oxides |
35 | Stefan Krompiewski | PDF LaTeX | Stefan Krompiewski | oral O-4-06 | Effect of magnetic zigzag edges in graphene-like nanoribbons on the thermoelectric power factor |
36 | Andrzej Wawro | PDF LaTeX | A. Wawro | oral O-5-06 | Abundance of magnetic coupling modes in the Co/Mo multilayers |
37 | Piotr Graczyk | PDF LaTeX | P. Graczyk | oral O-3-06 | Bulk and surface magnetoelastic waves |
38 | Wolfram Brenig | PDF LaTeX | Wolfram Brenig | oral O-2-06 | Thermal transport in Kitaev-Heisenberg spin systems |
39 | Jarosław Więckowski | PDF LaTeX | J. Wieckowski | oral O-1-07 | Thermal and magnetic properties of Sr$_{1-x}$Ba$_{x}$Mn$_{1-y}$Ti$_{y}$O$_{3}$ (with ${\textit x}$ $\ge$ 0.43 and ${\textit y}$ $\ge$ 0) multiferroics |
40 | Mikhail Ye. Zhuravlev | PDF LaTeX | M.Ye. Zhuravlev | oral O-4-07 | New mechanism of magneto-optic effect |
41 | Andrzej Wisniewski | PDF LaTeX | A. Wisniewski | oral O-5-07 | Chemical substitutions tuned exchange bias effect in Sm$_{0.1}$Ca$_{0.9-x}$Sr$_x$MnO$_{3}$ ($x$ = 0.2, 0.3) manganites |
42 | Marek Frankowski | PDF LaTeX | Marek Frankowski | oral O-3-07 | Electric field control of standing spin waves in PMN-PT/NiFe heterostructure |
43 | Olga Sikora | PDF LaTeX | Olga Sikora | oral O-2-07 | Spin liquid and order in quantum ice |
44 | Andrzej Ptok | PDF LaTeX | A. Ptok | oral O-1-08 | Magnetic Lifshitz transition in iron-based superconductors |
45 | Roman Puzniak | PDF LaTeX | R. Puzniak | oral O-5-08 | Evolution of magnetic properties of manganites with pressure and doping at Mn-site |
46 | Witold Skowroński | PDF LaTeX | W. Skowroński | oral O-4-08 | Stability diagram of magnetization switching in perpendicular magnetic tunnel junctions |
47 | Andrzej Janutka | PDF LaTeX | Andrzej Janutka | oral O-3-08 | Application of $\pi$/2 domain walls in cubic-crystalline films to domain-wall racetracks and spin-transfer oscillators |
48 | Konrad Jerzy Kapcia | PDF LaTeX | K. J. Kapcia | oral O-1-09 | Charge-ordered phases in the extended Hubbard model |
49 | Domanski Tadeusz | PDF LaTeX | T. Doma\'nski | oral O-5-09 | Spin-resolved Andreev spectroscopy as a tool for probing the Majorana quasiparticles |
50 | Damian Krychowski | PDF LaTeX | D. Krychowski | oral O-4-09 | Spin and orbital polarizations of conductance of the carbon nanotube quantum dot in the presence of Majorana Fermion in topological superconductor |
51 | Catherine Gourdon | PDF LaTeX | C. Gourdon | oral O-3-09 | Optically detected counter-rotating spin waves in ferromagnetic layers: the key role of the optical phase shift |
52 | Takaaki Dohi | PDF LaTeX | T. Dohi | oral O-5-10 | Electric-field modulation of exchange stiffness constant in CoFeB/MgO investigated by spin-wave resonance |
53 | Laura Thevenard | PDF LaTeX | Laura Thevenard | oral O-4-10 | Spin transfer and spin-orbit torques in in-plane magnetized (Ga,Mn)As tracks |
54 | Vinh Hung Tran | PDF LaTeX | V.H. Tran | oral O-1-10 | Hall effect in pseudoternary URu$_{1-x}$Pd$_x$Ge intermetallics |
55 | Khalil Zakeri | PDF LaTeX | Khalil Zakeri | oral O-3-10 | Lifetime of terahertz magnons in ultrathin ferromagnets: Temperature effects |
56 | Roman Strzelczyk | PDF LaTeX | R. Strzelczyk | oral O-5-11 | The edge magnetism in graphene oxide |
57 | Dariusz Kaczorowski | PDF LaTeX | D. Kaczorowski | oral O-4-11 | Quantum oscillations in the nodal-line Dirac semimetal ZrSiS |
58 | Karol Izydor Wysokiński | PDF LaTeX | Karol Izydor Wysoki\'nski | oral O-1-11 | On the current flow in superconductors: universal trends and holographic analysis |
59 | Volodymyr Kruglyak | PDF LaTeX | V. V. Kruglyak | oral O-3-11 | Excitation of spin waves in thin film magnetic structures |
60 | Merlin Pohlit | PDF LaTeX | M. Pohlit | oral O-5-12 | Micro-Hall-Magnetometry: Stray Field Studies of Directly Written Nanostructures |
61 | Tomasz Cichorek | PDF LaTeX | T. Cichorek | oral O-1-12 | Two-channel Kondo physics due to As vacancies |
62 | Jakub Pawlak | PDF LaTeX | J. Pawlak | oral O-4-12 | Multiferroic multilayer as a base for future spintronics nanodevices |
63 | Piotr Tomczak | PDF LaTeX | P. Tomczak | oral O-3-12 | A Monte Carlo study of critical properties of strongly diluted magnetic semiconductor (Ga,Mn)As |
64 | Piotr Stefański | PDF LaTeX | Piotr Stefański | oral O-1-13 | Majorana states in presence of electron interactions: spinful fractional Josephson junction with a quantum dot |
65 | Alberto Calloni | PDF LaTeX | A.Calloni | oral O-5-13 | Magnetic behavior of metastable Fe films grown on Ir(111) |
66 | Tomasz Story | PDF LaTeX | T. Story | oral O-4-13 | Topological phase diagram of Pb$_{1-x-y}$Sn$_{x}$Mn$_y$Se |
67 | Karel Carva | PDF LaTeX | K. Carva | oral O-3-13 | Ultrafast demagnetization: understanding magnetic states out of equilibrium |
68 | Alireza Akbari | PDF LaTeX | Alireza Akbari | oral O-1-14 | Mixed-pairing superconductivity in $5d$ Mott insulators with antisymmetric exchange: Application to Sr$_2$IrO$_4$ |
69 | Karol Szałowski | PDF LaTeX | K. Sza\l{}owski | oral O-5-14 | Magnetic phases in bilayer graphene nanoflake controlled with external electric fields |
70 | Piotr Trocha | PDF LaTeX | Piotr Trocha | oral O-4-14 | Spin-resolved thermoelectric effects in a quantum dot devices coupled to ferromagnetic and superconducting electrodes |
71 | Andrzej Maziewski | PDF LaTeX | A. Maziewski | oral O-5-15 | Tailoring of magnetic properties of ultrathin Co films by electromagnetic radiation pulses in a wide spectral range |
72 | R. J. Radwanski | PDF LaTeX | R.J. Radwanski | oral O-1-15 | $f$ electrons are localized in heavy-fermion intermetallic: YbRh$_2$Si$_2$ |
73 | Jan Martinek | PDF LaTeX | J.Martinek | oral O-4-15 | Josephson current of split nonlocal Cooper pairs |
74 | Piotr Kuświk | PDF LaTeX | P. Kuświk | oral O-5-16 | The interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in exchange-biased Au/Co/NiO layer system |
75 | Pawel Potasz | PDF LaTeX | P. Potasz | oral O-1-16 | Wigner Crystallization in Chern Insulators with flat bands |
76 | Filomena Forte | PDF LaTeX | F. Forte | oral O-1-17 | Strong spin-orbit effects in transition metal oxides with tetrahedral coordination |
77 | Lesław Smardz | PDF LaTeX | L. Smardz | oral O-5-17 | Interlayer exchange coupling and proximity effect in V-Fe multilayers |
78 | Emerson Coy | PDF LaTeX | E. Coy | oral O-1-18 | Multiferroic behaviour in double-perovskite Y(Ni$_{0.5}$Mn$_{0.5}$)O$_3$ thin films |
79 | SARATHLAL KOYILOTH VAYALIL | PDF LaTeX | S. Koyiloth Vayalil | oral O-5-18 | Tailoring of uniaxial magnetic anisotropy in Permalloy thin films using self-organized nano rippled templates |
80 | Krzysztof Wójcik | PDF LaTeX | K. P. W\'{o}jcik | oral O-1-19 | The Kondo effect in a single-molecule magnet coupled to a superconductor |
