Informacje ogólne


Stanowiska pomiarowe do badań właściwości optycznych

  1. Laserowy Skaningowy Mikroskop Konfokalny Olympus Fluoview FV1000

    Mikroskop Fluoview FV1000 na bazie zmotoryzowanego mikroskopu odwróconego IX83 firmy Olympus umożliwia obserwacje w:
    • świetle przechodzącym i odbitym,
    • kontraście interferencyjno-różniczkowym (Nomarskiego),
    • fluorescencji w trybie konfokalnym.
    Stosując ten przyrząd rejestrujemy serię przekrojów optycznych na różnych głębokościach preparatu i tworzymy trójwymiarowy obraz badanego obiektu. Koncentrujemy się głównie na obrazowaniu w trzech wymiarach orientacji molekularnej ciekłych kryształów, a w szczególności chiralnych ciekłych kryształów.
  2. Pomocniczy mikroskop polaryzacyjny BX53 firmy Olympus
    Pracujący w świetle przechodzącym wyposażony w kamerę, służy do wstępnego przygotowania komórek ciekło-krystalicznych oraz umożliwia:
    • obserwowanie przemian fazowych,
    • wyznaczanie temperatur przejść fazowych,
    • określanie i rejestrowanie tekstury danej fazy ciekłego kryształu.
  3. Spektrofotometr UV-VIS-NIR model V-670 firmy JASCO
    Wysokiej jakości spektrofotometr dwuwiązkowy do zastosowań badawczych i rutynowych analiz, pracujący w zakresie długości fali od 190 – 2700 nm. Dodatkowe wyposażenie umożliwia:
    • badania spektroskopowe w świetle spolaryzowanym w funkcji temperatury – 300-500 K,
    • badania cieczy przy pomocy sondy zanurzeniowej,
    • światłowodowe wyprowadzenie wiązki na zewnątrz komory pomiarowej,
    • sterowanie przy użyciu uniwersalnego oprogramowania Spectra-Manager.
  4. Stanowisko do pomiaru dwójłomności
    Pomiar anizotropii optycznej Δn w układzie z fotoelastycznym modulatorem PEM 100 firmy Hinds zintegrowanym z mikroskopem polaryzacyjnym

Układy pomiarowe do badań właściwości dielektrycznych

W naszych zestawach pomiarowych dane dielektryczne i elektrooptyczne są rejestrowane jednocześnie (brak rozbieżności wynikających ze zmiany tekstury próbek czy niedokładności stabilizacji temperatury).
Stabilizacja temperatury ±0.01K w zakresie 300 - 500 K.

  1. Zestaw I (Mostek 4192A + woltomierz SRS 850 + dowolny “hot stage” + regulator temperatury).
    • zakres częstotliwości 5 Hz-100 kHz.
    • pomiary samej przenikalności elektrycznej (zakres częstotliwości 5 Hz do 10 MHz).
  2. Zestaw II (Mostek Wayne Kerr 6440B + woltomierz Lock-In SRS 530 + dowolny “hot stage” + regulator temperatury SRS PTC10)
    • zakres częstotliwości 20 Hz-100 kHz.
    • pomiary samej przenikalności elektrycznej zakres częstotliwości 20 Hz do 3 MHz.
  3. Zestaw III (Mostki do pomiarów ferroelektryków + dowolny “hot stage”+ regulator temperatury),
    • zakres częstotliwości – 0.05 Hz -10 kHz,
    • zakres napięcia pomiarowego 2 - 400V.

Wyposażenie dodatkowe

Ultra szybka kamera i- SPEED 2 Olympus.

Do każdego z zestawów pomiarowych możemy dołączyć kamerę i-Speed 2 firmy Olympus, zyskując dodatkowo możliwość rejestracji obrazów mikroskopowych z prędkością 2000-3000 klatek/s.


Publikacje: 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001


  1. T. Yevchenko, D. Dardas, W. Kuczyński, A.C. Brańka
    Determining the Kerr constant in optically isotropic liquid crystals
    Physical Review E 106, 014701 (2022)
  2. S. Pieprzyk, T. Yevchenko, D. Dardas, A.C. Brańka
    Phase transitions and physical properties by a color texture analysis: Results for liquid crystals
    Journal of Molecular Liquids 362, 119699 (2022)
  3. D.M. Heyes, S. Pieprzyk, A.C. Brańka
    Bulk viscosity of hard sphere fluids by equilibrium and nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations
    Journal of Chemical Physics 157, 114502 (2022)
  4. S. Lalik, O. Stefańczyk, D. Dardas, A. Deptuch, T. Yevchenko, S.-i. Ohkoshi, M. Marzec
    Nanocomposites Based on Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal (S)-MHPOBC Doping with Au Nanoparticles
    Molecules 27, 3663 (2022)


  1. S. Pieprzyk, S.B. Yuste, A. Santos, M. López de Haro, A.C. Branka
    Structural properties of additive binary hardsphere mixtures. II. Asymptotic behavior and structural crossovers
    Physical Review E 140, 024128 (2021)
  2. S. Pieprzyk, S.B. Yuste, A. Santos, M. López de Haro, A.C. Brańka
    Structural properties of additive binary hard-sphere mixtures. III. Direct correlation functions
    Physical Review E 104, 054142 (2021)
  3. D.M. Heyes, S. Pieprzyk, A.C. Brańka
    Application of cell models to the melting and sublimation lines of the Lennard-Jones and related potential systems
    Physical Review E 104, 044119 (2021)
  4. S. Lalik, O. Stefańczyk, D. Dardas, N. Górska, S.I. Ohkoshi, M. Marzec
    Modifications of FLC physical properties through doping with Fe2O3 nanoparticles (Part I)
    Materials 140, 4722 (2021)
  5. D. Dardas, I. Dierking
    Obituary professor Wojciech Kuczyński (1941-2020)
    Liquid Crystals Today 40, 60 (2021)
  6. J. Kreisel, A. Brańka, D. Dardas, K. Roleder
    Professor Wojciech Kuczyński (1941–2020)
    Phase Transitions 40, 63 (2021)
  7. N. Bielejewska, R. Hertmanowski
    Surface characterization of nanocomposite Langmuir films based on liquid crystals and cellulose nanocrystals
    Journal of Molecular Liquids, 323, 115065 (2021)


  1. N. Bielejewska, R. Hertmanowski
    Functionalization of LC molecular films with nanocrystalline cellulose: A study of the self-assembly processes and molecular stability
    Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 187, 110634 (2020)
  2. S. Pieprzyk, A.C. Brańka, D.M. Heyes, M.N. Bannerman
    A comprehensive study of the thermal conductivity of the hard sphere fluid and solid by molecular dynamics simulation
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 22, 8834 (2020)
  3. N. Bielejewska, A.C. Brańka, S. Pieprzyk, T. Yevchenko
    Another Look at Auxeticity of 2D Square Media
    Physica Status Solidi B, 257, 2000485 (2020)
  4. S. Lalik, A. Deptuch, T. Jaworska-Goła, P. Fryń, D. Dardas, O. Stefańczyk, M. Urbańska, M. Marzec
    Modification of AFLC Physical Properties by Doping with BaTiO3 Particles
    Journal of Physical Chemistry B 124, 6055-6073 (2020)
  5. S. Pieprzyk, A.C. Brańka, S.B. Yuste, A. Santos, M. Lopez de Haro
    Structural properties of additive binary hard-sphere mixtures
    Physical Review E 101, 012117 (2020)


  1. S. Lalik, A. Deptuch, P. Fryń, T. Jaworska–Gołąb, D. Dardas, D. Pociecha, M. Urbańska, M. Tykarska, M. Marzec
    Systematic study of the chiral smectic phases of a fluorinated compound
    Liquid Crystals (2019) - online: 03 Jun 2019
  2. K. Nowicka, W. Kuczyński
    Angular dependence of the linear and nonlinear electro-optic responses in a polar smectic liquid crystal
    Liquid Crystals 46, 977 (2019)
  3. S. Pieprzyk, M.N. Bannerman, A.C. Brańka, M. Chudak, D.M. Heyes
    Thermodynamic and dynamical properties of the hard sphere system revisited by molecular dynamics simulation
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 21, 6886 (2019)
  4. Dorota Dardas
    Tuning the electro-optic and viscoelastic properties of ferroelectric liquid crystalline materials
    Rheologica Acta 58, 193 (2019)


  1. W. Jeżewski
    Aggregation and fragmentation in liquids with dispersed nanoparticles
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 20, 18879 (2018)
  2. K. Nowicka, N. Bielejewska
    Third-order nonlinear electro-optic measurements in the smectic smectic-C∗α phase
    Phase Transitions 91, 151 (2018)
  3. S. Pieprzyk, A.C. Brańka, Sz. Maćkowiak, D.M. Heyes
    Comprehensive representation of the Lennard-Jones equation of state based on molecular dynamics simulation data
    Journal of Chemical Physics 148, 114505 (2018)
  4. A.C. Brańka, S. Pieprzyk, D.M. Heyes
    Thermodynamic curvature of soft-sphere fluids and solids Phys. Rev. E 97, 022119 (2018)


