Informacje ogólne


Publikacje: 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005


  1. S. Waplak, A. Ostrowski, M. Wencka, W. Bednarski
    Microwave X-Band Resonances in Doped Cd2Nb2O7 Monocrystals
    Acta Physica Polonica A 132, 1, 7-10 (2017)
  2. A. Jankowska, A. Zalewska, A. Skalska, A. Ostrowskib, S. Kowalak
    Proton conductivity of imidazole entrapped in microporous molecular sieves
    Chemical Communications 53, 16, 2475-2478 (2017)
  3. P. Zalewski, R. Skibinski, D. Szymanowska-Powalowska, H. Piotrowska, W. Bednarski, J. Cielecka-Piontek
    Radiolytic studies of cefozopran hydrochloride in the solid state
    Electronic Journal Of Biotechnology 25, 28-32 (2017)
  4. K. Dettlaff, M. Stawny, M. Ogrodowczyk, A. Jelińska, W. Bednarski, D. Watrobska-Swietlikowska, R.W. Keck, O.A. Khan, I.H. Mostafa, J. Jankun
    Formulation and characterization of EGCG for the treatment of superficial bladder cancer
    International Journal Of Molecular Medicine 40, 2, 329-336 (2017)
  5. K. Tadyszak, A. Kertmen, E. Coy, R. Andruszkiewicz, S. Milewski, I. Kardava, B. Scheibe, S. Jurga, K. Chybczyńska
    Spectroscopic and magnetic studies of highly dispersible superparamagnetic silica coated magnetite nanoparticles
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 433, 254-261, 2017
  6. A. Woźniak, M. Formela, P. Bilman, K. Grzeskiewicz, W. Bednarski, Ł. Marczak, D. Narozna, K. Dancewicz, V.C. Mai, B. Borowiak-Sobkowiak, J. Floryszak-Wieczorek, B. Gabryś, I. Morkunas
    The Dynamics of the Defense Strategy of Pea Induced by Exogenous Nitric Oxide in Response to Aphid Infestation
    International Journal Of Molecular Sciences 18, 2, 329 (2017)
  7. K. Tadyszak, Cz. Rudowicz, H. Ohta, T. Samurai
    Electron magnetic resonance data on high-spin Mn(III; S=2) ions in porphyrinic and salen complexes modeled by microscopic spin Hamiltonian approach
    Journal Of Inorganic Biochemistry 175, 36-46 (2017)
  8. Z. Kabacińska, L. Yate, M. Wencka, R. Krzyminiewski, K. Tadyszak, E. Coy
    Nanoscale Effects of Radiation (UV, X-ray, and gamma) on Calcite Surfaces: Implications for its Mechanical and Physico-Chemical Properties
    Journal Of Physical Chemistry C 121, 24, 13357-13369 (2017)
  9. R. Kalvig, E. Jedryka, P. Aleshkevych, M. Wójcik, W. Bednarski, M. Petit, L. Michez
    Ferromagnetic resonance in Mn5Ge3 epitaxial films with weak stripe domain structure
    Journal Of Physics D-Applied Physics 50, 12, 125001 (2017)
  10. M. Wencka, T. Apih, R.C. Korosec, J. Jenczyk, M. Jarek, K. Szutkowski, S. Jurga, J. Dolinsek
    Molecular dynamics of 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium triflate ionic liquid studied by H-1 and F-19 nuclear magnetic resonances
    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19, 23, 15368-15376 (2017)
  11. Cz. Rudowicz, K. Tadyszak
    Single magnetic 3d(N) adatoms on surfaces - Proper outlook on compatibility of orthorhombic zero-field splitting parameters and their relationships with magnetic anisotropy quantities
    Polyhedron 127, 126-134 (2017)
  12. A. Ostrowski, W. Bednarski
    High temperature phase transition and multiphase state formation in K3H(SO4)2 superprotonic conductor
    Solid State Ionics 301, 152-155 (2017)
  13. K. Tadyszak, Cz. Rudowicz
    EMR Data on Mn(III; S=2) Ions in MnTPPCl Complex Modelled by Microscopic Spin Hamiltonian Approach
    Acta Physica Polonica A 132, 1, 15-18 (2017)
  14. Ł. Lindner, M. Zdanowska-Frączek, A. Pawłowski, Z.J. Frączek, T. Masłowski
    The effect of pressure on the conductivity behavior of the (NH4)3H(SeO4)2 superprotonic crystal
    Journal of Applied Physics, 122, 035105, 2017
  15. R. Fedaruk, R. Strzelczyk, K. Tadyszak, S.A. Markevich, M.A. Augustyniak-Jablokow