81 | Mikołaj Lewandowski | PDF LaTeX | M. Lewandowski | oral O-5-19 | Intercalation of graphene on Ru(0001): possible mechanisms |
82 | Ravindra W. Chhajlany | PDF LaTeX | Ravindra W. Chhajlany | oral O-1-20 | Hidden string order and hole-superconducting correlations from extended correlated hopping in optical lattices |
83 | Renu Gupta | PDF LaTeX | R. Gupta | poster P-1-01 | Evolution of Structure and Magnetic Behavior by Pr doping in SrRuO$_3$ |
84 | M. Pugaczowa-Michalska | PDF LaTeX | M. Pugaczowa-Michalska | poster P-3-01 | Effect of Co substitution on Ni$_2$MnGe Heusler alloy: first principles study |
85 | Konstantin Gusliyenko | PDF LaTeX | J. Gonzalez | poster P-5-01 | Magnetic skyrmion state stability in ultrathin cylindrical dots |
86 | Tadeusz Szumiata | PDF LaTeX | T. Szumiata | poster P-8-01 | Stress monitoring in steel elements via detection of AC magnetic permeability changes |
87 | Piotr Gębara | PDF LaTeX | P. Gebara | poster P-6-01 | Influence of partial substitution Fe by Mn on thermomagnetic properties of magnetocaloric LaFe$_{11.2}$Co$_{0.7}$Si$_{1.1}$ alloy |
88 | Piotr Kozłowski | PDF LaTeX | P. Kozłowski | poster P-2-01 | Reconciling magnetism with valence state in mixed-valent VO$_2$F$_2$@HV$_{22}$O$_{54}$ with localized and unlocalized electrons. |
89 | augustin jouy | PDF LaTeX | A. Jouy | poster P-7-01 | Conception, fabrication and test of AMR-based magnetic gradiometers for navigation applications |
90 | Jakub Łuczak | PDF LaTeX | J. Łuczak | poster P-4-01 | Dynamics of a charge qubit encoded in a double quantum dot |
91 | Piotr Witas | PDF LaTeX | P. Witas | poster P-8-02 | Impact of microstructure on the thermoelectric properties of the ternary compound Ce$_3$Cu$_3$Sb$_4$ |
92 | Adam S. Sajna | PDF LaTeX | A.S. Sajna | poster P-3-02 | Finite size effects and Hofstadter butterfly in a bosonic Mott insulator with relativistic dispersion background |
93 | Krzysztof Rościszewski | PDF LaTeX | Krzysztof Ro\'sciszewski | poster P-1-02 | On the neglect of on-site Coulomb interactions on oxygen-ions in transition metal oxides described by multiband d-p model |
94 | Vladimir Skidanov | PDF LaTeX | V. Skidanov | poster P-5-02 | Dependence of Kerr effect in two-layered F/N structures upon d-shell filling in normal metal |
95 | Roman Szewczyk | PDF LaTeX | Roman Szewczyk | poster P-6-02 | Open source implementation of different variants of Jiles-Atherton model of magnetic hysteresis loops |
96 | Denis Merkulov | PDF LaTeX | D. Merkulov | poster P-4-02 | Ageing Phenomena in La-Sr Manganites with Divalent Substituents for Manganese |
97 | Karol Szałowski | PDF LaTeX | K. Sza\l{}owski | poster P-2-02 | Thermodynamics of a model solid with magnetoelastic coupling |
98 | Paweł Nowak | PDF LaTeX | P.Nowak | poster P-7-02 | Discrete inverse transformation for eddy current tomography |
99 | Agnieszka Cichy | PDF LaTeX | Agnieszka Cichy | poster P-1-03 | Stability of unconventional superfluid phases in the honeycomb lattice with population imbalance |
100 | Małgorzata Gzik-Szumiata | PDF LaTeX | M. Gzik-Szumiata | poster P-8-03 | Modelling of spin-dependent mechanical friction at atomic level |
101 | Peter Kollár | PDF LaTeX | P. Kollár | poster P-6-03 | Magnetization processes in Fe-based soft magnetic composites |
102 | Michal Mruczkiewicz | PDF LaTeX | Michal Mruczkiewicz | poster P-3-03 | Low Frequency Skyrmion Excitations in Skyrmion lattice |
103 | Jozef Kovac | PDF LaTeX | Jozef Kováč | poster P-5-03 | Effect of 1D ordering on magnetic properties of iron nanoparticles coated by silica shell |
104 | Krzysztof Bieniasz | PDF LaTeX | K. Bieniasz | poster P-2-03 | Variational approach to spin-orbital polarons in KCuF$_{3}$ |
105 | Imre Hagymasi | PDF LaTeX | I. Hagym\'asi | poster P-4-03 | A magnetic phase-transition graphene transistor with tunable spin polarization |
106 | Arun Kumar | PDF LaTeX | Arun K | poster P-7-03 | Magnetocaloric and magnetotransport properties of metamagnetic $Dy_{6}Fe_{2}Si_{3}$ compound |
107 | Mateusz Snamina | PDF LaTeX | Mateusz Snamina | poster P-1-04 | Finite temperature cluster mean-field calculation of spin-orbital state of LaMnO$_3$ crystal |
108 | Yaroslav Konopelnyk | PDF LaTeX | Y. Konopelnyk | poster P-3-04 | Magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of cobalt substituted Fe$_7$Se$_8$ single crystals |
109 | Denisa Olekšáková | PDF LaTeX | D. Olekšáková | poster P-6-04 | Low frequency core losses components of FeNiMo powder compacted materials |
110 | Ondrej Kapusta | PDF LaTeX | O. Kapusta | poster P-5-04 | Investigation of entropy change in Co@Au nanoparticles via heat capacity measurements |
111 | M. Koralewski | PDF LaTeX | M. Koralewski | poster P-8-04 | Magneto-optical study toward discrimination of iron mineral in human tissues |
112 | Mirosław Łabuz | PDF LaTeX | M. Labuz | poster P-2-04 | An analytical and combinatoric approach of the XXX Heisenberg model for the two-magnon sector |
113 | Evgeny Pamyatnykh | PDF LaTeX | E.A. Pamyatnykh | poster P-4-04 | Magnetic Quantum Oscillations of the Anomalous Hall Resistance in the Systems with Spontaneous Spin Polarization of Donor Electrons in Hybridized States |
114 | Karol Synoradzki | PDF LaTeX | K. Synoradzki | poster P-7-04 | Magnetocaloric effect in antiferromagnetic half-Heusler alloy DyNiSb |
115 | Miroslav Marcin | PDF LaTeX | M. Marcin | poster P-1-05 | Thermodynamic studies of YB$_{6}$ |
116 | Artem Lynnyk | PDF LaTeX | A. Lynnyk | poster P-3-05 | Magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of NiMnIn single crystals |
117 | Paweł Łopadczak | PDF LaTeX | P. Łopadczak | poster P-6-05 | Magnetic hardening induced in RCo$_{5}$ (R = Y, Gd, Sm) by short HEBM |
118 | Arkadiusz Józefczak | PDF LaTeX | K. Kaczmarek | poster P-8-05 | Dependence of ultrasonic and magnetic hyperthermia on the concentration of magnetic nanoparticles |
119 | Piotr Mazalski | PDF LaTeX | P. Mazalski | poster P-5-05 | Ion driven magnetic and structural modifications of ultrathin Co films with various covers |
120 | Tomasz Kopyciuk | PDF LaTeX | T. Kopyciuk | poster P-2-05 | Collinear and noncollinear configurations in classical geometrically frustrated ringshaped systems |
121 | Marzook S. Alshammari | PDF LaTeX | Marzook S. Alshammari | poster P-4-05 | Structure and Magnetic Properties of Substitutional (Fe, Gd) co-doped In$_2$O$_3$ |
122 | Karol Synoradzki | PDF LaTeX | K. Synoradzki | poster P-7-05 | Magnetocaloric properties of the Fe$_2$MnGa Heusler alloy |
123 | Elżbieta Jartych | PDF LaTeX | Elżbieta Jartych | poster P-1-06 | Magnetism of multiferroic materials seen by Mössbauer spectroscopy |