  1. I. Śliwa, W. Jeżewski, A.V. Zakharov
    Local structural ordering in surface-confined liquid crystals
    Journal of Chemical Physics, 146, 24, 244704 (2017)
  2. I. Śliwa, A.V. Zakharov
    Diffusion processes in freely suspended smectic films
    Physics of The Solid State, 59, 8, 1648-1655 (2017)
  3. P. Perkowski, W. Kuczynski, K. Roleder
    Editorial Note
    Phase Transitions, 90, 8, SI, 763-764 (2017)
  4. M. Knapkiewicz, M. Sądej, W. Kuczyński, A. Rachocki
    Effect of polymer network on thermodynamic stability and switching behavior of the smectic-C∗α phase
    Physical Review E 96, 052702 (2017)
  5. Sz. Maćkowiak, D.M. Heyes, S. Pieprzyk, D. Dini, A.C. Brańka
    Non-Equilibrium Phase Behavior of Confined Molecular Films at Low Shear Rates
    Physica Status Solidi B, 1600862, (2017)
  6. D.M. Heyes, D. Dini, E.R. Smith, A.C. Brańka
    Nanowire Stretching by Non-Equilibrium Molecular Dynamics
    Physica Status Solidi B, 1600861, (2017)
  7. Sz. Maćkowiak, S. Pieprzyk, A.C. Brańka, D.M. Heyes
    A Nosé-Hoover Thermostat Adapted to a Slab Geometry
    Computational Methods in Science and Technology  23 (3), 211 (2017)
  8. K. Nowicka, M. Piosik, W. Kuczyński, A.C. Brańka
    Improvement of the blue phase stability in chiral nematic liquid crystal mixtures
    Phase Transitions 90, 95-98 (2017)
  9. S. Pieprzyk, A.C. Brańka, D.M. Heyes
    Representation of the direct correlation function of the hard-sphere fluid
    Phys. Rev. E 95, 062104 (2017)
  10. I. Śliwa, A.V. Zakharov
    Translational diffusion across a free-standing smectic film above the bulk smectic-A–isotropic transition temperature
    Phys. Rev. E 95, 012704 (2017)
  11. I. Śliwa, A.V. Zakharov
    Диффузионные процессы в свободно подвешенных смектических пленках
    Fizika Tverdogo Tela 59, 1624 (2017)


  1. N. Bielejewska
    Orientational order of spme liquid crystal/dye mixtures obtained from optical birefringence
    Phase Transitions 89, p.359-367 (2016)
  2. D. Dardas
    Electro-optic and viscoelastic properties of a ferroelectric liquid crystalline binary mixture
    Phase Transitions 89, p.368-375 (2016)
  3. I. Niezgoda, E. Szypszak, D. Dardas, Z. Galewski
    Influence of the ester chain length on the mesogenic behavior and optical anisotropy of 4-[[4-(butoxy)phenyl]phenyl alkanoates
    Phase Transitions 89, p.393-402 (2016)
  4. A. Dłubacz, M. Marzec, D. Dardas, M. Żurowska
    New antiferroelectric liquid crystal for use in LCD
    Phase Transitions 89, p. 349-358 (2016)
  5. Dominika Janiszewska, Iwona Frąckowiak, Natalia Bielejewska
    Application of Selected Agents for Wood Liquefaction and Some Properties of Particleboards Produced wit the Use of Liquefied Wood
    DOI: 10.12841/wood.1644-3985.C37.01 Wood. Research Papers, Reports, Announcements, 59, 197, 223-230 (2016)
  6. M. Bielejewski, K. Nowicka, N. Bielejewska, J. Tritt-Goc
    Ionic Conductivity and Thermal Properties of a Supramolecular Ionogel Made from a Sugar-Based Low Molecular Weight Gelator and a Quaternary Ammonium Salt Electrolyte Solution
    Fournal of the Electrochemical Society, 163 (13), G187-G195 (2016)
  7. K. Nowicka, W. Kuczyński
    Non-linear electro-optical effects in the study of the helical smectic liquid crystals
    Phase Transitions 89, p. 376-382 (2016)
  8. I. Śliwa, W. Jeżewski, A.V. Zakharov
    The effect of surfaces on molecular ordering in thin liquid-crystal systems
    Journal of Chemical Physics 145, 084905 (2016)
  9. D.M. Heyes, G. Rickayzen, S. Pieprzyk, A.C. Brańka
    The second virial coefficient and critical point behavior of the Mie Potential
    Journal of Chemical Physics 145, 084505 (2016)
  10. K. Nowicka, M. Knapkiewicz, N. Bielejewska, D. Dardas, W. Kuczyński, J. Hoffmann
    Application of second-harmonic electro-optical measurements in the study of polar liquid crystal phases
    Liquid Crystals, 43, no. 12, 1778–1783 (2016)
  11. W. Jeżewski
    Effect of long-range interactions on nanoparticle-induced aggregation
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 18, 22929 (2016)
  12. I. Śliwa, W. Jeżewski, W. Kuczyński
    Electric-field-induced weakly chaotic transients in ferroelectric liquid crystals
    Phys. Rev. E 93, 012702 (2016)
  13. K. Nowicka
    Linear and non-linear electro-optical measurements in the study of polar liquid crystal phases
    Liquid Crystals 43, p.1276-1281 (2016)
  14. Sz. Maćkowiak, D.M. Heyes, D. Dini, A.C. Brańka
    Non-equilibrium phase behavior and friction of confined molecular films under shear: A non-equilibrium molecular dynamics study
    Journal of Chemical Physics 145, 164704 (2016)
  15. I. Śliwa
    Optical reflectance in free-standing smectic films, Chemical
    Physics Letters 648, 36, 2016
  16. S. Pieprzyk, D.M. Heyes, A.C. Brańka
    Spatially dependent diffusion coefficient as a model for pH sensitive microgel particles in microchannels
    Biomicrofluidics 10, 054118 (2016)
  17. I. Śliwa, A.A. Vakulenko, A.V. Zakharov
    Squeezing-out dynamics in free-standing smectic films
    Physics Letters A 380, 1811-1816 (2016)
  18. Natalia Bielejewska, Dominika Janiszewska
    The Spectral Analysis of Absorption and Fluorescence Parameters of Liquefied Wood Treated with Different Solvents
    Ann. WULS - SGGW, Forestry and Wood Technol., 94, 304-307 ISSN, 1898-5912 (2016)
  19. I. Śliwa, A.V. Zakharov, A.A. Vakulenko
    Динамика послойного утоньшения свободно подвешенных смектических пленок
    Fizika Tverdogo Tela 58, 1419 (2016)
    Dynamics of layer-by-layer thinning of free-standing smectic films
    Physics of the Solid State 58, 7, 1469-1475 (2016)


  1. I. Śliwa, A.V. Zakharov
    Surface tension, disjoining pressure and layer compression of free-standing smectic films in water
    Chem. Phys. Lett. 620, 98 (2015)
  2. S. Pieprzyk, D.M. Heyes, Sz. Maćkowiak, A.C. Brańka
    Galilean-invariant Nosé-Hoover-type thermostats
    Phys. Rev. E 91, 033312 (2015)
  3. A.V. Zakharov, I. Śliwa
    Squeezing-out dynamics in free-standing smectic films
    J. Chem. Phys. 142, 214703 (2015)
  4. D.M. Heyes, A.C. Brańka
    The Lennard-Jones melting line and isomorphism
    J. Chem. Phys. 143, 234504 (2015)
  5. W. Kuczyński, J. Hoffmann, D. Dardas, K. Nowicka, N. Bielejewska
    Flexo- and piezo-electric polarization of smectic layers in ferroelectric and antiferroelectric liquid crystals
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 191908 (2015)
  6. W. Jeżewski
    Kinnetics of aggregation in liquids with dispersed nanoparticles
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 17, 8828 (2015)
  7. D.M. Heyes, D. Dini, A.C. Brańka
    Scaling of Lennard-Jones liquid elastic moduli, viscoelasticity and other properties along fluid-solid coexistence
    Phys. Status Solidi B 252, No 7, 1514 (2015)
  8. D.M. Heyes, P. Turner, R.J. English, R. Williams, A.C. Brańka
    Second virial coefficient of rod-shaped molecules and molecular dynamics simulations of the isotropic phase
    Phys. Rev. E 91, 042134 (2015)


  1. C. Gattinoni, Sz. Maćkowiak, D.M. Heyes, A.C. Brańka, D. Dini
    Boundary-controlled barostats for slab geometries in molecular dynamics simulations
    Phys. Rev. E 90, 043302 (2014)
  2. K. Nowicka, D. Dardas, W. Kuczyński, V.A. Belyakov, D.V. Shmeliova
    Director distribution and surface anchoring potential in Grandjean-Cano wedge
    Liquid Crystals, 41, 1448-1454, 2014
  3. J. Hoffmann, K. Nowicka, W. Kuczyński, N. Bielejewska
    Experimental Evidence of the Soft Mode in Smectic Ca* phase of  chiral ferroelectric liquid crystals
    Soft Matter, 2014, 10, 8548
  4. K. Nowicka, N. Bielejewska, W. Kuczyński, M. Knapkiewicz, J. Hoffmann
    Exploration of liquid crystal structures using fluorescent confocal polarizing microscopy
    Phase Transitions, 2014,
  5. K. Nowicka
    A reliable method for detecting phase transitions in liquid crystals with polar order
    Liquid Crystals 41, 197-201 (2014)
  6. K. Nowicka, N. Bielejewska, J. Hoffmann, W. Kuczyński
    Nonlinear electro-optical spectroscopy of liquid crystals possesing polar order
    Phase Transitions 87, 770-776 (2014)
  7. S. Pieprzyk, D.M. Heyes, A.C. Brańka
    Thermodynamic properties and entropy scaling law for diffusivity in soft spheres
    Physical Review E 90, 012106, 2014
  8. W. Jeżewski
    Complex superstructures in chiral liquid crystals: surface-induced helix destruction
    Physical Review E 89, 032501, 2014


  1. K. Nowicka, D. Dardas, K. Garbat
    High permittivity of chiral tilted smectic phases in a binary mixture
    Phase Transitions, 86(2-3), 153 (2013)
  2. D. Dardas, K. Nowicka, W. Kuczyński
    Examination if three new fluorinated tilted smectics
    Phase Transitions, 86(2-3), 147 (2013)
  3. M. Iwamoto, I. Śliwa, A.A. Vakulenko, A.V. Zakharov
    Field-induced dependence of rotational diffusion processes in smectic films deposited on a solid surface
    Chem. Phys. Lett. 566 (2013), 32-37
  4. W. Jeżewski, I. Śliwa, W. Kuczyński
    Strongly nonlinear dynamics of ferroelectric liquid crystals
    The European Physical Journal E 36, 2, 2013


