The European Conference
June 26-30, 2017 Poznań, POLAND
The Organizing Committee recommends following hotels, which offer special rates to PM'17 participants:
- Naramowice Hotel (prices & contact)
- ForZa Hotel (prices & contact)
You can book accommodation in these hotels via email. Please mention PM'17 in the title and the body of the message.
Do not use any of the on-line booking systems, as these will not apply special reduced rates negotiated by the conference organizers.
Please note that the number of available rooms is limited.
Other hotels can be found at booking.com and HRS.
How to get to Collegium Physicum:
from Vivaldi Hotel
from Naramowice Hotel
from ForZa Hotel
The hotel reservation for the invited speakers is done by the PM'17
Organizing Committee. Please do not make reservations by yourself and
provide the organizers with your arrival and departure dates.