    Effect of Rabi splitting on the low-temperature electron paramagnetic resonance signal of anthracite
    Journal Of Magnetic Resonance 274, 73-79 (2017)
  16. M. Wencka,  S. Vrtnik, P. Kozelj, Z. Jaglicic, P. Gille, J. Dolinsek
    Anisotropic electrical, thermal and magnetic properties of Al13Ru4 decagonal quasicrystalline approximant
    Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie-Crystalline Materials 232, 7-9, 647-652 (2017)
  17. L. Lindner, M. Zdanowska-Fraczek, A. Pawlowski, Z.J. Fraczek
    Impedance spectroscopy study of (NH4)3H(SeO4)2: Evidence of increase in lattice disorder in the low temperature phases
    Solid State Ionics, 311, 26-30, 2017
  18. U. Prah, M. Wencka, Z. Kutnjak, Ma. Vrabelj, S. Drnovsek, B. Malic, H. Ursic
    Multicaloric effect in polycrystalline Pb(Fe0.5Nb0.5)O3
    Journal of Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials Vol. 47, No. 3, 165 – 170 (2017)


  1. M. Wencka, Mirtha Pillaca, Peter Gille
    Single crystal growth of Ga3Ni2 by the Czochralski method
    Journal of Crystal Growth 449, 114-118 (2016)
  2. P. Zalewski, R. Skibiński, D. Szymanowska-Powałowska, H. Piotrowska, M. Kozak, Z. Pietralik, W. Bednarski, J. Cielecka-Piontek
    The radiolytic studies of cefpirome sulfate in the solid state
    Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 118, 410-416 (2016)
  3. J. Dubowik, P. Kuświk, M. Matczak, W. Bednarski, F. Stobiecki, P. Aleshkevych, H. Szymczak, M. Kisielewski, J. Kisielewski
    Ferromagnetic resonance and resonance modes in kagome lattices: From an open to a closed kagome structure
    Physical Review B 93, 224423 (2016)
  4. H. Ursic, V. Bobnar, B. Malic, C. Filipic, M. Vrabelj, S. Drnovsek, Y. Jo, M. Wencka, Z. Kutnjak
    A multicaloric material as a link between electrocaloric and magnetocaloric refrigeration
    Scientific Reports 6, 26629 (2016)
  5. M. Kaczkan, S. Turczynski, D.A. Pawlak, M. Wencka, M. Malinowski
    Laser site-selective spectroscopy of Eu3+ ions doped Y4Al2O9
    Optical Materials 58, 412 (2016)
  6. LE. Coy, L. Yate, J. Ventura, K. Załęski, K. Tadyszak, C. Ferrater, MC Polo, M. Varela
    Orientation dependent Ti diffusion in YNMO/STO thin films depositedby pulsed laser deposition
    Applied Surface Science 387, 864 (2016)
  7. A. Paszel-Jaworska, E. Toton, K. Dettlaff, A. Kaczmarek, W. Bednarski, I. Oszczapowicz, A. Jelińska, M. Rybczyńska
    Increased proapoptotic activity of electron beam irradiated doxorubicin and epirubicin in multidrug-resistant human leukemic cells
    Chemico-Biological Interactions 258, 69 (2016)
  8. B. Borowiak-Sobkowiak, A. Woźniak, W. Bednarski, M. Formela, S. Samardakiewicz, I. Morkunas
    Brachycorynella asparagi (Mordv.) Induced—Oxidative Stress and Antioxidative Defenses of Asparagus officinalis L
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences 17, 1740 (2016)
  9. N. Babayevska, B. Peplińska, M. Jarek, L. Yate, K. Tadyszak, J. Gapiński, I. Iatsunskyi, S. Jurga
    Synthesis, structure, EPR studies and up-conversion luminescence of ZnO:Er3+–Yb3+@Gd2O3 nanostructures
    RSC Advances 6, 89305 (2016)


  1. B. Bursa, B. Barszcz, W. Bednarski, J.P. Lewtak, D. Koszelewski, O. Vakuliuk, D. Gryko, D. Wróbel
    New meso-substituted corroles possessing pentafluorophenyl groups - synthesis and spectroscopic characterization
    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17, 7411-7423 (2015)
  2. M. Paczkowska, M. Mizera, H. Piotrowska, D. Szymanowska-Powalowska, K. Lewandowska, J. Gościańska, R. Pietrzak, W. Bednarski, Z. Majka, J. Cielecka-Piontek
    Complex of Rutin with β-Cyclodextrin as Potential Delivery System
    Plos One, 10 (3) e0120858 (2015)
  3. M. Paczkowska, K. Lewandowska, W. Bednarski, M. Mizera, A. Podborska, A. Krause, J. Cielecka-Piontek