  1. W. Kuczyński, D. Dardas, J. Hoffmann, K. Nowicka, W. Jeżewski
    Comparison of methods for determination of viscoelastic properties in chiral smectics C*
    Phase Trans. 85, 358-363 (2012)
  2. I. Śliwa, W. Wanarski
    Model of temperature dependence of spontaneous polarization of thiourea monocrystal in phase I
    Acta Physica Polonica A 122, 184 (2012)
  3. W. Jeżewski
    Effect of intralayer inhomogeneity on helical superstructures of liquid crystals
    Physical Review E 85, 051702 (2012)
  4. I. Śliwa, W. Jeżewski, W. Kuczyński, J. Hoffmann
    Solitons in surface stabilized ferroelectric liquid crystals and the determination of the twist elastic constant
    Phase Trans. 85, 345-352 (2012)
  5. M. Iwamoto, I. Śliwa, A.V. Zakharov
    Field-induced dependence of anchoring energy and surface tension in smectic liquid crystal films deposited on a solid surface
    Chemical Physics Letters 534, 23 (2012)
  6. I. Śliwa, K. Grygiel
    Periodic orbits, basins of attraction and chaotic beats in two coupled Kerr oscillators
    Nonl. Dynamics 67, 755-765 (2012)


  1. A. Modlińska, D. Dardas, J. Jadżyn, D. Bauman
    Characterization of some fluorinated mesogens for application in liquid crystal displays.
    Mol. Cryst. Liq. Crystals 542, 28-36, 2011
  2. I. Śliwa, W. Wanarski
    The model of ferroelectricity in thiourea,
    Acta Physica Polonica A 120, 516 (2011)
  3. M. Geppi, A. Marini, B. Mennucci, P. Kula, A. Spadło, W. Kuczyński, S. Urban
    Determination of order parameters in lateralny fluorosubstituted terphenyls by 19F-NMR, optical and dielectric anisotropies,
    Mol. Cryst. Liq. Crystals  541,  104 (2011)
  4. W. Kuczyński, K. Nowicka, D. Dardas, W. Jeżewski, J. Hoffmann
    Determination of viscoelastic properties in a chiral smectic C liquid using different methods,
    Mol. Cryst. Liq. Crystals  544,  65 (2011)
  5. K. Pogorzelec-Glaser, A. Pietraszko, J. Baran, B. Hilczer, J. Małecki, M. Połomska, P. Ławniczak
    Structure and molecular dynamics of bis-1H-1,2,4-triazole succinic acid complex crystals
    CrystEngComm 13, 3698-3709, 2011
  6. D. Dardas, W. Kuczyński, J. Hoffmann, W. Jeżewski
    Determination of twist elastic constant in antiferroelectric liquid crystals,
    Measurement Science and Technology 22, 085707 (2011)
  7. W. Jeżewski, W. Kuczyński, J. Hoffmann
    Solitons induced by alternating electric fields in surface-stabilized ferroelectric liquid crystals,
    Physical Review E 83, 042701 (2011)


  1. W. Jeżewski, W. Kuczyński, D. Dardas, K. Nowicka, J. Hoffmann
    Field-induced dynamics of ferroelectric liquid crystals with elastic interfacial confinement.
    Soft Matter 6, 2786-2792, 2010
  2. W. Kuczyński
    Behavior of the helix in some chiral smectic-C* liquid crystals.
    Physical Review E 81, 021708, 2010
  3. W. Kuczyński, K. Nowicka, D. Dardas, W. Jeżewski, J. Hoffmann
    Determination of bulk values of twist elasticity coefiicient in a chiral smectic C* liquid crystal.
    Opto-Electronics Review 18(2), 176-180, 2010


  1. W. Jeżewski, W. Kuczyński
    Defect dynamics in ferroelectric liquid crystals of the chevron structure.
    Physical Review B 79, 214206, 2009
  2. W. Kuczyński, D. Dardas, K. Nowicka
    Determination of the bulk rotational viscosity coefficient in a  chiral smectic C* liquid crystal.
    Phase Transitions Vol. 82, No. 6, 444-451, 2009
  3. D. Dardas, W. Kuczyński, J. Hoffmann, W. Jeżewski, K. Nowicka, J. Małecki
    Non-linear electrooptic effect in antiferroelectric liquid crystal.
    Opto-Electronics Review 17(1), 25-29, 2009
  4. I. Śliwa, P. Szlachetka, K. Grygiel
    Coexisting solutions and their chaotic neighborhood in the dynamical systems of nonlinear optics.
    Nonlinear Dynamics 57, 143-156, 2009
  5. K. Żygadło, D. Dardas, K. Nowicka, J. Hoffmann, Z. Galewski
    Liquid-crystalline polymorphism of symmetrial azobananas: bis)4-(4-alkylphenyl)azopheny) 2-nitroisophtalates.
    Molecular Cryststals and Liquid Crystals, vol. 509, 283-291, 2009
  6. S. Borsacchi, L. Calucci, J. Czub, R. Dąbrowski, M. Geppi, W. Kuczyński, A. Marini, B. Mennucci, S. Urban
    Orientational order of fluorinated mesogens containing 1,3,2-dioxaborinane ring: A multidisciplinary approch.
    Journal of Physical Chemistry B 15783-15794 (2009)
  7. W. Jeżewski, K.W. Wojciechowski
    Nonlinear dielectric relaxation in the isotropic phase and mesophases of cholesteryl oleyl carbonate.
    Journal of Physical Chemistry B 113, 9123-9128, 2009
  8. M. Heyes, S.M. Clarke and A.C. Brańka
    Soft-sphere soft glasses.
    Journal of Chemical Physics 131, 204506, 2009


  1. W. Jeżewski, W. Kuczyński, J. Hoffmann
    Creep dynamics of structural defects in ferroelectric liquid crystals with chevron geometry.
    Physical Review B 77, 094101, 2008
  2. W. Jeżewski, W. Kuczyński, J. Hoffmann, D. Dardas
    Comarison of dielectric and optical responses of chevron ferroeelctric liquid crystals.
    Opto-Electronic Review 16(3), 282-286, 2008
  3. V.A. Belyakov, W. Kuczyński
    Motion of nonsigular walls in plane layer of twisted nematics.
    Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Vol. 480, 243-261, 2008
  4. M. Geppi, A. Marini, C.A. Veracini, S. Urban, J. Czub, W. Kuczyński, R. Dąbrowski
    Orientational order of difluorinated liquid crystals: a comparative 13C-NMR, optical, and dielectric study in nematic and smectic B phases.
    Journal of Physical Chemistry B 112, 9663-9676, 2008


  1. W. Jeżewski
    On the emergence of scaling in weighted networks.
    Physica A 379, 691-700, 2007
  2. J. Hoffmann, F. Giesselmann, W. Kuczyński
    Experimental evidence of the electric-field induced critical behaviour of the smectic C* - alpha phase.
    Phase Transitions Vol. 80, No. 8, 841-849, 2007
  3. W. Jeżewski, W. Kuczyński, J. Hoffmann
    Dielectric versus optical response in chevron ferroelectric liquid crystals.
    Liquid Crystals 34, 1299-1306 (2007)


  1. W. Jeżewski, W. Kuczyński, J. Hoffmann
    Dielectric relaxation in chevron surface stabilized ferroelectric liquid crystals.
    Physical Review E 73, 061702, 2006
  2. D. Dardas, W. Kuczyński, J. Hoffmann
    Measurements of absolute values of electrooptic coefficients in a ferroelectric liquid crystal.
    Phase Transitions Vol. 79, No. 3, 213-222, 2006
  3. P. Zugenmaier, W. Kuczyński
    Comparison of the crystal and molecular structures of three similar 4-heptyl-biphenyl compounds: 4-heptyl-4’-cyanobiphenyl, 4-heptyl-3’-cyanobiphenyl, and 4-heptyl-4’-nitrobiphenyl.
    Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Vol. 457, p. 93-103, 2006
  4. J.A. Małecki, J. Nowak
    Dielectric studies of molecular interactions in benzene solutions of 4-heptyl-4’-nitro-biphenyl.
    Journal of Molecular Liquids 129, 164-168, 2006
  5. M.B. Pandey, R. Dhar, W. Kuczyński
    Dielectric Investigations of induced twist grain boundary phase in the binary mixtures of cholesterol benzoate and di-heptyloxyazoxybenzene.
    Ferroelectrics, 343, 69-82, 2006
  6. F .Goc, Ch. Blanc, V. Lorman, M. Nobili, S. Samaritani, G. Galli, W. Kuczyński
    X-ray and electrooptical studies of liquid crystal siloxane with a de vries SmA* phase.
    Ferroelectrics, 343, 101-110, 2006


  1. W. Kuczyński, J. Hoffmann
    Determination of piezoelectric and flexoelectric polarization in ferroelectric liquid crystals.
    Physical Review E 72, 041701-1 do 041701-6, 2005
  2. W. Jeżewski
    Scale-free properties of weghted networks with connectivity-driven topology.
    Physica A 354, 2005, 672-680
  3. V.A. Belyakov, W. Kuczyński
    Surface anchoring and twisting of thin nematic layers influenced by thermal fluctuations.
    Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 438, 123[1687]-140[1704], 2005


  1. J.A. Małecki
    Phenomenological model of nonlinear dielectric losses related to the intrinsic conductivity of dielectrics
    The European Physical Journal B 39, 235-240 (2004)
  2. J.A. Małecki
    Nonlinear dielectric losses and dynamics of intrinsic conductivity of dielectrics in “Nonlinear Dielectric Phenomena in Complex Liquids” eds. S.J.Rzoska and V.P.Zhelezny
    Kluwer Academic Publishers, 77-88 (2004)
  3. J. Hoffmann
    Extension of Maier-Meier Model on Cholesteric Liquid Crystals
    Acta Physica Polonica A, 105, 373-381 (2004)
  4. W. Jeżewski
    Scaling in weighted networks and complex systems
    Physica A 337, 336-356 (2004)
  5. D. Dardas, W. Kuczyński
    Non-linear electrooptical effects in chiral liquid crystals
    Opto-Electronics Review 12(3), 277-280 (2004)