124 | Sławomir Mamica | PDF LaTeX | S. Mamica | poster P-3-06 | Spin wave excitations of the interacting two-dimensional in-plane nano-vortices |
125 | Piotr Gazda | PDF LaTeX | Piotr Gazda | poster P-8-06 | Active LR integrator circuit for drift-free magnetoelastic transducers |
126 | Apirat Siritaratiwat | PDF LaTeX | Apirat Siritaratiwat | poster P-6-06 | An improvement of magnetic flux-linkage in electrical generator using the novel permanent magnet arrangement |
127 | Aletta Prinsloo | PDF LaTeX | C.J. Sheppard | poster P-5-06 | Residual stress on Cr$_{99}$Al$_{1}$ polycrystalline thin films |
128 | Zbigniew Wojtkowiak | PDF LaTeX | Z. Wojtkowiak | poster P-2-06 | Verifying of nonuniversal behavior in the 3D Ashkin–Teller model |
129 | Krychowski | PDF LaTeX | P. Florków | poster P-4-06 | Transport through capacitively coupled embedded and T-shape quantum dots in the Kondo range |
130 | V.A. Bedarev | PDF LaTeX | V.A. Bedarev | poster P-7-06 | Terbium aluminum borate as promising material for magnetic refrigeration |
131 | Sławomir Mamica | PDF LaTeX | S. Mamica | poster P-3-07 | Complete band gap opening in the spin-wave spectrum of two-dimensional bi-component magnonic crystals |
132 | Jakub Kaczkowski | PDF LaTeX | J. Kaczkowski | poster P-1-07 | Density functional study of La and Y-doped BiFeO$_{3}$ |
133 | Bystrík Dolník | PDF LaTeX | B. Dolník | poster P-5-07 | The shielding effectiveness of a magnetic fluid in radio frequency range |
134 | Yevheniia Darmenko | PDF LaTeX | Y. Darmenko | poster P-8-07 | Detection of biogenic magnetic nanoparticles in human’s aortic aneurysms |
135 | Krzysztof Granek | PDF LaTeX | K.Granek | poster P-6-07 | Size effect of hard magnetic properties of Fe-Nb-B-Tb milled alloys |
136 | Wojciech Florek | PDF LaTeX | W. Florek | poster P-2-07 | Analysis of competing interactions in some rings modeled by the Ising spins |
137 | Maja Kleinert | PDF LaTeX | M. Kleinert | poster P-4-07 | Giant magnetoresistance and Shubnikov--de\,Haas effect\,in\,LuSb |
138 | Piotr Konieczny | PDF LaTeX | P. Konieczny | poster P-7-07 | Improvement of Rotating Magnetocaloric Effect in 2D Mn(II)-Nb(IV) Molecular Ferrimagnet |
139 | Sergey Tarapov | PDF LaTeX | S. Tarapov | poster P-3-08 | Magnetic Microwave Planar Metamaterials: Experimental Results |
140 | Jacek Matysiak | PDF LaTeX | J. Matysiak | poster P-1-08 | Properties of the antiferromagnetic Cr8 ring calculated from a multi-band Hubbard Hamiltonian |
141 | Maryna Bulaievska | PDF LaTeX | M. Bulaievska | poster P-8-08 | Magnetic force microscopy of the ethmoid bones of migratory and non-migratory fishes |
142 | Katarzyna Pawlik | PDF LaTeX | K. Pawlik | poster P-6-08 | The effect of annealing temperature on the magnetic properties of Pr-(Fe,Co)-(Zr,Nb)-B ribbons |
143 | Daniela Šoltésová | PDF LaTeX | D. Šoltésová | poster P-2-08 | Spin-Peierls transition in (Et-2,6diMe-Pz)(TCNQ)$_2$ |
144 | Mirosław Witoś | PDF LaTeX | M. Witoś | poster P-7-08 | NDE and SHM of Critical Parts Using Magnetic and Electromagnetic Methods |
145 | Yevhen Zabila | PDF LaTeX | Y. Zabila | poster P-4-08 | Bismuth-based flexible magnetic sensors: from thin films to nanowires |
146 | Vladimir Krivoruchko | PDF LaTeX | V.N. Krivoruchko | poster P-3-09 | Electric field control of magnon power flow in thin ferromagnet films |
147 | Michal Rajnak | PDF LaTeX | M. Rajnak | poster P-5-09 | Influence of electric field on AC magnetic susceptibility of a mineral oil based ferrofluid |
148 | Jakub Krawczyk | PDF LaTeX | J. Krawczyk | poster P-1-09 | Peculiar behaviour of thermodynamic properties in the Falicov-Kimball model for small U couplings |
149 | Maciej Kachniarz | PDF LaTeX | M. Kachniarz | poster P-6-09 | Magnetoelastic Villari Effect in Structural Steel Magnetized in the Rayleigh Region |
150 | Anna Mikeshyna | PDF LaTeX | A. Mikeshyna | poster P-8-09 | The role of magnetic nanoparticles in vesicular transport in eukaryotes |
151 | P.Rusek | PDF LaTeX | P.Rusek | poster P-2-09 | Chirality domain walls in frustrated spin system |
152 | Dmitriy Karpenkov | PDF LaTeX | D.Karpenkov | poster P-7-09 | Production and theoretical simulation of performance of metal-bonded La(Fe,Mn,Si)$_{13}$H$_x$ composite material |
153 | Igor Shpetnyi | PDF LaTeX | I. Shpetnyi | poster P-4-09 | Thickness and composition dependences of magnetic and magnetotransport properties of granular thin films Co$_x$Ag$_{100-x}$ |
154 | Vladimir Krivoruchko | PDF LaTeX | V.N. Krivoruchko | poster P-3-10 | Transmission of spin waves through a layer of incommensurate magnetic material |
155 | Aletta Prinsloo | PDF LaTeX | A.R.E. Prinsloo | poster P-5-10 | Effect of Fe substitution on structural and magnetic properties of NiCr$_{2}$O$_{4}$ |
156 | Adler Gamzatov | PDF LaTeX | A.G. Gamzatov | poster P-1-10 | Specific heat and magnetocaloric effect in Cu$_2$MnBO$_5$ ludwigite |
157 | Bartosz Wasilewski | PDF LaTeX | Bartosz Wasilewski | poster P-8-10 | The influece of the chemical disorder in the FeCo system on the magnetic properties - a combined ab initio and Monte Carlo study |
158 | Anna Bajorek | PDF LaTeX | Anna Bajorek | poster P-6-10 | Multitechnique characterization of selected R - T magnetic nanomaterials synthesized by HEBM |
159 | Ryszard Matysiak | PDF LaTeX | R. Matysiak | poster P-2-10 | Bose glass behavior in diluted quantum spin (Yb$_{1-x}$Lu$_x$)$_4$As$_3$ chain |
160 | Akhmed Aliev | PDF LaTeX | A.M. Aliev | poster P-7-10 | Magnetic and Lattice Contributions to the Magnetocaloric Effect in the First Order Phase Transition Materials |
161 | Bartłomiej Guzowski | PDF LaTeX | B. Guzowski | poster P-4-10 | Thermoelectric Generation Based on Spin Seebeck Effects: A Systematic Review |
162 | Nikolai Baranov | PDF LaTeX | N.V. Baranov | poster P-3-11 | Substitution effects on the magnetic properties of Fe-containing chalcogenides with NiAs-type structures |
163 | Vladimir Cambel | PDF LaTeX | V. Cambel | poster P-5-11 | Dual-cantilever magnetometry |
164 | Zaur Alisultanov | PDF LaTeX | Z. Alisultanov | poster P-1-11 | Landau levels and quantum oscillations in nano-film of Weyl semimetals under crossed electric and magnetic fields |
165 | Grzegorz Ziółkowski | PDF LaTeX | G. Ziółkowski | poster P-6-11 | Magnetization processes of hard magnetic composites – Monte Carlo studies |
166 | Katarína Ráczová | PDF LaTeX | K. Ráczová | poster P-2-11 | The magnetocaloric effect in \{[Cu(bapa)]${_3}$[Cr(CN)${_6}$]${_2}$\}${_n}$.6\textit{n}H${_2}$O at low temperatures |
167 | Krzysztof Tadyszak | PDF LaTeX | Krzysztof Tadyszak | poster P-8-11 | EMR of high-spin Mn(III) ions in porphyrinic complexes |