    Application of spectroscopic methods for identification (FT-IR, Raman spectroscopy) and determination (UV, EPR) of quercetin-3-O-rutinoside. Experimental and DFT based approach
    Spectrochimica Acta Part A – Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 140, 132-139 (2015)
  4. M. Wencka, J. Schwerin, M. Klanjsek, M. Krnel, S. Vrtnik, P. Kozelj, A. Jelen, G. Kapun, Z. Jaglicic, I. Sharafutdinov, I. Chorkendorff, P. Gille, J. Dolinsek
    Physical properties of the GaPd2 intermetallic catalyst in bulk and nanoparticle morphology
    Intermetallics 67, 35-46 , 2015
  5. A. Dziaugys, J. Macutkevic, S. Svirskas, R. Juskenas, Magdalena Wencka, J. Banys, S.F. Motria, Yu Vysochanskii
    Maxwell-Wagner relaxation and anomalies of physical properties in Cu0.15Fe1.7PS3 mixed material
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 650, 386-392, 2015
  6. D. Paukszta, B. Doczekalska, A. Ostrowski, M. Bartkowiak
    Modification of rapeseed straw with organic acid anhydrides
    Journal of Composite Materials 11, 49, 1369-1378, 2015
  7. Y. Le Gal, T. Roisnel, V. Dorcet, T. Guizouarn, L. Piekara-Sady, D. Lorcy
    Chiral electron-rich bis(cyclopentadienyl) dithiolene molybdenum complexes
    Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 794, 323-329, 2015
  8. P. Garbacki, P. Zalewski, R. Skibinski, M. Kozak, M. Ratajczak, K. Lewandowska, W. Bednarski, A. Podborska, M. Mizera, A. Jelińska, J. Cielecka-Piontek
    Radiostability of cefoselis sulfate in the solid state
    X-Ray Spectrometry, 5, SI, 44, 344-350 (2015)
  9. D. Paukszta, E. Markiewicz, A. Ostrowski, B. Doczekalska, M. Brzyska, M. Szostak, S. Borysiak
    Recycling of lignocellulosics filled polypropylene composites. I. Analysis of thermal properties, morphology, and amound of free radicals
    Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 132, 41693(1-9), 2015
  10. S. Samardakiewicz, W. Krzeszowiec-Jeleń, W. Bednarski, A. Jankowski, S. Suski, H. Gabryś, A. Woźny
    Pb-induced avoidance-like chloroplast movements in fronds of Lemna trisulca L
    Plos One 2, 10, 0116757, 2015


  1. Ł. Lindner, M. Zdanowska-Frączek, A. Pawłowski, Z.J. Frączek
    The superionic phase transitions in (NH4)3H(SeO4)2 under hydrostatic pressure up to 400 MPa
    Journal of Applied Physics, 116, 163513, 2014
  2. A. Ciżman, W. Bednarski, T.V. Antropova, P. Pshenko, E. Rysiakiewicz-Pasek, S. Waplak, R. Poprawski
    Structural, dielectric, thermal and electron magnetic resonance studies of magnetic porous glasses filled with ferroelectrics
    Composites: Part B 64, 16-23, 2014
  3. M. Wencka, M. Hahne, A. Kocjan, S. Vrtnik, P. Koželj, D. Korže, Z. Jagličić, M. Sorić, P. Popčević, J. Ivkov, A. Smontara, P. Gille, S. Jurga, P. Tomeš, S. Paschen, A. Ormeci, M. Armbrüster, Yu. Grin, J. Dolinšek
    Physical properties of the InPd intermetallic catalyst
    Intermetallics 55, 56-65, 2014
  4. M. Formela, S. Samardakiewicz, Ł. Marczak, W. Nowak, D. Narożna, W. Bednarski, A. Kasprowicz-Maluśki, I. Morkunas
    Effects of endogenous signals and Fusarium oxysporum on the mechanism regulating genistein synthesis and accumulation in yellow lupine and their impact on plant cell cytoskeleton
    Molecules 19, 13392-13421, 2014
  5. B. Andrzejewski, W. Bednarski, M. Kaźmierczak, A. Łapiński, K. Pogorzelec-Glaser, B. Hilczer, S. Jurga, G. Nowaczyk, K. Załęski, M. Matczak, B. Łęska, R. Pankiewicz, L. Kępiński
    Magnetization enhancement in magnetite nanoparticles capped with alginic acid
    Composite: Part B, 64, 147-154, 2014
  6. A. Waśkiewicz, I. Morkunas, W. Bednarski, V.C. Mai, M. Formela, M. Beszterda, H. Wiśniewska, P. Goliński