  1. W. Kuczyński, J. Małecki
    Dielectric Relaxation in Liquid Crystal Phases with Polar Order
    Ferroelectrics , 296, 1-15 (2003)
  2. W. Kuczyński
    Przejścia fazowe w ciekłych kryształach
    Przemiany fazowe, A. Graja, A.R. Ferchmin (Eds.) Ośrodek Wydawnictw Naukowych OWN Poznań (2003), 65-77
  3. W. Kuczyński
    Electrooptical studies of relaxation processes in chiral smectic liquid crystals
    Relaxation Phenomena (Liquid Crystals, Magnetic Systems, Polymers, High-Tc Superconductors, Metalic Glasses) Eds. W. Haase, S. Wróbel, 422-444, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, 2003)
  4. W. Kuczyński, F. Goc
    Metastable states in liquid-crystalline mixtures
    Liquid Crystals, 30 (6), 701-709 (2003)
  5. J. Hoffmann
    Determination of the Dielectric Anisotropy of Cholesteric Liquid Crystals
    Acta Physica Polonica A, 103, 41-46 (2003)
  6. S. Urban, B. Gestblom, W. Kuczyński, S. Pawlus, A. Würflinger
    Nematic order parameter as determined from dielectric relaxation data and other methods
    Phys, Chem. Chem. Phys. 5, 924-928 (2003)


  1. W. Kuczyński, F. Goc, D. Dardas, R. Dąbrowski, J. Hoffmann, B. Stryła, J. Małecki
    Phase transitions in a liquid crystal with long-range dipole order
    Ferroelectrics, 274, 83-100 (2002)
  2. J. Małecki, J. Nowak
    Linear and Nonlinear Dielectric Properties of 4-Heptyl-4’-Cyano-biphenyl Solutions in Benzene
    Polish J. Chem., 76, 435 (2002)
  3. W. Jeżewski
    Stationary and nonstationary properties of evolving networks with preferential linkage
    Phys. Rev. E 66, 067102 1-4 (2002)
  4. W. Jeżewski
    Singularity spectra of strongly inhomogeneous multifractals
    Eur. Phys. J. B 26, 473-478 (2002)
  5. W. Kuczyński, B. Żywucki, J. Małecki
    Determination of orientational order parameter in various liquid-crystalline phases
    Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 381, 1-19 (2002)


  1. W. Kuczyński, F. Goc, R. Dąbrowski
    Kinetics of the transition between ferroelectric and antiferroelectric states in liquid-crystalline mixtures
    Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 366, 771-784 (2001)
  2. J. Małecki
    Dynamics of the Radiation-induced Conductivity in Presence of Spatial Charge
    J. Electrostatics, 50/2, 109 (2001)
  3. W. Jeżewski
    Multiscaling and multifractality in an one-dimensional Ising model
    Eur. Phys. J. B 19, 133-138 (2001)
  4. W. Jeżewski
    Complex multifractal measures and a generalized multifractal formalism
    Physica A 298, 419-430 (2001)
  5. R. Dąbrowski, W. Drzewiński, K. Czupryński, S. Gauza, K. Kenig, W. Kuczyński, F. Goc
    Systems with enhanced antiferroelectric phase. Phase diagrams, dielectric and electro-optic studies
    Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 365, 199-211 (2001)
  6. S. Gauza, K. Czupryński, R. Dąbrowski, W. Kuczyński, D. Pociecha
    Bicomponent system with induced antiferroelectric SmCA* phase
    Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 365, 189-198 (2001)


Publikacje: 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005


  1. T.J. Bednarchuk, V. Kinzhybalo, E. Markiewicz, B. Hilczer, A. Pietraszko
    Structure, dielectric and electric properties of diisobutylammonium hydrogen sulfate crystal
    Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 258, 753-761, 2018
  2. A. Hilczer, S. Łoś, Z. Trybuła, K. Pasińska, A. Pietraszko
    Dipolar glass-like dielectric response of nanocrystalline Sr0.95Nd0.05Fe12-xScxO19 hexaferrites
    Applied Physics Letters, 112, 102903, 2018
  3. A. Hilczer, K. Pasinska, E. Markiewicz, A. Pietraszko, B. Andrzejewski
    Effect of Nd3+ Doping on Magnetic and Dielectric Properties of SrFe12O19 Hexaferrite Synthesized by Coprecipitation Method
    Acta Physica Polonica A, 133, 669, 2018
  4. J. Tritt-Goc, I. Jankowska, K. Pogorzelec-Glaser, R. Pankiewicz, P. Ławniczak
    Imidazole-doped nanocrystalline cellulose solid proton conductor: synthesis, thermal properties, and conductivity
    Cellulose, 25, 281-291, 2018


  1. K. Tadyszak, A. Kertmen, E. Coy, R. Andruszkiewicz, S. Milewski, I. Kardava, B. Scheibe, S. Jurga, K. Chybczyńska
    Spectroscopic and magnetic studies of highly dispersible superparamagnetic silica coated magnetite nanoparticles
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 433, 254-261, 2017
  2. M. Zdanowska-Frączek, A.  Gągor, K.  Hołderna-Natkaniec, Cz. Pawlaczyk, Z. Czapla, P. Ławniczak
    Structure, proton conductivity and molecular dynamics of guanidine zinc sulfate
    Solid State Ionics, 303, 113-118, 2017
  3. P. Ławniczak, K. Pogorzelec-Glaser, A. Pietraszko, B. Hilczer
    Impedance spectroscopy studies of proton conductivity in imidazolium malonate
    Solid State Ionics, 306, 25-30, 2017
  4. S. Zięba, A. Mizera, K. Pogorzelec-Glaser, A. Łapiński
    Proton conducting system (ImH2)2SeO4·2H2O investigated with vibrational spectroscopy
    Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 180, 224-233 (2017)
  5. V.V. Laguta, S. Kamba, M. Maryško, B. Andrzejewski, M. Kachlík, K. Maca, J.H. Lee, D.G. Schlom
    Magnetic resonance study of bulk and thin film EuTiO3
    Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 29, 105401, 2017
  6. M. Śmiłowicz, K. Pogorzelec-Glaser, A. Łapiński, R. Motała, M. Grobela, B. Andrzejewski
    Spectroscopic and quantum chemical studies of interaction between the alginic acid and Fe3O4 nanoparticles
    Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 182, 1-7 (2017)
  7. T. Masłowski, M. Zdanowska-Frączek, Ł. Lindner
    Model for proton conductivity in phase III of (NH4)3H(SeO4)2 along the c-axis
    Solid State Ionics, 306, 20-24, 2017
  8. Ł. Lindner, M. Zdanowska-Frączek, A. Pawłowski, Z.J. Frączek, T. Masłowski
    The effect of pressure on the conductivity behavior of the (NH4)3H(SeO4)2 superprotonic crystal
    Journal of Applied Physics, 122, 035105, 2017
  9. M. Połomska, B. Hilczer, I. Szafraniak-Wiza, A. Pietraszko, B. Andrzejewski
    XRD, Raman and magnetic studies of Bi1-xLaxFeO3 solid solution obtained by mechanochemical synthesis
    Phase Transitions, 90, 24-33, 2017
  10. M. Widelicka, K. Pogorzelec-Glaser, A. Pietraszko, P. Ławniczak, R. Pankiewicz, A. Łapiński
    Order-disorder phase transition in an anhydrous pyrazole-based proton conductor: the enhancement of electrical transport properties
    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19 (37), 25653-25661 (2017)
  11. R. Bujakiewicz-Koronska, L. Vasylechko, E. Markiewicz, D.M. Nalecz, A. Kalvane
    X-ray and dielectric characterization of Co doped tetragonal BaTiO3 ceramics
    Phase Transitions, 90, 78-85, 2017
  12. O. Mysiukiewicz, T. Sterzyński, P. Ławniczak, M. Rogodzińska
    Electrical conductivity and mechanical properties of carbon black modified polyolefinic blends influenced by phase inversion
    Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 134, 45512, 2017
  13. R. Bujakiewicz-Koronska, D.M. Nalecz, A.M. Majcher, E. Juszynska-Galazka, M. Galazka, L. Vasylechko, E. Markiewicz, D. Majda, A. Kalvane, K. Koronski
    Structural, magnetic, dielectric and mechanical properties of (Ba,Sr)MnO3 ceramics
    Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 37, 1477-1486, 2017
  14. L. Lindner, M. Zdanowska-Fraczek, A. Pawlowski, Z.J. Fraczek
    Impedance spectroscopy study of (NH4)3H(SeO4)2: Evidence of increase in lattice disorder in the low temperature phases
    Solid State Ionics, 311, 26-30, 2017
  15. K. Chybczynska, M. Blaszyk, B. Hilczer, T. Lucinski, M. Matczak, B. Andrzejewski
    PEG-controlled thickness of BiFeO3 crystallites in microwave hydrothermal synthesis
    Materials Research Bulletin, 86, 178-185, 2017


  1. K. Chybczyńska, E. Markiewicz, M. Błaszyk, B. Hilczer, B. Andrzejewski
    Dielectric response and electric conductivity of ceramics obtained from BiFeO3 synthesized by microwave hydrothermal method
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 671, 493-501, 2016
  2. A. Hilczer, K. Kowalska, E. Markiewicz, A. Pietraszko, B. Andrzejewski
    Dielectric and magnetic response of SrFe12O19–CoFe2O4 composites obtained by solid state reaction
    Materials Science and Engineering B, 207, 47-55, 2016
  3. L. Zhao, I. Smolarkiewicz, H-H. Limbach, H. Breitzke, K. Pogorzelec-Glaser, R. Pankiewicz, J. Tritt-Goc, T. Gutmann, G. Buntkowsky
    Imidazole-Doped Cellulose as Membrane for Fuel Cells: Structural and Dynamic Insight from Solid-State NMR
    The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 120, 19574-19585, 2016
  4. I. Smolarkiewicz, A. Rachocki, K. Pogorzelec-Glaser, P. Ławniczak, R. Pankiewicz, J. Tritt-Goc
    Effect of surface coating of microcrystalline cellulose by imidazole molecules on proton conductivity
    European Polymer Journal, 78, 186-194, 2016
  5. Andrzejewski Bartłomiej, Pawłowski Antoni, Hilczer Andrzej, Petzelt Jan, Hlinka Jiri
    Special issue in honor of Professor Bozena Hilczer: Physics of ferroelectrics, electrets and polymers
    Phase Transitions, 89, 7-8, 643-644, 2016


