The European Conference
In Memory of Professor Roman Micnas
June 26-30, 2023 | Poznań, POLAND
Best Oral Presentation Awards for Young Researchers PM’23
The organizers plan to award three prizes for best talks by young researchers, i.e. Ph.D students and postdoctoral researchers under age 35. The possibility of submitting an oral presentation to participate in the competition and the acceptance of compliance with the competition regulations will be made available on the conference website after the acceptance of the submitted presentation.
A selection committee coordinated by prof. Ravindra Chhajlany, composed of eminent scientists participating in the conference, and members of the conference organizing committee, will choose the award winners. The committee will assess the quality, novelty and potential impact of the scientific content of the contributions, as well as the presentation style and clarity.
The awardees will be announced during the Closing Ceremony of the conference. The certificates and prize money will be sent via postal mail or bank transfer.
First Oral Prize of 250EUR
Second Oral Prize of 200EUR
Third Oral Prize of 150EUR
The winners will also receive J. M. D. Coey's book "Magnetism and Magnetic Materials" with a dedication from the Author.
Jury members:
Thomas Schrefl (chairman),
Daniel Agterberg,
Mari Carmen Bañuls,
Jiří Chaloupka,
Ravindra Chhajlany (coordinator),
Emerson Coy,
Anna Dyrdał,
Christos Panagopoulos
Best Poster Contribution Awards for Young Researchers PM’23
Three prizes will be awarded to the registered young scientists, i.e. Ph.D. students and postdocs under the age of 35, presenting the best posters. The possibility of submitting a poster presentation to participate in the competition and the acceptance of compliance with the competition regulations will be made available on the conference website after the submitted presentation is accepted.
The jury, coordinated by dr hab. Emerson Coy, Prof UAM, will choose the winning posters by assessing their content (scientific quality, potential impact of the results, innovativeness of the study) and its presentation (the layout – clarity of the topics, and overall impression of the poster).
The winners will be announced during the Closing Ceremony. The awards will comprise certificates and the following monetary prizes, sent by postal mail or bank transfer respectively:
First Poster Prize of 200EUR
Second Poster Prize of 150EUR
Third Poster Prize of 100EUR
The winners will also receive J. M. D. Coey's book "Magnetism and Magnetic Materials" with a dedication from the Author.
Jury members:
Tadeusz Domański (chairman),
Manuel Bibes,
Felix Casanova,
Gabriel Chaves O'Flynn,
Ravindra Chhajlany,
Emerson Coy (coordinator),
Sebastiaan van Dijken,
Olena Gomonay,
Peter Oppeneer,
Karol Załęski
Prize Sponsored by the Polish Physical Society - Poznań Branch for the Best Poster Presentation
Prof. IFM PAN Andrzej Łapiński, President of the Board of the Poznan Branch of the Polish Physical Society, will lead a committee in selecting the best poster presentation. The winner will be announced at the Closing Ceremony and presented with a certificate (which can also be mailed). The cash reward will be deposited into the bank account.
Regulations for the competition by PPS
Prize of 150EUR