    Deoxynivalenol and Oxidative Stress Indicators in Winter Wheat Inoculated with Fusarium graminearum
    Toxins 6, 575-591, 2014
  7. J.B. Lee, H.J. Kim, J. Lužnik, A. Jelen, D. Pajić, M. Wencka, A. Maden, J. Dolinšek
    Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of Hematite Particles in a “Nanomedusa” Morphology
    Journal of Nanomaterials vol. 2014, ID 902968, 2014


  1. K. Kalbarczyk, K. Dziatkowski, J. Szczytko, J. Gosk, M. Tokarczyk, G. Kowalski, A. Twardowski, W. Bednarski, A. Ostrowski, S. Waplak, J. Martinek, X. Liu, JK. Furdyna
    Magnetic properties of epitaxial Fe/(Ga,Mn)As Hybrids
    Acta Physica Polonica A 124, 873 (2013)
  2. I. Morkunas, M. Formela, J. Floryszak-Wieczorek, Ł. Marczak, D. Narożna, W. Nowak, W. Bednarski
    Cross-talk interactions of exogenous nitric oxide and sucrose modulates phenylpropanoid metabolism in yellow lupine embryo axes infected with Fusarium oxysporum
    Plant Science 211, 102 (2013)
  3. V.Ch. Mai, W. Bednarski, B. Borowiak-Sobkowiak, B. Wilkaniec, S. Samardakiewicz, I. Morkunas
    Oxidative stress in pea seedling leaves in response to Acyrthosiphon pisum infestation
    Phytochemistry 93, 49 (2013)
  4. D. Piwowarska, A. Ostrowski, I. Stefaniuk, S.M. Kaczmarek, C. Rudowicz
    EPR investigations of the local environment around Co2+ ions doped in PbMoO4 single crystals- Correlation with optical studies
    Optical Materials 35, 2296 (2013)
  5. K. Lewandowska, B. Barszcz, A. Graja, B. Bursa, A. Biadasz, D. Wróbel, W. Bednarski, S. Waplak, M. Grzybowski, DT. Gryko
    Absorption and emission properties of the corrole-fullerene dyad
    Synth. Met. 166, 70 (2013)
  6. A. Kaczmarek, J. Cielecka-Piontek, P. Garbacki, K. Lewandowska, W. Bednarski, B. Barszcz, P. Zalewski, W. Kycler, I. Oszczapowicz, A. Jelińska
    Radiation sterilization of anthracycline antibiotics in solid state
    The Scientific World Journal 2013, 258758 (2013)
  7. I. Morkunas, M. Formela, Ł. Marczak, M. Stobiecki, W. Bednarski
    The mobilization of defence mechanisms in the early stages of pea seed germination against Ascochyta pisi
    Protoplasma 250, 63 (2013)
  8. R. Mackeviciute, M. Ivanov, J. Banys, N. Novak, Z. Kutnjak, M. Wencka, J.F. Scott
    The perfect soft mode: giant phonon instability in a ferroelectric
    Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 25, 212201 (2013)
  9. N. Lopič, A. Jelen, S. Vrtnik, Z. Jagličić, M. Wencka, R. Starc, A. Blinc, J. Dolinšek
    Quantitative determination of magnetic force on a coronary stent in MRI
    Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 37, 391-397 (2013)


  1. M. Zdanowska-Frączek, Z.J. Frączek, P. Szklarz, R. Jakubas
    High-pressure dielectric studies of a novel hydrogen-bonded ferroelectric (NH4)2H2P2O6
    Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 73, 953–956, 2012
  2. M. Klanjšek, A. Gradišek, A. Kocjan, M. Bobnar, P. Jeglič, M. Wencka, Z. Jagličić, P. Popčević, J. Ivkov, A. Smontara, P. Gille, M. Armbrüster, Yu. Grin, J. Dolinšek
    PdGa intermetallic hydrogenation catalyst: an NMR and physical property study
    J. Phys. Condens. Matter 24, 085709, 2012
  3. M. Bobnar, P. Jeglič, M. Klanjšek, Z. Jagličić, M. Wencka, P. Popčević, J. Ivkov, D. Stanić, A. Smontara, P. Gille, J. Dolinšek
    Intrinsic anisotropic magnetic, electrical, and thermal transport properties of d-Al-Co-Ni decagonal quasicrystals
    Phys. Rev. B 85, 024205, 2012
  4. N. Novak, R. Pirc, M. Wencka, Z. Kutnjak
    High-Resolution Calorimetric Study of Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3 Single Crystal
    Physical Review Letters 109, 037601, 2012
  5. A. Łapiński, A. Gąsecka, A. Graja, S. Waplak, A. Ostrowski, A.I. Kotov
    Spectral investigation of the phase trasition behaviour in (DOEO)4HgBr4·TCE salt.