  1. R. Bujakiewicz-Koronska, D.M. Nalecz, E. Markiewicz, A. Kalvane
    Electronic Properties of 6H Hexagonal SrMnO3
    Ferroelectrics, 485, 153-160, 2015
  2. T. Masłowski, A. Drzewiński, P. Ławniczak, M. Zdanowska-Frączek, J. Ulner
    The proton conductivity in benzimidazolium azelate under moderate pressure
    Solid State Ionics, 278, 114-119, 2015
  3. J. Jakubowicz, J.K. Koper, G. Adamek, M. Połomska, J. Wolak
    Silver Nano-Trees Deposited in the Pores of Anodically Oxidized Titanium and Ti Scaffold
    Int. J. Electrochem. Sci. 10, 4165-4172, 2015
  4. A.T. Dubis, P. Stasiewicz, K. Pogorzelec-Glaser, A. Łapiński
    Can 2-acylpyrroles form an intramolecular hydrogen bond?
    Journal of Physical Organic Chemisty, 28, 652-662, 2015
  5. E. Markiewicz, B. Andrzejewski, B. Hilczer, M. Balcerzak, A. Pietraszko, M. Jurczyk, P. Kuswik
    Dielectric and magnetic properties of (Bi1-xLaxFeO3)0.5(PbTiO3)0.5 ceramics prepared by high energy mechanochemical technique
    J. Electroceramics, 35, 33-44, 2015
  6. K. Tadyszak, M.A. Augustyniak-Jabłokow, A.B. Więckowski, L. Najder-Kozdrowska, R. Strzelczyk, B. Andrzejewski
    Origin of electron paramagnetic resonance signal in anthracite
    Carbon, 94, 53-59, 2015
  7. T. Masłowski, A. Drzewiński, P. Ławniczak, J. Ulner
    Numerical modeling if the heterocycle intercalated proton-conducting polymers at various mole ratios
    Solid State Ionics, 272, 166-169, 2015
  8. I. Smolarkiewicz, A. Rachocki, K. Pogorzelec-Glaser, R. Pankiewicz, P. Ławniczak, A. Łapiński, M. Jarek, J. Tritt-Goc
    Proton-conducting Microcrystalline Cellulose Doped with Imidazole. Thermal and Electrical Properties
    Electrochimica Acta, 155, 38-44, 2015
  9. R. Bujakiewicz-Koronska, E. Markiewicz, D.M. Nalecz, L. Vasylechko, M. Balanda, M. Fitta, E. Juszynska-Galazka, A. Kalvane
    Physical properties of (1-x)Ba0.95Pb0.05TiO3-xCo2O3 (x=0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 wt%) ceramics
    Ceramics International, 41, 3983-3991, 2015
  10. D. Paukszta, E. Markiewicz, A. Ostrowski, B. Doczekalska, M. Brzyska, M. Szostak, S. Borysiak
    Recycling of lignocellulosics filled polypropylene composites. I. Analysis of thermal properties, morphology, and amound of free radicals
    Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 132, 41693(1-9), 2015
  11. M. Żenkiewicz, T. Żuk, E. Markiewicz
    Triboelectric series and electrostatic separation of some biopolymers
    Polymer Testing, 42, 192-198, 2015
  12. K. Hołderna-Natkaniec, M. Ouled Mohamed Sghaier, P. Ławniczak, M. Zdanowska-Frączek, A. Woźniek-Braszak, S. Chaabouni
    Electrics properties and internal dynamics of the [C6H18N2]SbCl5[C6H18N2]Cl2 in ntermediate temperature phase (part II)
    Polyhedron, 85, 131-136, 2015
  13. Z. Rdzawski, W. Głuchowski, J. Stobrawa, W. Kempiński, B. Andrzejewski
    Microstructure and properties of Cu-Nb and Cu-Ag nanofiber composites
    Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 15, 689-697, 2015


  1. B. Hilczer, E. Markiewicz, M. Połomska, J. Tritt-Goc, J. Kaszyńska, K. Pogorzelec-Glaser, A. Pietraszko
    Properties of PVDF-MCM41 Nanocomposites Studied by Dielectric, Raman and NMR Spectroscopy
    Ferroelectrics, 472, 64-76, 2014
  2. I. Szafraniak-Wiza, B. Andrzejewski, B. Hilczer
    Magnetic Properties of Bismuth Ferrite Nanopowder Obtainded by Mechanochemical Synthesis
    Acta Physica Polonica A, 126, 1029-1031, 2014
  3. E. Markiewicz, B. Hilczer, M. Balcerzak, M. Jurczyk
    Electric Conductivity of (Bi1-xLaxFeO3)0.5(PbTiO3)0.5 Ceramics Obtained from Mechanosynthesized Nanopowders
    Acta Physica Polonica A, 126, 971-974, 2014
  4. Ł. Lindner, M. Zdanowska-Frączek, A. Pawłowski, Z.J. Frączek
    The superionic phase transitions in (NH4)3H(SeO4)2 under hydrostatic pressure up to 400 MPa
    Journal of Applied Physics, 116, 163513, 2014
  5. E. Markiewicz, R. Bujakiewicz-Koronska, A. Budziak, A. Kalvane, D.M. Nalecz
    Impedance spectroscopy studies of SrMnO3, BaMnO3 and Ba0.5Sr0.5MnO3 ceramics
    Phase Transitions, 87, 1060-1072, 2014
  6. M. Kaźmierczak, K. Pogorzelec-Glaser, A. Hilczer, S. Jurga, Ł. Majchrzycki, M. Nowicki, R. Czajka, F. Matelski, R. Pankiewicz, B. Łęska, L. Kępiński, B. Andrzejewski
    Morphology and magnetic properties of Fe3O4-alginic acid nanocomposites
    Materials and technology, 48, 675-678, 2014
  7. A. Hilczer, B. Andrzejewski, E. Markiewicz, K. Kowalska, A. Pietraszko
    Effect of thermal treatment on magnetic and dielectric response of SrM hexaferrites obtained by hydrothermal synthesis
    Phase Transitions, 87, 938-952, 2014
  8. M. Połomska, B. Hilczer, J. Wolak, A. Pietraszko, M. Balcerzak, M. Jurczyk, J. Jakubowicz
    XRD and Raman spectroscopy studies of (Bi1-xLaxFeO3)0.5(PbTiO3)0.5 solid solution
    Phase Transitions, 87, 909-921, 2014
  9. A. Drzewiński, J. Ulner, J. Wojtkiewicz, M. Zdanowska-Frączek, K. Nordlund, A. Kuronen
    Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of proton conductivity
    Physical Review E, 90, 012135-1-8, 2014
  10. M. Szafrański, M. Połomska, J. Wolak
    Origin of Metastable Properties in the Ferroelectric Phase of Tetraguanidinium Dichloro-Sulfate
    The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 118, 15556-15564, 2014
  11. B. Andrzejewski, W. Bednarski, M. Kaźmierczak, A. Łapiński, K. Pogorzelec-Glaser, B. Hilczer, S. Jurga, G. Nowaczyk, K. Załęski, M. Matczak, B. Łęska, R. Pankiewicz, L. Kępiński
    Magnetization enhancement in magnetite nanoparticles capped with alginic acid
    Composite: Part B, 64, 147-154, 2014
  12. A. Rachocki, K. Pogorzelec-Glaser, P. Ławniczak, M. Pugaczowa-Michalska, A. Łapiński, B. Hilczer, M. Matczak, A. Pietraszko
    Proton Conducting Compound of Benzimidazole with Sebacic Acid: Structure, Molecular Dynamics, and Proton Conductivity
    Crystal Growth & Design, 14, 1211-1220, 2014
  13. E. Markiewicz, R. Bujakiewicz-Korońska, D. Majda, L .Vasylechko, A. Kalvane, M. Matczak
    Effect of cobalt doping on the dielectric response of Ba0.95Pb0.05TiO3 ceramics
    Journal of Electroceramics 32, 92-101, 2014
  14. K. Chybczyńska, P. Ławniczak, B. Hilczer, B. Łęska, R. Pankiewicz, A. Pietraszko, L. Kępiński, T. Kałuski, P. Cieluch, F. Matelski, B. Andrzejewski
    Synthesis and properties of bismuth ferrite multiferroic flowers
    Journal of Materials Science 49, 2596-2604, 2014


  1. B. Andrzejewski, A. Molak, B. Hilczer, A. Budziak, R. Bujakiewicz-Korońska
    Field induced changes in cycloidal spin ordering and coincidence between magnetic and electric anomalies in BiFeO3 multiferroic
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 342, 17-26, 2013
  2. J. Wolak, A. Pawłowski, M. Połomska, A. Pietraszko
    Molecular dynamics in (NH4)3H(SeO4)2 at superionic phase transitions: Raman spectroscopy studies
    Phase Transitions 86, 182-190, 2013
  3. B. Andrzejewski, K. Chybczynska, K. Pogorzelec-Glaser, B. Hilczer, B. Leska, R. Pankiewicz, P. Cieluch
    Magnetic properties of BiFeO3 micro-cubes synthesized by microwave agitation
    Phase Transitions 86, 748-757, 2013
  4. B. Andrzejewski, K. Chybczyńska, K. Pogorzelec-Glaser, B. Hilczer, T. Toliński, B. Łęska, R. Pankiewicz, P. Cieluch
    Magnetic Relaxation in Bismuth Ferrite Micro-Cubes
    Ferroelectrics 448, 58-70, 2013
  5. E. Markiewicz, K. Szot, B. Hilczer, A. Pietraszko
    BiFeO3 single crystal as a resistive switching element for application in microelectronic devices
    Phase Transitions 86, 284-289, 2013
  6. M. Połomska, B. Hilczer, E. Markiewicz, Z. Trybuła, B. Andrzejewski, I. Szafraniak-Wiza, A. Pietraszko
    Dielectric response and specific heat studies of Cd2Nb2O7 ceramics obtained from mechano-synthesized nanopowders
    IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control Vol. 60, No. 8, 1603-1611, 2013
  7. M. Zdanowska-Frączek, K. Hołderna-Natkaniec, P. Ławniczak, Cz. Pawlaczyk
    1H NMR study of benzimidazolium azelate
    Solid State Ionics 237, 40-45, 2013
  8. K. Pogorzelec-Glaser, A. Rachocki, P. Ławniczak, A. Pietraszko, Cz. Pawlaczyk, B. Hilczer, M. Pugaczowa-Michalska
    Structure, hydrogen bond network and proton conductivity of new benzimidazole compounds with dicarboxylic acids
    CrystEngComm 15, 1950-1959, 2013
  9. K. Lewandowska, B. Barszcz, J. Wolak, A. Graja, M. Grzybowski, D.T. Gryko
    Vibrational properties of new corrole-fullerene dyad and its components
    Dyes and Pigments 96, 249-255 (2013)
  10. A. Pilarska, M. Wysokowski, E. Markiewicz, T. Jesionowski
    Synthesis of magnesium hydroxide and its calcinates by a precipitation method with the use of magnesium sulfate and poly(ethylene glycols)
    Powder Technology 235, 148-157, 2013