168 | Irek Musabirov | PDF LaTeX | I. Musabirov | poster P-7-11 | The plastic deformation of Heusler alloys by the multiple isothermal forging |
169 | Łukasz Bernacki | PDF LaTeX | L. Bernacki | poster P-4-11 | The influence of thickness of YIG samples on generated Spin Seebeck voltage |
170 | Štefan Hardoň | PDF LaTeX | Š. Hardoň | poster P-3-12 | Influence of electric and magnetic fields on dielectric response of oil-based ferrofluid |
171 | Wojciech Czart | PDF LaTeX | W.R. Czart | poster P-1-12 | Phase separations in the narrow band-width limit of the Penson-Kolb-Hubbard model |
172 | Jan Kisielewski | PDF LaTeX | J. Kisielewski | poster P-5-12 | Substrate-dependent modifications of ultrathin cobalt films driven by femtosecond laser pulses |
173 | Marian Grigoras | PDF LaTeX | M. Grigoras | poster P-6-12 | Microstructure and Magnetic Properties of CeFeB Powder Prepared by High-energy Ball Milling |
174 | tarasenko | PDF LaTeX | R. Tarasenko | poster P-2-12 | Magnetocaloric effect in CsDy(MoO$_4$)$_2$ |
175 | Krzysztof Domieracki | PDF LaTeX | Krzysztof Domieracki | poster P-8-12 | ThRhSi: a non-centrosymmetric superconductor |
176 | Ahmed | PDF LaTeX | A.G. Gamzatov | poster P-7-12 | Direct studies of giant magnetocaloric effect in Mn(As,P) in cyclic magnetic fields |
177 | Monika Cecot | PDF LaTeX | M. Cecot | poster P-4-12 | Influence of intermixing at the Ta/CoFeB interface on spin Hall angle in Ta/CoFeB/MgO heterostructures |
178 | Uba Stanisław | PDF LaTeX | S. Uba | poster P-3-13 | Electronic structure and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism in Sm-Doped Bi$_2$Se$_3$ |
179 | Michal Kosterec | PDF LaTeX | M. Kosterec | poster P-5-13 | Variation of magnetic fluid deformation related to nanoparticle concentration in steady electric field |
180 | W. M. Woch | PDF LaTeX | W.M. Woch | poster P-1-13 | Penetration depth of alternate magnetic field into yttrium based superconductors |
181 | CHANDNI RANI | PDF LaTeX | C. Rani | poster P-6-13 | Effect of particle magnetic moment distribution on magnetic properties of maghemite nanoparticles |
182 | Lívia Lederová | PDF LaTeX | Lívia Lederová | poster P-2-13 | Experimental study of magnetostructural correlations in low-dimensional quantum magnets Cu($en$)Cl$_2$ and Cu($tn$)Cl$_2$ |
183 | Igor Korobiichuk | PDF LaTeX | Igor Korobiichuk | poster P-8-13 | The satellites orientation method using a torque magnetic drive |
184 | Sławomir Michalak | PDF LaTeX | S. Michalak | poster P-7-13 | The magnetic trackers and calibration modules implemented in the helmet-mounted cueing systems for Polish military helicopters |
185 | Tomasz Cichorek | PDF LaTeX | T. Cichorek | poster P-4-13 | Extreme magnetoresistance in the regular semimetal LuAs |
186 | Uba Stanisław | PDF LaTeX | S. Uba | poster P-3-14 | Electronic structure and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism in hybrid heterostructure Sr$_2$CrReO$_6$/BaTiO$_3$ |
187 | Stanislav Slavov | PDF LaTeX | S. Slavov | poster P-5-14 | Glass-crystall materials with participation of Bi$_{12}$TiO$_{20}$ and Bi$_{4}$Ti$_{3}$O$_{12}$ phases, obtained by free cooled melts in Bi$_{2}$O$_{3}$-TiO$_{2}$-SiO$_{2}$-Nd$_{2}$O$_{3}$ system |
188 | Tanushree Sarkar | PDF LaTeX | Tanushree Sarkar | poster P-1-14 | Exchange bias in Sc$_{0.8}$Zr$_{0.2}$MnO$_3$ induced by electron doping |
189 | Mane Sahakyan | PDF LaTeX | M. Sahakyan | poster P-8-14 | Electronic structure of Th$_7$Ru$_{3}$ |
190 | Grzegorz Kamieniarz | PDF LaTeX | G. Kamieniarz | poster P-2-14 | Accurate DFT estimates of magnetic couplings in chromium-based molecular rings |
191 | Krzysztof Falkowski | PDF LaTeX | K. Falkowski | poster P-7-14 | Passive magnetic suspension for UAV magnetic runway |
192 | Michał Inglot | PDF LaTeX | M. Inglot | poster P-4-14 | Optical interband transitions in a graphene nanoribbon with the Rashba spin-orbit interaction |
193 | Monika Oboz | PDF LaTeX | M. Oboz | poster P-3-15 | Magnetic properties of rapidly cooled Gd$_6$YPd$_3$ |
194 | Dominika Hložná | PDF LaTeX | D. Hložná | poster P-5-15 | Electrodeposition of Pt-Ni nanowires using various alumina templates and characterization of their magnetic properties |
195 | M. Pugaczowa-Michalska | PDF LaTeX | A. Jezierski | poster P-1-15 | Orthorhombic phase of La$_{0.5}$Bi$_{0.5}$NiO$_{3}$ studied by first principles |
196 | Maria Tekielak | PDF LaTeX | M. Tekielak | poster P-6-15 | Magnetization reversal and magnetic domain structure in Ne ion irradiated Co/Mo/Co coupled thin film structures |
197 | Nastasia Klymentiy | PDF LaTeX | N. Klymentiy | poster P-8-15 | Crystal structure and magnetic properties of EuNi$_{6.9}$Si$_{6.1}$ |
198 | Michał Antkowiak | PDF LaTeX | M. Antkowiak | poster P-2-15 | Sequences of ground states in frustrated rings disturbed by a single bond defect or additional central spin |
199 | Piotr Majek | PDF LaTeX | P. Majek | poster P-4-15 | Selected spin-orbit driven phenomena in 2DEG with Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction |
200 | Kuchin Dmitry | PDF LaTeX | D. Kuchin | poster P-7-15 | Magnetic-Induced Deformation of NiMnGa Alloy With Shape Memory Effect |
201 | Markus Stiller | PDF LaTeX | M. Stiller | poster P-3-16 | Functionalization of atomic force microscopy Akiyama tips for magnetic force microscopy measurements |
202 | Aletta Prinsloo | PDF LaTeX | A.R.E. Prinsloo | poster P-5-16 | Physical properties of epitaxially-grown Cr$_{100-x}$Co$_{x}$ alloy films |
203 | Maxim Ulyanov | PDF LaTeX | M. Ulyanov | poster P-6-16 | The influence of severe plastic deformation on magnetic properties of ferromagnetic 4-f elements: Tb and Dy |
204 | Jarosław Juraszek | PDF LaTeX | J. Juraszek | poster P-1-16 | Lower critical field in the two-band superconductor LaRu$_4$As$_{12}$ |
205 | Michał Antkowiak | PDF LaTeX | M. Antkowiak | poster P-2-16 | The low and high spin ground states in molecules containing [Mn$^\mathrm{II}_3$Mn$^\mathrm{III}$] and [Mn$^\mathrm{II}_2$Mn$^\mathrm{III}_2$] metallic cores |
206 | Alexey Ognev | PDF LaTeX | A. Ognev | poster P-4-16 | Magnetic and magnetotransport properties of the hybrid anisotropy structures |
207 | U. Devarajan | PDF LaTeX | U. Devarajan | poster P-7-16 | Investigation on Structural, Transport, Microstructure, Magnetic and Magneto caloric properties of Cu substitution in CoMnGe alloys |
208 | Oleksandr Chumak | PDF LaTeX | O. Chumak | poster P-3-17 | Various behavior of the ferromagnetic resonance in epitaxially grown Co$_2$Fe$_{0.4}$Mn$_{0.6}$Si Heusler alloys thin films |
209 | Jonas Zehner | PDF LaTeX | J.Zehner | poster P-5-17 | Anisotropy dependent magnetic microstructure in perpendicular magnetized L1$_0$ FePt thin films |
210 | Dmitry Bataev | PDF LaTeX | D. Bataev | poster P-6-17 | Magnetic properties of high pressure torsion ferromagnetic 4-f elements: Er and Ho |