    Optical Mater., 34, 1651-1655 (2012)
  6. A. Famengo, D. Pinero, O. Jeannin, T. Guiyouarn, L. Piekara-Sady, M. Fourmigue
    Dithiolene complexes as metallo-ligands: a crown-ether approach
    New Journal of Chemistry 36, 638-643, 2012
  7. A. Ostrowski, W. Bednarski, T. Jesionowski, A. Modrzejewska-Sikora, S. Waplak
    Dielectric properties of fine-grained triglycine sulphate (TGS)
    Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 358, 217-219, 2012
  8. P. Ławniczak, M. Zdanowska-Frączek, Z.J. Frączek, K. Pogorzelec-Glaser, Cz. Pawlaczyk
    Electric conductivity of benzimidazolium azelate as a function of competitive variables: Temperature and hydrostatic pressure
    Solid State Ionics 225, 268–271, (2012)


  1. K. Lewandowska, W. Bednarski, G. Milczarek, S. Waplak, A. Graja, E.Y. Park, T.-D. Kim, K.-S. Lee
    Photoelectrochemical cells based on LB films of fullerene-thiophene derived dyads.
    Synthetic Metals 161, 1640-1645 (2011)
  2. M. Bobnar, S. Vrtnik, Z. Jagličić, M. Wencka, Can Cui, An Pang Tsai, J. Dolinšek
    Electrical, magnetic, and thermal properties of the single-grain Ag42In42Yb16 icosahedral quasicrystal: Experiment and modeling
    Physical Review B 84, 134205, 2011
  3. M. Wencka, S. Jazbec, Z. Jagličić, S. Vrtnik, M. Feuerbacher, M. Heggen, S. Roitsch, J. Dolinšek
    Electrical resistivity of the m-phase giant-unit-cell complex metallic alloy
    Philosophical Magazine 91, 2756-2764, 2011
  4. S. Jazbec, Z. Jaglicic, S. Vrtnik, M. Wencka, M. Feuerbacher, M. Heggen, S. Roitsch, J. Dolinsek
    Geometric origin of magnetic frustration in the μ-Al4Mn giant-unit-cell complex intermetallic
    J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 23, 045702, 2011
  5. T. Toliński, D. Kostrzewa, K. Synoradzki, A. Szlaferek, M. Wencka, J. Dolinsek
    Kondo lattice-fluctuating valence transition in Ce(Cu1-xNix)4Al compounds
    Phys. Status Solidi B 248, 2186-2191, 2011
  6. A. Vacher, F. Barriere, T. Roisnel, L. Piekara-Sady, D. Lorcy
    Electronically coupled tetrathiafulvalene electrophores across a non-innocent acetylide-ruthenium bridge
    Organometallics 30, 3570-3578, 2011
  7. R. Perochon, P. Davidson, S. Rouziere, F. Camerel, L. Piekara-Sady, T. Guizouarn, M. Fourmigue
    Probing magnetic interactions in columnar phases of a paramagnetic gold dithiolene complex
    Journal of Materials Chemistry 21, 1416-1422, 2011
  8. A. Gradišek, B. Dimnik, S. Vrtnik, M. Wencka, M. Zdanowska-Frączek, G.V. Lavrova, J. Dolinšek
    The hydrogen dynamics of CsH5(PO4)2 studied by means of nuclear magnetic resonance.
    J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 23, 085901, 2011


  1. L. Piekara-Sady, S. Waplak
    Jan Stankowski. W rocznicę śmierci.
    Postępy Fizyki 61, 160 (2010)
  2. S. Waplak, A. Ostrowski
    Ferroic materiale studiem by EPR.
    Current Topics in Biophysics, 33 (suppl A) 253-256 (2010)
  3. S. Waplak
    My cooperation with Prof. Jan Stankowski.
    Current Topics in Biophysics, 33 (suppl A) 12-14 (2010)
  4. M.A. Augustyniak-Jabłokow, Y.V. Yablokov, B. Andrzejewski, W. Kempiński, Sz. Łoś, K. Tadyszak, M.Y. Yablokov, V.A. Zhikharev
    EPR and magnetism of the nanostructured natural carbonaceous material shungite.
    Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 37, 237-247, 2010
  5. W. Bednarski, A. Ostrowski, S. Waplak
    Low temperature short-range ordering caused by MN2+ doping of Rb3H(SO4)2.
    Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 22, 225901, 2010
  6. J. Stankowski, S. Waplak, W. Jurga, M. Krupski
    Size-driven ferroelectric effects in TGS induced by high hydrostatic pressure.
    Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 356, 1305-1309, 2010
  7. S.K. Hoffmann, J. Goslar, K. Tadyszak
    Electronic structure and dynamics of low symmetry Cu2+ complexes in kainite-type crystal KZnClSO4: EPR and ESE studies.