  1. M. Zdanowska-Frączek, Z.J. Frączek, P. Szklarz, R. Jakubas
    High-pressure dielectric studies of a novel hydrogen-bonded ferroelectric (NH4)2H2P2O6
    Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 73, 953–956, 2012
  2. J. Kaszyńska, B. Hilczer, P. Biskupski
    Segmental dynamics in poly(vinylidene  fluoride) studied by dielectric, mechanical and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopies
    Polymer Bulletin 68, 1121-1134, 2012
  3. M. Połomska, B. Hilczer, E. Markiewicz, Z. Trybuła, B. Andrzejewski, I. Szafraniak-Wiza, A. Pietraszko
    XRD, Dielectric and Magnetic Studies of Cd2Nb2O7 Ceramics Obtained from Mechano-Synthesized Nanopowders
    IEEE-xplore, pp. 4, doi: 10.1109/ISAF.2012.6297742, 2012
  4. B. Andrzejewski, K. Chybczyńska, K. Pogorzelec-Glaser, B. Hilczer, B. Łęska, R. Pankiewicz, P. Cieluch
    Aging and rejuvenation effects in bismuth ferrite micro-cubes
    IEEE-xplore, pp. 4, doi: 10.1109/ISAF.2012.6297811, 2012
  5. K. Pogorzelec-Glaser, A. Rachocki, P. Ławniczak, A. Łapiński, J. Tritt-Goc
    Synthesis and characterization of a new proton-conducting material based on imidazole and selenic acid
    Solid State Ionics, 227, 96-101, 2012
  6. I. Olejniczak, K. Pogorzelec-Glaser
    Lattice Dynamics through the Structural Phase Transition in D-Amphetamine Sulfate
    Journal of Physical Chemistry A 116 (40): 9854-9862 (2012)
  7. B. Andrzejewski, D.A. Pawlak, T. Klimczuk, S. Turczyński
    Relation between Structure and Magnetic Properties of Microstructured PrAlO3
    Acta Physica Polonica A 121, 1315-1317, 2012
  8. B. Andriyevsky, M. Zdanowska-Frączek
    DFT-based ab initio study of band structure of CsH5(PO4)2 crystals.
    Solid State Ionics 207, 14–20, 2012
  9. A. Kołodziejczak-Radzimska, E. Markiewicz, T. Jesionowski
    Structural Characterization of ZnO Particles Obtained by the Emulsion Precipitation Method
    Journal of Nanomaterials 2012, pp. 9, 2012
  10. T. Rojac, B. Malic, M. Kosec, M. Połomska, B. Hilczer, B. Zupancic, B. Zalar
    Mechanochemical synthesis of NaNbO3: a complementary study of reaction mechanism using Raman spectroscopy and quadrupole perturbed 23Na nuclear magnetic resonance
    Solid State Ionics 215, 1-6, 2012
  11. P. Ławniczak, M. Zdanowska-Frączek, Z.J. Frączek, K. Pogorzelec-Glaser, Cz. Pawlaczyk
    Electric conductivity of benzimidazolium azelate as a function of competitive variables: Temperature and hydrostatic pressure
    Solid State Ionics 225, 268–271, (2012)
  12. B. Hilczer, M. Szafrański, A. Hilczer
    Pressure-induced changes in the dielectric response of polymer relaxors
    Applied Physics Letters 100, 052904, 2012


  1. E. Markiewicz, B. Hilczer, M. Błaszyk, A. Pietraszko, E. Talik
    Dielectric properties of BiFeO3 ceramics obtained from mechanochemically synthesized nanopowders
    Journal of Electroceramics 27, 154-161, 2011
  2. N. Pavlenko, A. Pietraszko, A. Pawłowski, M. Połomska, I.V. Stasyuk, B. Hilczer
    Hydrogen, transport in superionic system Rb3H(SeO4)2: a revised cooperative migration mechanism
    Physical Review B 84, 064303, 2011
  3. A. Pilarska, E. Markiewicz, F. Ciesielczyk, T. Jesionowski
    The influence of spray drying on the dispersive and physicochemical properties of magnesium oxide
    Drying Technology 29, 1210-1218, 2011
  4. M. Połomska, K. Pogorzelec-Glaser, Cz. Pawlaczyk, A. Pietraszko
    FT NIR Raman studies of alginic acid-benzimidazole polymer composite
    Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 79, 797-800, 2011
  5. A. Rachocki, K. Pogorzelec-Glaser, Cz. Pawlaczyk, J. Tritt-Goc
    Morphology, molecular dynamics and electric conductivity of carbohydrate polymer films based on alginic acid and benzimidazole
    Carbohydrate Research 346, 2718-2726 (2011).
  6. K. Pogorzelec-Glaser, A. Pietraszko, J. Baran, B. Hilczer, J. Małecki, M. Połomska, P. Ławniczak
    Structure and molecular dynamics of bis-1H-1,2,4-triazole succinic acid complex crystals
    CrystEngComm 13, 3698-3709, 2011
  7. K. Załęski, J. Dubowik, I. Gościańska, B. Andrzejewski, T. Toliński
    Magnetostructural transformations in Ni51Mn36Sn13 Heusler alloy thin films
    Central European Journal of Physics 9, 558-561, 2011
  8. B. Hilczer, E. Markiewicz, K. Pogorzelec-Glaser, M. Połomska, A. Pietraszko
    Dielectric Relaxation in Confined Ferroelectric Polymer
    Ferroelectrics 417, 124-135, 2011
  9. A. Bajorek, G. Chełkowska, B. Andrzejewski
    Magnetic properties, crystal and electronic structure of GdNi5-xCux series
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 509, 578-584, 2011
  10. A. Gradišek, B. Dimnik, S. Vrtnik, M. Wencka, M. Zdanowska-Frączek, G.V. Lavrova, J. Dolinšek
    The hydrogen dynamics of CsH5(PO4)2 studied by means of nuclear magnetic resonance.
    J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 23, 085901, 2011


  1. I. Szafraniak-Wiza, B. Hilczer, E. Talik, A. Pietraszko, B. Malič
    Ferroelectric perovskite nanopowders obtained by mechanochemical synthesis.
    Processing and Applicarion of Ceramicas 4(3), 99-106, 2010
  2. I. Olejniczak, J. Wolak, B. Barszcz, J.A. Schlueter, J.L. Manson
    CuF2 Structural Changes in Two-Dimensional Quantum Magnet (H2O)2(pyz) Under Pressure: Raman Study.
    AIP Conference Procedings, 1267, 597-598 (2010)
  3. J. Wolak, K. Pogorzelec-Glaser
    New Proton Conductivity Material With The Heterocyclic Molecule: Structure and NIR- Raman Study.
    AIP Conference Procedings, 1267, 463-464, 2010
  4. P. Fiertek, B. Andrzejewski, W. Sadowski
    Synthesis and transport properties porous superconducting ceramics of Yba2Cu3O7.
    Reviews on Advanced Materials Science 23 (1) 52 (2010)
  5. M. Konieczna, E. Markiewicz, J. Jurga
    Dielectric properties of polyethylene terephthalate / polyphenylene sulfide / barium titanate nanocomposite for application in electronic industry.
    Polymer Engineering and Science 50, 161301619, 2010
  6. M.A. Augustyniak-Jabłokow, Y.V. Yablokov, B. Andrzejewski, W. Kempiński, Sz. Łoś, K. Tadyszak, M.Y. Yablokov, V.A. Zhikharev
    EPR and magnetism of the nanostructured natural carbonaceous material shungite.
    Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 37, 237-247, 2010
  7. M. Połomska, K. Pogorzelec-Glaser, C. Pawlaczyk
    FT-NIR Raman and proton conductivity studies of new polymer composite: alginic acid-heterocyclic molecules
    Phase Transitions, 83(10), 844- 853, 2010
  8. Cz. Pawlaczyk, A. Pawłowski, M. Połomska, K. Pogorzelec-Glaser, B. Hilczer, A. Pietraszko, E. Markiewicz, P. Ławniczak, L. Szcześniak
    Anhydrous proton conductors for use as solid electrolytes.
    Phase Transitions, 83(10), 854 - 867, 2010
  9. W.R. Viali, G.B. Alcantara, P.P.C. Sartoratto, M.G.A. Solar, E. Mosiniewicz-Szablewska, B. Andrzejewski, P.C. Morais
    Investigation of the Molecular Surface Coating on the Stability of Insulating Magnetic Oils.
    Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114, 179 (2010)
  10. M. Urbaniak, F. Stobiecki, B. Szymański, T. Toliński, B. Andrzejewski
    Magnetization reversal and magnetoresistance of [CoFe/Au/Co/Au]N multilayers with noncollinear magnetic structure.
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 322, 924-928, 2010
  11. M. Połomska, B. Hilczer, E. Markiewicz, K. Pogorzelec-Glaser, A. Pietraszko
    Effect of processing conditions on the dielectric and Raman response of electroactive polymers.
    Ferroelectrics, 405, 138-145, 2010