211 | Kristina Vlášková | PDF LaTeX | K. Vlášková | poster P-1-17 | Magnetic properties of single crystal Ce$_{3}$Ru$_{4}$Al$_{12}$ |
212 | Piotr Tomczak | PDF LaTeX | Piotr Tomczak | poster P-2-17 | Kosterlitz--Thouless transition in 1D Heisenberg antiferromagnet: An evidence based on topological properties of the ground state |
213 | Tadeusz Luciński | PDF LaTeX | T. Luciński | poster P-4-17 | Correlation Between Magnetothermoelectric Power and GMR Effect in Layered NiFe/Co/Cu/Co Structures |
214 | Patrycja Mazgaj | PDF LaTeX | P. Mazgaj | poster P-8-17 | Use of MRI to measure whole brain atrophy in MS Patients |
215 | Martina Kubovcikova | PDF LaTeX | M. Kubovcikova | poster P-7-17 | Preparation and characterization of magnetic nanoparticles |
216 | Vladimír Tkáč | PDF LaTeX | Vladimír Tkáč | poster P-3-18 | Slow magnetic relaxation in the single-ion magnet CsNd(MoO$_4$)$_2$ |
217 | Diego Muraca | PDF LaTeX | D. Muraca | poster P-5-18 | Magnetic properties of hybrid composites base on gold and magnetite nanoparticles |
218 | Kazimir Yanushkevich | PDF LaTeX | K. Yanushkevich | poster P-6-18 | A composite soft magnetic material and products on its basis |
219 | Grzegorz Michałek | PDF LaTeX | G. Micha{\l}ek | poster P-1-18 | Statistics of tunneling events in three-terminal hybrid devices with quantum dot |
220 | Yury Panov | PDF LaTeX | Yu.D. Panov | poster P-2-18 | Strongly anisotropic S=1 (pseudo)spin systems: from mean field to quantum Monte-Carlo |
221 | Anna Krzyżewska | PDF LaTeX | A. Krzy\.zewska | poster P-4-18 | Magnetoresistive effects due to k-cubed Rashba spin-orbit interaction at the interfaces of oxides and semiconductors |
222 | Zofia Drzazga | PDF LaTeX | Zofia Drzazga | poster P-8-18 | Optimization of fMRI analysis of speech areas in pre- and postoperative diagnostics |
223 | Wen-Chin Lin | PDF LaTeX | Wen-Chin Lin | poster P-7-18 | Hydrogenation-Induced Reversible Spin Reorientation Transition in Co$_{50}$Pd$_{50}$ Alloy Thin Films |
224 | Ziętek Sławomir | PDF LaTeX | S. Zietek | poster P-3-19 | Magnetization dynamics in heavy metal/ferromagnet/heavy metal trilayers induced by spin Hall effect |
225 | Adam Jarosz | PDF LaTeX | A. Jarosz | poster P-5-19 | Influence of He$^+$ ion bombardment on domain nucleation in Co based perpendicular magnetic anisotropy multilayers |
226 | Paweł Pietrusiewicz | PDF LaTeX | P. Pietrusiewicz | poster P-6-19 | Magnetic properties of rapidly solidified Fe$_{61}$Co$_{10}$B$_{20}$Y$_{8-x}$W$_y$Pt$_x$ (x = 1, 2; y = 0, 1) bulk alloy |
227 | Emerson Coy | PDF LaTeX | E. Coy | poster P-1-19 | Structural characterization of Gd$_2$Mo$_3$O$_{12}$ thin films grown onto YSZ(001) and YSZ buffered Si(001) substrates |
228 | Łukasz Karwacki | PDF LaTeX | \L. Karwacki | poster P-4-19 | Current-induced spin polarization in 2DEG at perovskite oxides interfaces |
229 | Jan Milewski | PDF LaTeX | Jan Milewski | poster P-2-19 | Singularities of Bethe Ansatz via Robinson numbers |
230 | Chiak Uyeda | PDF LaTeX | C. Uyeda | poster P-7-19 | Magnetic anisotropy of bulk and rod shape amorphous silica |
231 | Mateusz Zelent | PDF LaTeX | M. Zelent | poster P-3-20 | Hysteresis behaviour of skyrmions in Pt/Co/Au multilayer nanodots |
232 | Juliusz Chojenka | PDF LaTeX | J.Chojenka | poster P-5-20 | Infulence of surface morphology on perpendicular magnetic anisotropy of nanoporous Co/Pd multilayers and CoPd alloy thin films |
233 | Błażej Jaworowski | PDF LaTeX | B\l a\.{z}ej Jaworowski | poster P-1-20 | One-dimensional limit of two-band Fractional Chern Insulators |
234 | Michał Wilczyński | PDF LaTeX | M. Wilczyński | poster P-4-20 | Seebeck effect in noncollinear double planar tunnel junctions with ferromagnetic electrodes and central layer separated by nonmagnetic barriers |
235 | Grzegorz Banaszak | PDF LaTeX | G. Banaszak | poster P-2-20 | Heisenberg and Bethe field extensions applied to magnetic rings |
236 | Małgorzata Wawrzyniak-Adamczewska | PDF LaTeX | Małgorzata Wawrzyniak-Adamczewska | poster P-8-20 | Ferroelectric Organic Layers on Graphene for Photovoltaics |
237 | Chiaki Uyeda | PDF LaTeX | C. Uyeda | poster P-7-20 | Magnetic separation and identification of volatile diamagnetic solids in low magnetic field |
238 | Komędera Kamila | PDF LaTeX | K. Komędera | poster P-3-21 | Magnetism of PrFeAsO parent compound for iron-based superconductors studied by Mössbauer spectroscopy |
239 | Alexey Maximenko | PDF LaTeX | A.Maximenko | poster P-5-21 | Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy of nanoporous Co/Pd multilayers |
240 | Razvan Hirian | PDF LaTeX | R. Hirian | poster P-6-21 | Structural and magnetic behavior of the LPT MnBi phase |
241 | Michał Kupczyński | PDF LaTeX | M. Kupczyński | poster P-1-21 | Stability of FCI states on kagome lattice |
242 | Krzysztof Zberecki | PDF LaTeX | K. Zberecki | poster P-4-21 | Transport and thermoelectric properties of magnetic organic structures |
243 | Aleksandr Chikov | PDF LaTeX | A. Chikov | poster P-2-21 | Phase separation in the ground state of the model 2D spin-pseudospin system |
244 | Krzysztof Tadyszak | PDF LaTeX | K. Tadyszak | poster P-8-21 | Adaptive modulation amplitude in 2D spectral-spatial EPR imaging |
245 | Wojciech Napadłek | PDF LaTeX | W. Napadłek | poster P-7-21 | Rating impact of laser padding on the top layer steel by magnetic methods |
246 | Sylwia Kudła | PDF LaTeX | S. Kudła | poster P-3-22 | Controllable transport of surface electrons in a topological-insulator-based magnetic structure |
247 | venkatesh chandragiri | PDF LaTeX | Venkatesh Chandragiri | poster P-6-22 | Realization of Negative magnetization and Asymmetric magnetoresistance in GdFe$_4$MnAl$_7$ intermetallic alloy |
248 | Florencki Krzysztof | PDF LaTeX | K. Florencki | poster P-4-22 | Anomalous, spin and valley Hall effects in graphene-based structures |
249 | Buyisiwe Sondezi | PDF LaTeX | B.M. Sondezi | poster P-1-22 | Physical properties study of the CeOsGa$_4$ compound |
250 | Erik Cizmar | PDF LaTeX | E. \v{C}i\v{z}m\'{a}r | poster P-2-22 | Field-induced multiple slow magnetic relaxation in [Co(dcnm)(H$_2$O)(phen)$_2$](dcnm) complex with easy-plane anisotropy |
251 | Filip Toric | PDF LaTeX | F. Torić | poster P-8-22 | Investigation of the Antiferromagnetic Coupling between Chromium(III) Ions Mediated by -O-Nb$^{V}$-O- Bridges |
252 | Jozef Kúdelčík | PDF LaTeX | J. Kúdelčík | poster P-3-23 | Influence of temperature on the magneto-dielectrics effect of oil-based ferrofluid |
253 | Maria A. Augustyniak-Jabłokow | PDF LaTeX | M. A. Augustyniak-Jabłokow | poster P-5-23 | Magnetic clusters on a surface of the partly hydrogenated graphene and chemically reduced graphene oxide |