    Journal of Magnetic Resonance 205, 293-202, 2010
  8. C. Filipič, V. Bobnar, S. Turczyński, D.A. Pawlak, M. Wencka, J. Dolinšek, A. Levstik
    Influence of the magnetic field on phase transition in PrAlO3.
    Journal of Applied Physics, 108, 116102 (2010)


  1. J. Piekoszewski, W. Kempiński, M. Barlak, Z. Werner, Sz. Łoś, B. Andrzejewski, J. Stankowski, L. Piekara-Sady, E. Składnik-Sadowska, W. Szymczyk, A. Kolitsch, R. Grötzschel, W. Starosta, B. Sartowska
    Superconductivity of Mg–B layers prepared by a multi-energy implantation of boron into magnesium and magnesium into boron bulk substrates followed by the furnace and pulsed plasma annealing.
    Surface and Coatings Technology 203, 2694-2699, 2009
  2. M. Zdanowska-Frączek, K. Hołderna-Natkaniec, Z.J. Frączek, R. Jakubas
    Molecular dynamics and electrical conductivity of (C3N2H5)5Bi2Cl11.
    Solid State Ionics 180, 9-12, 2009
  3. M. Garnczarska, W. Bednarski, M. Jancelewicz
    Ability of lupine seeds to germinate and to tolerate desiccation as related to changes in free radical level and antioxidants in freshly harvested seeds.
    Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 47, 56-62, 2009
  4. I. Morkunas, W. Bednarski, M. Kopyra
    Defense strategies of pea embryo axes with different levels of sucrose to Fusarium oxysporum and Ascochyta pisi.
    Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 72 (2008), 167-178
  5. J. Stankowski, S. Waplak
    Damage of TGS crystlas caused by hydrostatic pressure.
    Materials Science-Poland Vol. 27, No. 1, 249-253, 2009
  6. Sz. Łoś, M. Trybuła, L. Piekara-Sady
    The influence of air on the structural phase transition in fullerene C60.
    Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 21, 435402, 2009
  7. W. Bednarski
    Proton dynamics in Rb3H(SO4)2 doped with Mn2+ studied by EPR and impedance spectroscopy.
    Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 21, 205401, 2009
  8. W. Bednarski, S. Waplak, B. Hilczer, A. Pietraszko, L. Kępiński
    Multiferroic BiFeO3 nanoparticles studied by electron spin resonance, X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy methods.
    Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Vol. 9, 3246-3251, 2009
  9. N. Bellec, O. Jeannin, L. Piekara-Sady, P. Auban-Senzier, J. Iniguez, E. Canadell, D. Lorcy
    A single –componet molecular metal based on a thiazole dithiolate gold complex.
    Journal of the American Chemical Society, 131, 16967, 2009
  10. R. Perochon, C. Poriel, Ol. Jeannin, L. Piekara-Sady, M. Fourmigué
    Chirac, neutra land paramagnetic gold dithiolene complexes derived from camphorquinone.
    European Journal Inorganic Chemistry 2009, 5413-5421
  11. L. Piekara-Sady, W. Jurga, R. Clerac, M. Fourmigué
    Amphiphilic paramagnetic neutral gold dithiolene complexes.
    Dalton Transactions, 3052-3061, 2009
  12. I. Leban, A. Majcen-le Marechal, L. Piekara-Sady, D. Lorcy
    Charge transfer complexes and cation radical salts of azino-diselenadiazafulvalene.
    Comptes Rendus Chimie 12, 1057-1065, 2009
  13. J. Dubowik, F. Stobiecki, I. Gościańska, M. Kociemba, W. Bednarski
    Anisotropy distribution in NiFe/Au/Co/Au multilayers.
    Acta Physica Polonica A, Vol. 115, No. 1, 315-318, 2009


  1. W. Bednarski, A. Ostrowski, S. Waplak
    Influence of Mn2+ doping level on conductivity of (NH4)3H(SO4)2 superprotonic conductor.
    Solid State Ionics 179, 1974-1979, 2008
  2. M. Zdanowska-Frączek, M. Wysocka, Z.J. Frączek, R. Jakubas
    Electric properties of (C3H5N2)5Bi2Cl11 crystal in the paraelectric-ferroelastic phase.
    Solid State Ionics 178, 1731-1734, 2008
  3. A. Krupska, W. Jurga, L. Piekara-Sady, P. Szroeder, F. Rozpłoch
    Effect of lattice compression on g-factor in graphite.
    Solid State Communications 148, 148-150, 2008
  4. S.K. Hoffmann, J. Goslar, A. Nowicka, M. Wencka
    Diffusive EPR line width behaviour in two-dimensional Cu(Hippurate)2∙4H2O single crystal.