  1. J. Piekoszewski, W. Kempiński, M. Barlak, Z. Werner, Sz. Łoś, B. Andrzejewski, J. Stankowski, L. Piekara-Sady, E. Składnik-Sadowska, W. Szymczyk, A. Kolitsch, R. Grötzschel, W. Starosta, B. Sartowska
    Superconductivity of Mg–B layers prepared by a multi-energy implantation of boron into magnesium and magnesium into boron bulk substrates followed by the furnace and pulsed plasma annealing.
    Surface and Coatings Technology 203, 2694-2699, 2009
  2. M. Zdanowska-Frączek, K. Hołderna-Natkaniec, Z.J. Frączek, R. Jakubas
    Molecular dynamics and electrical conductivity of (C3N2H5)5Bi2Cl11.
    Solid State Ionics 180, 9-12, 2009
  3. E. Markiewicz, S. Borysiak, D. Paukszta
    Polypropylene-lignocellulosic material composites as promising sound absorbing materials.
    Polimery 54, nr 6, 430-435, 2009
  4. M. Kempiński, B. Andrzejewski, T. Luciński
    Influence of the deposition temperature on Co structure in Ni_Fe/Au/Co/Au multilayers.
    Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials – Rapid Communications 3, 1038-1041, 2009
  5. K. Pogorzelec-Glaser, J. Kaszyńska, A. Rachocki, J. Tritt-Goc, N. Piślewski, A. Pietraszko
    The crystal structure and evidence of the phase transition in D-amphetamine sulfate, as studied by X-ray crystallography, DSC and NMR spectroscopy.
    New Journal of Chemistry 33, 1894-1900, 2009
  6. E. Markiewicz, D. Paukszta, S. Borysiak
    Dielectric properties of lignocellulosic materials-polypropylene composites.
    Materials Science-Poland Vol. 27, No. 2, 581-594, 2009
  7. A. Pawłowski, A. Pietraszko
    Silver transfer in proustite Ag3AsS3 at high temperatures: conductivity and single-crystal X-ray studies.
    Journal of Solid State Chemistry 182, 451-456, 2009
  8. K. Pogorzelec-Glaser, Cz. Pawlaczyk, A. Pietraszko, L. Szcześniak
    New 2-methylimidazole-dicarboxylic acid molecular crystals: crystal structure and proton conductivity.
    Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 21, 345403 (9pp), 2009
  9. W. Bednarski, S. Waplak, B. Hilczer, A. Pietraszko, L. Kępiński
    Multiferroic BiFeO3 nanoparticles studied by electron spin resonance, X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy methods.
    Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Vol. 9, 3246-3251, 2009
  10. M. Kosec, M. Połomska, B. Hilczer, P. Segedin, A. Bencan
    Mechanochemical reaction in the K2CO3-Nb2O5 system.
    Journal of the European Ceramic Society 29, 2999-2006, 2009
  11. E. Markiewicz, Cz. Pawlaczyk, J. Kułek, E. Nogaś-Ćwikiel
    Pyroelectric and dielectric properties of lead lanthanum zirconate titanate (Pb0.92La0.08)(Zr0.65Ti0.35)O3-P(VDF/TFE)(0.98/0.02) nanocomposities.
    Journal of Electroceramics 23, 94-101, 2009
  12. T. Toliński, M. Falkowski, B. Andrzejewski, A. Szewczyk, M. Reiffers
    Magnetic and electronic properties of heavy fermion compound CeCu4In and valence fluctuating compound CeNi4In.
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 481, 40-43, 2009
  13. Cz. Pawlaczyk, A. Pajączkowska, A. Kłos
    Piezoelectric and elastic properties of γ-irradiated gadolinium calcium oxoborate, GdCa4O(BO3)3, single crystal.
    Ferroelectrics, 389, 55-62, 2009


  1. B. Andrzejewski, E. Guilmeau, A. Kowalczyk
    The effetc of structure on flux instability and on the superconducting properties of the Mo2Re3Bx-Mo3Re2Bx eutectic.
    Superconductor Science and Technology 21, 045008, 2008
  2. R. Sobiestiankas, J. Banys, J. Grigas, A. Pawłowski
    Conductivity properties of Rb3H(SeO4)2 crystals in the region of superionic phase transition.
    Solid State Ionics 179, 213-217, 2008
  3. M. Zdanowska-Frączek, M. Wysocka, Z.J. Frączek, R. Jakubas
    Electric properties of (C3H5N2)5Bi2Cl11 crystal in the paraelectric-ferroelastic phase.
    Solid State Ionics 178, 1731-1734, 2008
  4. Y. Vasylkiv, M. Połomska, I. Teslyuk, Y. Nastishin, R. Vlokh
    Temperature behavior of lysozyme crystals: polarization microscopy and micro-Raman studies.
    Soft Materials 6, 129-139, 2008
  5. D. Nuzhnyy, J. Petzelt, I. Rychetsky, S. Veljko, J. Kułek, B. Hilczer
    Time-domain terahertz and infrared spectroscopy of BaTiO3-PVDF nanocomposites.
    Phase Transitions 81(11-12), 1049-1057, 2008
  6. M. Olszowy, E. Markiewicz, Cz. Pawlaczyk, E. Nogas-Ćwikiel
    Dielectric response of PVC polymer loaded with Ba0.3Na0.7Ti0.3Nb0.7O3 ceramic powder.
    Phase Transitions 81(11-12), 1009-110-6, 2008
  7. S. Bravina, N. Morozovsky, J. Kulek, B. Hilczer
    Pyroelectic Thermowave Probing and Polarization Reversal in TGS/PEO Composites.
    Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 497, 109-120, 2008
  8. A. Rachocki, K. Pogorzelec-Glaser, A. Pietraszko, J. Tritt-Goc
    The structural dynamics in the proton-conducting imidazolium oxalate.
    Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20, 505101, 2008
  9. M. Zdanowska-Frączek, Z.J. Frączek, A. Piecha, R. Jakubas, A. Rzepczyńska
    The influence of hydrostatic pressure on the ferroelectric phase transition in (C3N2H5)5Bi2Cl11.
    Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20, 275231, 2008
  10. M. Połomska, J. Wolak, A. Pietraszko, A. Pawłowski, L.F. Kirpichnikova
    Low temperature phase transitions of [(NH4)1-xRbx]3H(SO4)2 studied by XRD and Raman spectroscopy.
    Journal of Molecular Structure 887, 48-55, 2008
  11. I. Szafraniak-Wiza, B. Hilczer, A. Pietraszko, E. Talik
    Phase formations during mechanochemical synthesis of PbTiO3.
    Journal of Electroceramics Vol. 20, No. 1, 21-25, 2008
  12. M. Połomska, A. Pietraszko, A. Pawłowski, J. Wolak, L.F. Kirpichnikova
    Ferroelastic domain structure in some superprotonic conductors.
    Ferroelectrics 376, 46-63 (2008)
  13. M. Połomska, B. Hilczer, M. Kosec, B. Malič
    Raman scattering studies of lead free (1-x)K0.5Na0.5NbO3-xSrTiO3 Relaxors.
    Ferroelecrics 369, 149-56, 2008
  14. B. Andrzejewski
    Superconductivity in the Mo2Re3B compound.
    Cryogenics 48, 478-482, 2008
  15. A. Rachocki, K. Pogorzelec-Glaser, J. Tritt-Goc
    1H NMR relaxation studies of proton-conducting imidazolium salts of dicarboxylic acids.
    Applied Magnetic Resonance 34, 163-173, 2008
  16. J. Goslar, B. Hilczer, H. Smogór
    Radiation-induced modification of P(VDF/TrFE) copolymers studied by ESR and vibrational spectroscopy.
    Applied Magnetic Resonance 34, 37-45, 2008
  17. Sz. Łoś, W. Kempiński, J. Piekoszewski, L. Piekara-Sady, Z. Werner, M. Barlak, B. Andrzejewski, W. Jurga, K. Kaszyńska
    The evolution of superconducting phase MgBx.
    Acta Physica Polonica A, Vol. 114, No. 1, 179-184, 2008
  18. M. Reiffers, A. Kowalczyk, T. Toliński, B. Andrzejewski, E. Gazo, M. Timko, J. Sebek, E. Santana
    Heat capasity and susceptibility of CeCu4Al.
    Acta Physica Polonica A Vol. 113, No. 1, 425-428, 2008