254 | František Andrejka | PDF LaTeX | F. Andrejka | poster P-6-23 | GMI effect in nanocrystalline Fe$_{73.5}$Cu$_{1}$Nb$_{3}$Si$_{13.5}$B$_{9}$ bilayer and trilayer ribbons |
255 | Damian Tomaszewski | PDF LaTeX | D. Tomaszewski | poster P-4-23 | Aharonov-Bohm and Aharonov-Casher effects of nonlocal and local Cooper pairs |
256 | Zofia Ropka | PDF LaTeX | Z. Ropka | poster P-1-23 | Magnetism and the spin-orbit coupling in Sr$_2$IrO$_4$ and LaCoO$_3$ |
257 | Vitalii | PDF LaTeX | V. Shtender | poster P-8-23 | Magnetic properties of the \textit{R}$_2$MgCo$_9$ (\textit{R} = Y, Nd, Tb) compounds and Nd$_2$MgCo$_9$H$_{11.4}$ hydride |
258 | Tomasz Charubin | PDF LaTeX | T.Charubin | poster P-3-24 | Temperature influence on Matteucci Effect in Fe-based amorphous wire |
259 | Mariusz Hajdyła | PDF LaTeX | M. Hajdyła | poster P-5-24 | Formation of ordered FePd L1$_\textbf{0}$ phase in Fe/Pd multilayers deposited on nanoporous templates |
260 | Branislav Kunca | PDF LaTeX | B. Kunca | poster P-6-24 | FORC analysis of soft/semi-hard magnetic Fe$_{73.5}$Cu$_1$Nb$_3$Si$_{13.5}$B$_9$/Co$_{72.5}$Si$_{12.5}$B$_{15}$ bilayer ribbons |
261 | Piotr Busz | PDF LaTeX | P. Busz | poster P-4-24 | Spin Correlation and Entanglement Detection in Cooper Pair Splitters by Current Measurements Using Magnetic Detectors |
262 | Jerzy Goraus | PDF LaTeX | Jerzy Goraus | poster P-1-24 | Non-linear least squares fit of specific heat data within Schotte-Schotte model using web page |
263 | Michal Rybski | PDF LaTeX | M. Rybski | poster P-3-25 | Electronic and magnetic properties of cathode materials for Li-ion batteries studied by electronic structure calculations |
264 | Arkadiusz Zarzycki | PDF LaTeX | A. Zarzycki | poster P-5-25 | Influence of local structure on magnetic anisotropy in Co/Pd thin film |
265 | Agnieszka Łukiewska | PDF LaTeX | Agnieszka Łukiewska | poster P-6-25 | Magnetocaloric effect in amorphous and partially crystallized Fe$_{80}$Zr$_7$Cr$_6$Nb$_2$Cu$_1$B$_4$ alloy |
266 | Kacper Bocian | PDF LaTeX | K. Bocian | poster P-4-25 | Efficiency of the Cooper pair splitter driven by the Zeeman effect and by spin-flip processes |
267 | Tomasz Toliński | PDF LaTeX | T. Toli{\'n}ski | poster P-1-25 | Enhanced thermoelectric power factors in the Ce(Cu$_{1-x}$Ni$_x$)$_2$Si$_2$ and CeNi$_2$(Si$_{1-y}$Ge$_y$)$_2$ alloys |
268 | Anna Bajorek | PDF LaTeX | Anna Bajorek | poster P-3-26 | Influence of transition metal substitution on the low-field magnetic properties in the Gd(Ni$_1$$_-$$_x$T$_x$)$_3$ (T=Fe, Co) intermetallic compounds |
269 | A. Urbaniak-Kucharczyk | PDF LaTeX | A. Urbaniak-Kucharczyk | poster P-5-26 | Magnetic excitations in inhomogeneous magnetic layered composites |
270 | Andrzej Hilczer | PDF LaTeX | A. Hilczer | poster P-6-26 | Effect of Nd$^{3+}$ doping on magnetic and dielectric properties of SrFe$_{12}$O$_{19}$ hexaferrite synthesized by coprecipitation method |
271 | Maciej Zwierzycki | PDF LaTeX | Maciej Zwierzycki | poster P-4-26 | Magnetic and transport properties of hexagonal graphene nanomeshes |
272 | Przemysław Skokowski | PDF LaTeX | P. Skokowski | poster P-1-26 | Crystal structure and physical properties of the CeFe$_1$$_-$$_x$Cr$_x$Ge$_3$ and CeFe$_1$$_-$$_x$V$_x$Ge$_3$ systems |
273 | Yuri Kudryavtsev | PDF LaTeX | Y.V. Kudryavtsev | poster P-3-27 | BCC to FCC transformation in Fe$_{2}$MnGa Heusler alloy films |
274 | Tomasz Kostyrko | PDF LaTeX | T. Kostyrko | poster P-5-27 | DFT+U vs. many-body model approach for a model of metalorganic switch |
275 | Wojciech Marciniak | PDF LaTeX | Wojciech Marciniak | poster P-6-27 | DFT and Monte Carlo study of the magnetization versus temperature dependence of the Zr(Fe$_{1-x}$Co$_x$)$_2$ system |
276 | Anna Plominska | PDF LaTeX | Anna Plominska | poster P-4-27 | Current-induced magnetic switching in spin valves based on molecular magnets |
277 | Roman Świetlik | PDF LaTeX | B. Barszcz, R. Świetlik | poster P-1-27 | Raman studies of the charge ordering in organic electronic ferroelectrics (TMTTF)$_2$X (X = SbF$_6$, AsF$_6$, PF$_6$, ReO$_4$, ...) |
278 | Oksana Busel | PDF LaTeX | O. Busel | poster P-3-28 | Spin waves eigenoscillations in ferromagnetic thin film with the single hole |
279 | Michał Krupiński | PDF LaTeX | M. Krupiński | poster P-5-28 | Large scale arrays of Fe$_{60}$Al$_{40}$ nanomagnets generated by ion irradiation |
280 | Mariusz Hasiak | PDF LaTeX | M. Hasiak | poster P-6-28 | Impact of ion-irradiation upon microstructure and magnetic properties of NANOPERM-type Fe$_{81}$Mo$_{8}$Cu$_{1}$B$_{10}$ metallic glass |
281 | Kacper Wrześniewski | PDF LaTeX | K. Wrześniewski | poster P-4-28 | Time-dependent numerical renormalization group study of quench dynamics in quantum dot systems |
282 | Arkadiusz Frąckowiak | PDF LaTeX | A. Frąckowiak | poster P-1-28 | Infrared and Raman Studies of Temperature Induced Neutral-Ionic Phase Transition in (EDT-TTF-I$_2$)$_2$TCNQF |
283 | Justyna Rychły | PDF LaTeX | J. Rychły | poster P-3-29 | Tamm and Shockley states in 1D planar magnonic crystals |
284 | Marcin Perzanowski | PDF LaTeX | M. Perzanowski | poster P-5-29 | Exchange bias in oxygen-implanted Co/Au thin film heterostructures |
285 | Mariusz Hasiak | PDF LaTeX | M. Hasiak | poster P-6-29 | Role of Pr addition on structure, thermomagnetic properties and magnetocaloric effect of GdGeSi alloy |
286 | BAYRAM KOCAMAN | PDF LaTeX | B. KOCAMAN | poster P-4-29 | IrMn-based spin valve structures with low shunt current |
287 | Justyna Rychły | PDF LaTeX | J. Rychły | poster P-3-30 | Spin waves excitations in cylindrical nanowire in crosover dipolar-exchange regime |
288 | Oleksandr Dobrozhan | PDF LaTeX | I. Shpetnyi | poster P-5-30 | Some structural and substructural properties of nanocrystalline CZTS films obtained by chemical techniques |
289 | Mariola Kądziołka-Gaweł | PDF LaTeX | M. K\c adzio\l ka-Gawe\l | poster P-6-30 | M\"ossbauer study of the some intermetallic compounds Fe$_{80-x}$Ni$_{x}$B$_{20}$ (x = 0, 8, 16, 24, 28) |
290 | Małgorzata Wawrzyniak-Adamczewska | PDF LaTeX | Małgorzata Wawrzyniak-Adamczewska | poster P-4-30 | Influence of the spin-orbit interaction on the electronic properties of the graphene with the Ni-adatoms - a DFT study |
291 | Pawel Gruszecki | PDF LaTeX | P. Gruszecki | poster P-3-31 | Graded index spin wave fibers |
292 | Lukas Ohnoutek | PDF LaTeX | L. Ohnoutek | poster P-5-31 | Magneto-optical spectroscopy of Pt/Co/Pt trilayers irradiated with single pulse of soft X-Rays emitted from laser |
293 | Jacek Salach | PDF LaTeX | J. Salach | poster P-6-31 | Influence of eddy current thermal annealing on soft amorphous alloys |