    Solid State Communications 146, 372-375, 2008
  5. W. Bednarski, A. Ostrowski, S. Waplak
    EPR evidence of local lattice mode in K3H(SO4)2 and Rb3H(SO4)2 fast-proton conductors.
    Solid State Communications 146, 365-367, 2008
  6. S. Lijewski, M. Wencka, S.K. Hoffmann, M. Kempiński, W. Kempiński, M. Śliwińska-Bartkowiak
    Electron spin relaxation and quantum localization in carbon nanoparticle: electron spin echo studies.
    Physical Review B 77, 014304, 2008
  7. A. Ostrowski, A. Ciżman
    EPR studies of linewidth anomalies at phase transitions in [N(C2H5)4]2MnCl4.
    Physica B 403, 3110-3113, 2008
  8. I. Morkunas, W. Bednarski
    Fusarium oxysporum-induced oxidative stress and antioxidative defenses of yellow lupine embryo axes with different sugar levels.
    Journal of Plant Physiology 165, 262-277, 2008
  9. M. Wencka, S. Lijewski, S.K. Hoffmann
    Dynamics of CO2- radiation defects in natural calcite studied by ESR, electron spin echo and electron spin relaxation.
    Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20, 255237 (2008)
  10. S. Lijewski, S.K. Hoffmann, J. Goslar, M. Wencka, V.A. Ulanov
    Dynamical properties and instability of local fluorite BaF2 structure around doped Mn2+ ions – EPR and electron spin echo studies.
    Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20, 385208, 2008
  11. M. Zdanowska-Frączek, Z.J. Frączek, A. Piecha, R. Jakubas, A. Rzepczyńska
    The influence of hydrostatic pressure on the ferroelectric phase transition in (C3N2H5)5Bi2Cl11.
    Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20, 275231, 2008
  12. L. Piekara-Sady, W. Jurga, W. Kempiński, Sz. Łoś, J. Stankowski, J. Piekoszewski, M. Barlak, Z. Werner, J. Stanisławski
    Magnetically modulated microwave absorption study of superconducting MgB2 regions.
    Applied Magnetic Resonance 34, 157-162, 2008
  13. A. Ostrowski, S. Waplak
    EPR study of Cr3+ center in fast-proton conductor K3H(SO4)2.
    Applied Magnetic Resonance 34, 55-61, 2008
  14. W. Jurga, L. Piekara-Sady, M. Gazda
    Microwave absorption study on (Bi, PB)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O granular superconductors.
    Acta Physica Polonica A, Vol. 114, No. 1, 253-256, 2008
  15. Sz. Łoś, W. Kempiński, J. Piekoszewski, L. Piekara-Sady, Z. Werner, M. Barlak, B. Andrzejewski, W. Jurga, K. Kaszyńska
    The evolution of superconducting phase MgBx.
    Acta Physica Polonica A, Vol. 114, No. 1, 179-184, 2008


  1. J. Piekoszewski, W. Kempiński, M. Barlak, J. Kaszyński, J. Stanisławski, B. Andrzejewski, Z. Werner, L. Piekara-Sady, E. Richter, J. Stankowski, R. Grötzschel, Sz. Łoś
    Superconducting and electrical properties of Mg-B structures formed by implantation of magnesium ions into the bulk boron followed by pulse plasma treatment.
    Vacuum 81, 1398-1402, 2007
  2. J. Stankowski, A. Ślązak, L. Piekara-Sady
    Phase transition induced by orbital dynamics in YBa2Cu3Ox.
    Phase Transitions Vol. 80, No. 8, 841-849, 2007
  3. M.P. Trubitsyn, S. Waplak, Yu.D. Krokhmal
    EPR of the Gd3+ probe near ferroelectric phase transition in Pb5Ge3O11.
    Phase Transitions Vol. 80, No. 1-2, 155-162, 2007
  4. M. Wencka, K. Wichlarz, H. Kasprzyk, S. Lijewski, S.K. Hoffmann
    Free radicals and their electron spin relaxation in cellobiose. X-band and W-band ESR and electron spin echo studies.
    Cellulose 14, 183-194, 2007
  5. M. Zdanowska-Frączek, M. Olszewski, Z.J. Frączek, R. Jakubas
    The dielectric studies of ferroelectric [NH2(CH3)2]3Sb2Cl9 crystals under moderate pressure.
    Acta Physica Polonica A Vol. 112, No. 3, 549-555, 2007


  1. A. Ostrowski, A. Krupska
    Effect of temperature and high pressure on Mn2+ EPR spectra in K3H(SO4)2 fast-proton conductor.
    Phase Transitions Vol. 79, No. 6-7, 569-575, 2006
  2. Ł. Woytyła, M. Garnczarska, T. Zalewski, W. Bednarski, L. Ratajczak, S. Jurga
    A comparative study of water distribution, free radical production and activation of antiaxidative metabolism in germinating pea seeds.
    Journal of Plant Physiology, 163, 1207-1220, 2006
  3. W. Bednarski, S. Waplak
    Electron assisted charge transfer in superprotonic conductor K3H(SO4)2.
    Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 39, 4664-4667, 2006
  4. J. Goslar, M. Wencka, S. Lijewski, S.K. Hoffmann
    Effects of lattice and local dynamics in EPR spectra and electron spin relaxation of vibronic Cu(imidazole)6 complexes in Zn(imidazole)6Cl2•4H20 crystals.
    Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 76, 2614-2622, 2006
  5. J. Stankowski, W. Kempiński, S. Łoś, W. Bednarski, S. Waplak, R. Micnas
    Two paramagnetic iron states at the Verwey phase transition in magnetic.
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 301, 2006, 88-93
  6. M.P. Trubitsyn, S. Waplak, A.Yu. Kudzin
    Ferroelectric phase transition in lead germanate crystals doped with off-center Cu2+ ions.
    Ferroelectrics 330, 61-74, 2006
  7. Z. Trybuła, W. Kempiński, B. Andrzejewski, L. Piekara-Sady, J. Kaszyński, M. Trybuła, J. Piekoszewski, J. Stanisławski, M. Barlak, E. Richter
    Superconducting regions and Kondo effect of MgB2 formed by implantation of magnesium ions into boron substrate.
    Acta Physica Polonica A, Vol. 109, No. 4-5, 657-660, 2006


  1. J. Piekoszewski, W. Kempiński, B. Andrzejewski, Z. Trybuła, L. Piekara-Sady, J. Kaszyński, J. Stankowski, Z. Werner, E. Richter, F. Prokert, J. Stanisławski, M. Barlak
    Superconductivity of MhB2 thin films prepared by ion implantation and pulsed plasma treatment.
    Vacuum 78, 2005, 123-129
  2. A. Wolińska-Grabczyk, W. Bednarski, A. Jankowski, S. Waplak
    Temperature dependence of molecular motions in the polyurethane-based membranes studied with paramagnetic spin probe.
    Polymer 46, 2005, 2461-2471
  3. N. Guskos, E.A. Anagnostakis, V. Likodimos, T. Biodziony, J. Typek, M. Maryniak, U. Narkiewicz, I. Kucharewicz, S. Waplak
    Ferromagnetic resonance and ac conductivity of a polymer composite of Fe3O4 and Fe3C nanoparticles dispersed in a graphite matrix.
    Journal of Applied Physics 97, 2005, 024304-1 do 024304-6
  4. S. Waplak, W. Bednarski, A. Ostrowski
    Nonlinear effects in fast-proton conductors studied by EPR and bulk methods.
    Applied Magnetic Resonance 28, 2005, 115-122
  5. M. Wencka, S.K. Hoffmann, R. Krzyminiewski, S. Mielcarek
    Temperature effects in ESR spectra of radical centres in dripstone calcite samples used for ESR dating.
    Acta Physica Polonica A Vol. 108, No. 3, 2005, 491-503
  6. M. Wencka, S.K. Hoffmann, H. Hercman
    EPR dating of hydroxyapatite from fossil bones. Transient effect after γ and UV irradiation.
    Acta Physica Polonica A, Vol. 108, No. 2, 331-337 (2005)
  7. G. Grampp, P.B. Sczaniecki, S. Żurek, W. Bednarski
    Temperature dependence of ĝ tensor anisotropy in (tm-p-PD):chloranil, charge transfer complex powders.
    Acta Physica Polonica A, Vol. 108, No. 2, 317-321, 2005
  8. S. Waplak, W. Bednarski, A. Ostrowski
    Pretransition phenomena in fast-proton conductors.
    Acta Physica Polonica A, Vol. 108, No. 2, 2005, 261-270
  9. Z. Trybuła, W. Kempiński, B. Andrzejewski, L. Piekara-Sady, J. Kaszyński, J. Piekoszewski, Z. Werner, E. Richter, F. Prokert, J. Stanisławski, M. Barlak
    Formation of superconducting regions oh MgB2 by implantation of boron ions intomagnesium substrate.
    Acta Physica Polonica A, Vol. 108, No. 1, 2005, 165-170
  10. A. Ostrowski, S. Waplak, W. Bednarski
    EPR study of VO2+ center in fast proton conductor K3H(SO4)2.
    Acta Physica Polonica A, Vol. 108, No. 1, 2005, 127-135