294 | Anda Elena Stanciu | PDF LaTeX | A.E. Stanciu | poster P-4-31 | Non-collinear spin configurations and related magneto-transport effects in amorphous Fe-Gd thin films |
295 | Stanislaw_Baran | PDF LaTeX | S. Baran | poster P-3-32 | Magnetic properties and magnetic structures in R$_2$Ni$_{2-x}$In (R = Gd--Tm) for x = 0 and (0.22 or 0.3) |
296 | Jozefína Majorošová | PDF LaTeX | J. Majorosova | poster P-5-32 | Lysozyme amyloid fibrils doped by carbon nanotubes |
297 | Anna Majtyka | PDF LaTeX | A. Majtyka | poster P-6-32 | Electronic structure of Sm(Ni$_{1-x}$Co$_x$)$_3$ alloys -- XPS and {\em ab initio} study |
298 | Yuliia Gusieva | PDF LaTeX | Y. Gusieva | poster P-3-33 | Spin-waves transmission through the interface with broken spatial inversion symmetry |
299 | Henryk Puszkarski | PDF LaTeX | H. Puszkarski | poster P-5-33 | SWR studies of higher-order surface anisotropy terms in (Ga,Mn)As thin films |
300 | Mohamed Larbi SOLTANI | PDF LaTeX | M.L Soltani | poster P-6-33 | Thermal effects on structural and magnetic properties of Fe$_{78}$B$_{13}$Si$_9$ amorphous ribbon |
301 | Jarosław W. Kłos | PDF LaTeX | J. W. Kłos | poster P-3-34 | Spin waves in planar quasicrystal of Penrose tiling |
302 | Natalia Pierunek | PDF LaTeX | N. Pierunek | poster P-6-34 | Normal and inverse magnetocaloric effect in the melt-spun Y$_{1-x}$Tb$_{x}$Co$_{2}$ (0 $\leqslant$ x $\leqslant$ 1) alloys |
303 | Szymon Mieszczak | PDF LaTeX | S. Mieszczak | poster P-3-35 | Spin waves in waveguide with zig-zag antidot pattern |
304 | Karol Załęski | PDF LaTeX | Karol Załęski | poster P-5-35 | Structural and magnetic properties of Co$_{\text{2}}$FeSi and Co$_{\text{2}}$MnSb Heusler alloys thin films grown on HOPG |
305 | Natalia Pierunek | PDF LaTeX | N. Pierunek | poster P-6-35 | Magnetocaloric effect in amorphous Gd$_{65}$Fe$_{15-y}$Co$_{5+y}$Al$_{10}$X$_{5}$ (y = 0, 5, 10; X = Al, Si, B) ribbons |
306 | Nadezda Selezneva | PDF LaTeX | N.V. Selezneva | poster P-3-36 | Crystal structure and magnetic properties of pyrrhotite-type compounds Fe$_{7-y}$V$_y$S$_8$ |
307 | Andrzej Majhofer | PDF LaTeX | A. Majhofer | poster P-5-36 | Effect of disorder on the properties of ensembles of interacting, ferromagnetic nanoparticles with cubic magnetocrystalline anisotropy: A Monte Carlo study |
308 | Andrzej Musiał | PDF LaTeX | A. Musiał | poster P-6-36 | Optimization of magnetic properties of Hf$_{2}$Co$_{11}$B alloys by high pressure torsion or annealing |
309 | Marina Mailian | PDF LaTeX | M. Mailian | poster P-3-37 | Goos-Hänchen shift of spin-wave beam in transmission and reflection through interface between two ferromagnetic films |
310 | Katarína Paulovičová | PDF LaTeX | K. Paulovičová | poster P-5-37 | Magneto-rheological and thermal transport characteristics of a transformer oil based ferrofluid |
311 | Andrzej Musiał | PDF LaTeX | A. Musiał | poster P-6-37 | Thermal stability and glass forming ability of (Hf,Cr)-Co-B alloys |
312 | Andreas Hoser | PDF LaTeX | A. Hoser | poster P-3-38 | Linear spin chains in paramagnetic and in ordered bulk magnets |
313 | Mateusz Kempiński | PDF LaTeX | M. Kempiński | poster P-5-38 | EPR of graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide under adsorption conditions |
314 | Ulrich K\"obler | PDF LaTeX | U. K\"obler | poster P-3-39 | Are there optical magnons? |
315 | Piotr Pawlik | PDF LaTeX | P. Pawlik | poster P-5-39 | Structure and heating efficiency of the porous silica coated magnetite nanoparticles |
316 | Jakub Rzącki | PDF LaTeX | J. Rzącki | poster P-3-40 | The study of structure and magnetic properties of Cr$_6$Fe$_{18}$Mo$_5$ phase compound |
317 | Katarzyna Chybczyńska | PDF LaTeX | K. Chybczyńska | poster P-5-40 | Superparamagnetic behavior in well dispersible magnetite core-shell Fe$_3$O$_4$@SiO$_2$ nanoparticles |
318 | Kinga Jasiewicz | PDF LaTeX | K. Jasiewicz | poster P-3-41 | Interplay of crystal structure preference and magnetic ordering in Cr-Co-Fe-Ni-Al high entropy alloys |
319 | Bartosz Brzostowski | PDF LaTeX | Bartosz Brzostowski | poster P-5-41 | DFT augmented symmetry approach applications to simulations of the chromium-based rings: cross-validation using the PBE and B3LYP functionals |
320 | V. Kordan | PDF LaTeX | V. Kordan | poster P-3-42 | The investigation of magnetic susceptibility of compound a-Tb$_3$Sn$_7$ |
321 | Filip Lisiecki | PDF LaTeX | F. Lisiecki | poster P-5-42 | Propagating spin waves in 1D quasiperiodic magnonic crystals |
322 | Gavrea Radu-Cristian | PDF LaTeX | R. Gavrea | poster P-3-43 | Influence of the Cu doping on the Electronic Structure and Magnetic Properties of the Mn$_2$VAl Heusler compound |
323 | Sławomir Wolski | PDF LaTeX | S. Wolski | poster P-5-43 | Electron energy spectrum in 2D quantum dot |
324 | Marina Mailian | PDF LaTeX | M. Mailian | poster P-3-44 | Spin Wave Propagation through the System of two RKKY Coupled Ferromagnets |
325 | Dróżdż Piotr | PDF LaTeX | P. Dróżdż | poster P-5-44 | AFM-FM phase transition in ultrathin FeRh and in FeRh/FM (Fe, Co) bilayers on W(110) substrate |
326 | Orest Pavlosiuk | PDF LaTeX | O. Pavlosiuk | poster P-3-45 | Antiferromagnetic order in the half-Heusler phase TbPdBi |
327 | Jozefína Majorošová | PDF LaTeX | J. Majorošová | poster P-5-45 | On the adsorption of magnetite nanoparticles on lysozyme amyloid fibrils |
328 | Yuri Filimonov | PDF LaTeX | Y. Filimonov | poster P-3-46 | Propagation of spin waves in ferrite films with metasurface |
329 | Hubert Głowiński | PDF LaTeX | Hubert Głowiński | poster P-5-46 | Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in Au/CoFeB/Au system – static and dynamic characterization |
330 | Diana Benea | PDF LaTeX | D. Benea | poster P-3-47 | Mn$_2$-type Heusler compounds as possible half-metallic fully compensated ferrimagnets |
331 | Taner Kalayci | PDF LaTeX | Taner Kalaycı | poster P-5-47 | Non-collinear Magnetic Configuration on Multilayered Thin Films |
332 | Eyup Duman | PDF LaTeX | E. Duman | poster P-3-48 | Competing magnetic states and magnetic character of $R$Mn$_2$X$_2$ ($R$: rare earth; $X$: Si, Ge) |
333 | Michał Matczak | PDF LaTeX | M. Matczak | poster P-5-48 | He+ ion bombardment modification of magnetic properties of Co layers sandwiched between Pd and/or Au |
334 | Aneta Grochot | PDF LaTeX | A. Grochot | poster P-3-49 | Magnetic and structural studies of GeMnSnTe epitaxial layers |
335 | Ryszard Wojciechowski | PDF LaTeX | R.J. Wojciechowski | poster P-5-49 | Josephson effect in graphene based-junctions |
336 | Wen-Chin Lin | PDF LaTeX | Wen-Chin Lin | poster P-5-50 | Modulation of magnetic anisotropy through self-assembled surface nanoclusters: evolution of morphology and magnetism in Co-Pd alloy films |
337 | Laura Thevenard | PDF LaTeX | Laura Thevenard | poster P-3-51 | Resonant magneto-acoustic switching for in-plane and out-of-plane anisotropy using Rayleigh waves |
338 | Filip Pawlicki | PDF LaTeX | F. Pawlicki | poster P-5-51 | Andreev transport through a magnetic molecule |
339 | Piotr Kuszewski | PDF LaTeX | P. Kuszewski | poster P-3-52 | Spatial and dynamic control of magnetization with optically excited surface acoustic waves |
340 | Agnieszka Marczyńska | PDF LaTeX | A. Marczyńska | poster P-5-52 | Interlayer exchange coupling in Nb/Fe multilayers |
341 | Alexander Kamantsev | PDF LaTeX | A. Kamantsev | poster P-3-53 | Kinetic and Relaxation Processes in Vicinity of Phase Transition in Prospective Magnetocaloric Materials |
342 | M. Wachowiak | PDF LaTeX | M. Wachowiak | poster P-5-53 | Modification of exchange coupling in Fe/Nb/Fe/Pd layered structures using hydrogen |
343 | Horiacha Myroslava | PDF LaTeX | M. Horiacha | poster P-3-54 | Magnetic properties of the \textit{RE}Ni$_2$Ga$_3$In (RE = Y, Dy, Ho) compounds |
344 | İLKNUR GÜNDÜZ AYKAÇ | PDF LaTeX | I.GUNDUZ AYKAC | poster P-5-54 | Growth of Mn doped Germanium Nanowires on Silicon ($111$) Substrate By Molecular Beam Epitaxy |
345 | Alina Gil | PDF LaTeX | A. Gil | poster P-3-55 | Analysis of the impact of d- and p-electron elements on the magnetic properties of ternary intermetallic compounds of RT$_x$X$_2$ type (R – rare earth, T – transition metal, X – p-electron element) |
346 | Aleksandra Rogowska | PDF LaTeX | A. Rogowska | poster P-5-55 | Exchange coupling effects in naturally oxidised ultrathin iron films |
347 | A.Tarasenko | PDF LaTeX | A.S. Tarasenko | poster P-3-56 | A New Class of Hybrid Dipole Waves |
348 | Bogdan Szymański | PDF LaTeX | B. Szymański | poster P-5-56 | Hydrogen absorption in Gd thin films |
349 | Tatyana Tarasenko | PDF LaTeX | T.N. Tarasenko | poster P-3-57 | Features of the Ferromagnetic State of Lanthanum Manganite Weakly Doped by Bismuth |
350 | Sebastian Pacanowski | PDF LaTeX | S. Pacanowski | poster P-5-57 | Magnetic properties of hydrogenated Mg/Ni multilayers |
351 | Łukasz Frąckowiak | PDF LaTeX | Ł. Frąckowiak | poster P-3-58 | Influence of He$^+$ bombardment on compensation point of RE/TM ferrimagnetic multilayer |
352 | Khrystyna Levchenko | PDF LaTeX | K.Levchenko | poster P-5-58 | Combination of magnetic and semiconductor properties in (Ga,Mn)(Bi,As) nanostructured thin films |
353 | Marcin Sikora | PDF LaTeX | Marcin Sikora | poster P-3-59 | Influence of substitution and milling on structural and magnetic properties of Sm(Ni$_{1-x}$Co$_{x}$)$_{3}$ alloys |
354 | Natalia Michalak | PDF LaTeX | N. Michalak | poster P-5-59 | Structure of FeO(111) islands on Ru(0001) annealed in ultra-high vacuum |
355 | c. gökhan ünlü | PDF LaTeX | C.G. Ünlü | poster P-3-60 | Magnetocaloric Effect of Double Perovskite Manganite La0.8Ø0.6Ca1.6Mn2O7 having the Magnetostructural Transition |
356 | Dawid M. Nalecz | PDF LaTeX | D.M. Nalecz | poster P-3-61 | Magnetic specific heat in perovskite oxides: SrMnO$_3$, EuTiO$_3$ |
357 | Amelia Bocirnea | PDF LaTeX | Amelia Elena Bocirnea | poster P-5-61 | Structural and magnetic properties of Ni nanofilms on Ge(001) by molecular beam epitaxy |
358 | Hanka Przybylińska | PDF LaTeX | H. Przybylińska | poster P-3-62 | Magnetic field induced switching of ferroelectric domains in GeMnTe/InP thin layers |
359 | Hubert Dawczak-Dębicki | PDF LaTeX | H. Dawczak-Dębicki | poster P-5-62 | Preparation and characterisation of Ce/Fe multilayers |
360 | Yuri Filimonov | PDF LaTeX | Y. Filimonov | poster P-3-63 | Fano resonances in side-coupled magnonic crystal/rectangular YIG-resonator system |
361 | Zygmunt Miłosz | PDF LaTeX | Z. Miłosz | poster P-5-63 | Graphene growth on "technical" supports: Ni(111)/Si(111) and Ni(111)/Al$_2$O$_3$(0001) |
362 | Adam Bonda | PDF LaTeX | A. Bonda | poster P-3-64 | Ultrafast magnetization dynamics in epitaxial NiMnSn Heusler alloy thin film |
363 | Denisa Kubániová | PDF LaTeX | D. Kubániová | poster P-5-64 | Influence of synthesis on Fe$^{2+}$ relative content in (Fe$^{3+}$)[Fe$^{2+}_{1-3\delta}$Fe$^{3+}_{1+2\delta}\square_{\delta }$]O$_4$ particles of various mean diameter |
364 | L. A. Pamyatnykh | PDF LaTeX | L. A. Pamyatnykh | poster P-3-65 | Motion of domain walls in pulsed magnetic fields in iron garnet crystal plates |
365 | Juliusz Skoryna | PDF LaTeX | J. Skoryna | poster P-5-65 | XPS and UPS valence band studies of nano- and polycrystalline Ni-Ti alloy thin films |
366 | Oksana Volnianska | PDF LaTeX | O. Volnianska | poster P-3-66 | Electronic propeties V:Ga-O:N center in GaN and GaInN: GGA+U approach |
367 | Benjamin Jabłoński | PDF LaTeX | B. Jabłoński | poster P-5-66 | Influence of valence band modifications on hydrogen absorption in Zr-Pd alloy thin films |
368 | Yuri Filimonov | PDF LaTeX | Y.Filimonov | poster P-3-67 | MSSW nonreciprocity and focusing in YIG/ferromagnetic metal structure |
369 | Ruslan Shkarban | PDF LaTeX | R.A. Shkarban | poster P-5-67 | Phase and structure formation in the layered [Fe$_{50}$Pt$_{50}$/Cu/Fe$_{50}$Pt$_{50}$]$_n$ (n=1, 2) films |
370 | Valentyna Sirenko | PDF LaTeX | V.Sirenko | poster P-3-68 | Universality of the magnetic irreversibility line in metglasses and superconductors |
371 | Ruslan Shkarban | PDF LaTeX | R.A. Shkarban | poster P-5-68 | Influence of annealing atmosphere on formation of nanoscale films Co-Sb -- functional elements thermoelectric |
372 | César Leonardo Ordoñez Romero | PDF LaTeX | César Leonardo Ordoñez Romero | poster P-3-69 | Spin wave pulsed propagation in a magnonic crystal |
373 | Ruslan Shkarban | PDF LaTeX | R.A. Shkarban | poster P-5-69 | Influence of top Ag layer on ordered L1$_0$ FePt phase formation in thin Ag(0; 7,5 nm)/Fe$_{50}$Pt$_{50}$(15 nm) films on SiO$_2$/Si(001) substrates |
374 | Adam Krysztofik | PDF LaTeX | A. Krysztofik | poster P-3-70 | Structural and magnetic properties of Y$_{3}$Fe$_{5}$O$_{12}$ thin films grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition |
375 | Adam Krysztofik | PDF LaTeX | A. Krysztofik | poster P-3-71 | Influence of anisotropy on spin wave propagation characteristics in PLD-grown YIG thin films |
376 | Yuliia Gusieva | PDF LaTeX | Y. Gusieva | poster P-3-72 | Excitation of bulk spin waves by acoustic wave at the plane defect of a ferromagnet |
377 | Andrzej Szajek | PDF LaTeX | A. Szajek | poster P-3-73 | Electronic properties of CeNiAl$_4$ based on \textit{ab initio} calculations and XPS measurements |
378 | P. Leśniak | PDF LaTeX | P. Leśniak | poster P-3-74 | Electronic magnetic properties of Ce$_6$Pd$_{12}$In$_5$ and La$_6$Pd$_{12}$In$_5$ compounds based on \textit{ab initio} calculations |