  1. J. Piekoszewski, W. Kempiński, M. Barlak, J. Kaszyński, J. Stanisławski, B. Andrzejewski, Z. Werner, L. Piekara-Sady, E. Richter, J. Stankowski, R. Grötzschel, Sz. Łoś
    Superconducting and electrical properties of Mg-B structures formed by implantation of magnesium ions into the bulk boron followed by pulse plasma treatment.
    Vacuum 81, 1398-1402, 2007
  2. J. Piekoszewski, W. Kempiński, B. Andrzejewski, Z. Trybuła, J. Kaszyński, J. Stankowski, J. Stanisławski, M. Barlak, J. Jagielski, Z. Werner, R. Grötzschel, E. Richter
    Formation of superconducting regions of MgB2 by implantation of magnesium ions into boron substrate followed by intense pulsed plasma treatment.
    Surface & Coatings Technology 201, 8175-8179, 2007
  3. B. Andrzejewski, A. Kowalczyk, A. Jezierski, M.R. Lees
    Magnetic, transport and high-pressure properties of a W7Re13B superconducting compounds.
    Superconductors Science and Technology 20, 728-735, 2007
  4. L. Kubisz, M. Połomska
    FT NIR Raman studies on γ-irradiated bone.
    Spectrochimica Acta A, 66, 616-625, 2007
  5. M.D. Glinchuk, P.I. Bykov, B. Hilczer
    Mechanism of the decrease of barriers for oxygen ionic conductivity in nanocrystalline ceramics.
    physica status solidi (b) 244, No. 2, 578-586, 2007
  6. B. Andrzejewski, E. Guilmeau, A. Kowalczyk, A. Szlaferek
    New superconducting phases In Mo2Re3Bx-Mo3Re2Bx eutectic.
    Materials Science – Poland Vol. 25, No. 4, 1259-1266, 2007
  7. B. Andrzejewski, T. Klimczuk, R.J. Cava
    The upper critical field in doped MgCNi3.
    Physica C 460-462, 706-707, 2007
  8. Cz. Pawlaczyk, M. Olszowy, E. Markiewicz, E. Nogas-Ćwikiel, J. Kułek
    Dielectric behaviour and pyroelectricity in SBN70-PCV composites.
    Phase Transitions Vol. 80, No. 1-2, 177-183, 2007
  9. P. Wandziuk, T. Luciński, B. Andrzejewski
    Magnetic and transport properties of Fe/Si multilayers with various iron thicknesses.
    Materials Science - Poland Vol. 25, No. 2, 599-602, 2007
  10. J. Wolak, M. Połomska, L. Szczesniak, A. Pietraszko, L.F. Kirpichnikova
    Raman scattering, DSC, XRD and ferroelastic domain studies at superionic phase transitions in [(NH4)1−xRbx]3H(SO4)2 for x>0. 8
    Journal of Power Sources 173, 688-694, 2007
  11. A. Pawłowski, M. Połomska, B. Hilczer, L. Szczesniak, A. Pietraszko
    Superionic phase transition in Rb3D(SeO4)2 single crystals.
    Journal of Power Sources 173, 781-787, 2007
  12. K. Pogorzelec-Glaser, Cz. Pawlaczyk, A. Pietraszko, E. Markiewicz
    Crystal structure and electrical conductivity of imidazolium succinate.
    Journal of Power Sources 173, 800-805, 2007
  13. J. Kułek, I. Szafraniak, B. Hilczer, M. Połomska
    Dielectric and pyroelectric response of PVDF loaded with BaTiO3 obtained by mechanosynthesis.
    Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 353 (2007) 4448-4452
  14. I. Szafraniak, M. Połomska, B. Hilczer, A. Pietraszko, L. Kępiński
    Characterization of BiFeO3Nanopowder obtained by mechanochemical synthesis.
    Journal of the European Ceramic Society 27, 4399-4402, 2007
  15. M. Falkowski, B. Andrzejewski, A. Kowalczyk
    Magnetic properties of hexagonal RNi4Si (R = rare earth) compounds.
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 442, 155-157, 2007
  16. B. Andrzejewski, A. Kowalczyk, A. Jezierski, M.R. Lees, G. Chełkowska
    Superconducting properties of W7Re13B compounds.
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 442, 225-227, 2007
  17. R. Sobiestianskas, J. Banys, A. Brilingas, J. Grigas, A. Pawłowski, B. Hilczer
    Dielectric properties of (NH4)3H(SO4)2 crystals in room- and high-temperature phases.
    Ferroelectrics 348, 75-81, 2007
  18. B. Andrzejewski, W. Kempiński, Z. Trybuła, J. Kaszyński, J. Stankowski, Sz. Łoś, J. Piekoszewski, J. Stanisławski, M. Barlak, Z. Werner, P. Konarski
    Critical currents density and current loops range in MgB2 thin layers obtained by the technique of ions implantation followed by pulsed plasma transient annealing.
    Cryogenics 47, 267-271, 2007
  19. M. Zdanowska-Frączek, M. Olszewski, Z.J. Frączek, R. Jakubas
    The dielectric studies of ferroelectric [NH2(CH3)2]3Sb2Cl9 crystals under moderate pressure.
    Acta Physica Polonica A Vol. 112, No. 3, 549-555, 2007
  20. B. Andrzejewski, E. Guimeau, A. Kowalczyk, W. Jurga
    Superconducting properties of Mo2Re3Bx - Mo3Re2Bx eutectic.
    Acta Physica Polonica A Vol. 111, No. 5, 727-735, 2007


  1. E. Wolska, M. Tovar, B. Andrzejewski, W. Nowicki, J. Darul, P. Piszora, M. Knapp
    Structural and magnetic properties of the iron substituted lithium-manganese spinel oxides.
    Solid State Sciences 8, 31-36, 2006
  2. T. Toliński, A. Szytuła, A. Hoser, A. Kowalczyk, B. Andrzejewski
    Neutron diffraction onTmNi4Al.
    physica status solidi (b) 243, No 15, 4064-4069, 2006
  3. B. Andrzejewski, A. Kowalczyk, J.E. Frąckowiak, T. Toliński, A. Szlaferek, S. Pal, Ch. Simon
    Unusual negative magnetisation effect in antiferromagnetic YbFe4Al8 compound.
    phys. stat. sol. (b) 243, No. 1, 295-298, 2006
  4. Cz. Pawlaczyk, E. Markiewicz, A. Kłos, W. Hofman, A. Pajączkowska
    Elastic and piezoelectric properties of gadolinium calcium oxoborate GdCa4O(BO3)3 crystal.
    physica status solidi (a) 203, No. 8, 2103-2118, 2006
  5. Cz. Pawlaczyk, E. Markiewicz, A. Kłos, A. Pajączkowska
    Dielectric constant tensor of piezoelectric gadolinium calcium oxoborate crystal, GdCa4O(BO3)3, estimated from the electric impedance spectrum.
    physica status solidi (a) 203, No. 5, 979-986, 2006
  6. E. Markiewicz, Cz. Pawlaczyk, A. Kłos, W. Hofman, A. Pajączkowska
    Temperature behavior of piezoelectric gadolinium calcium oxoborate GdCa4O(BO3)3 crystal.
    physica status solidi (a) 203, No. 2, 372-378, 2006
  7. М.Д. Глинчук, П.И. Быков, B. Hilczer
    Особенности ионной проводимости кислорода в оксидной нанокерамике.
    Физика твердого тела том 48, вып. 11, 2079-2084, 2006
  8. K. Pogorzelec-Glaser, A. Pietraszko, B. Hilczer, M. Połomska
    Structure and phase transitions in Cu2P2O7.
    Phase Transitions Vol. 79, No. 6-7, 535-544, 2006
  9. A. Łapiński, A. Graja, I. Olejniczak, A. Bogucki, M. Połomska, J. Baffreau, L. Perrin, S. Leroy-Lhez, P. Hudhomme
    Vibrational and electronic properties of perylenediimide linked to fullerene and tetrathiafulvalene.
    Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Vol. 447, 87[405] – 103[421], 2006
  10. E. Sówka, M. Leonowicz, B. Andrzejewski, A.D. Pomogailo, G.I. Dzhardimalieva
    Cobalt nanoparticles processed by thermal decomposition of metal-containing monomers.
    Materials Science – Poland Vol. 24, No. 2/1, 311-317, 2006
  11. K. Pogorzelec-Glaser, J. Garbarczyk, Cz. Pawlaczyk, E. Markiewicz
    Electrical conductivity in new imidazolium salts of dicarboxylic acids.
    Materials Science – Poland Vol. 24, No. 1, 245-252, 2006
  12. A. Gągor, A. Pietraszko, M. Drozd, M. Połomska, D. Kaynts
    Structural phase transitions an their influence on Cu+ mobility in superionic ferroelastic Cu6PS5I single crystals.
    Materials Science – Poland Vol. 24, No. 1, 237-243, 2006
  13. A. Gągor, A. Pietraszko, M. Drozd, M. Połomska, Cz. Pawlaczyk, D. Kaynts
    Structural phase transitions and conduction properties of superionic, ferroelastic Cu6PS5Br1-xIx single crystals (x = 1, 0.75, 0.25).
    Journal of Physics: Condens. Matter 18, 4489-4502, 2006
  14. T. Toliński, B. Andrzejewski, A. Kowalczyk, G. Chełkowska, A. Szlaferek, J. Frąckowiak
    Magnetic and electronic properties of the antiferromagnetic YbFe4Al8 compound.
    Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 67, 751-755, 2006
  15. B. Jasiewicz, W. Boczoń, D. Muth, B. Warżajtis, U. Rychlewska, B. Andrzejewski, T. Toliński
    Crystal structure, spectroscopy and magnetism of selected (−)sparteine and α-isosparteine tetrahalocuprate salts.
    Journal of Molecular Structure 794, 311-319, 2006
  16. B. Hilczer, H. Smogór, J. Goslar
    Dielectric response of polymer relaxors.
    Journal of Materials Science 41, 117-127, 2006
  17. A. Łapiński, R. Świetlik, M. Połomska, L. Ouahab, T. Imakubo
    Spectral studies of DIET, DIEDO and DIETS organic donors their charge-transfer salts with paramagnetic cyano complex.
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics, Vol. 142, No. ¾, 597-600, 2006
  18. R. Świetlik, A. Łapiński, M. Połomska, L. Ouahab, A. Ota
    Infrared and Raman investigations of the charge ordering phenomena in the monoclinic salts κ-(BEDT-TTF)4[M(CN)6][N(C2H5)4]•2H2O (M = CoIII, FeIII).
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics, Vol. 142, No. ¾, 641-645, 2006
  19. E. Sówka, M. Leonowicz, B. Andrzejewski, A.D. Pomogailo, G.I. Dzhardimalieva
    Processing and properties of composite magnetic powders containing Co nanoparticles in polymeric matrix.
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 423, 123-127, 2006
  20. A. Kowalczyk, T. Toliński, B. Andrzejewski, A. Szlaferek
    Physical properties of the RNi4Cu (R = rare earth) compounds.
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 413, 1-6, 2006
  21. B. Hilczer, H. Smogór, J. Kułek, J. Goslar
    Effect of fast electron irradiation on the dielectric and pyroelectric response of radially-oriented PVDF film.
    IEEE Transations on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, vol. 13, No 5, 1155-1161 (2006)
  22. B. Hilczer, J. Kułek, M. Połomska, M. Kosec, B. Malic, L. Kępiński
    Dielectric relaxation in K0.5Na0.5NbO3-PVDF composites.
    Ferroelectrics 338, 159-170, 2006
  23. I. Szafraniak, M. Połomska, B. Hilczer, E. Talik, L. Kępiński
    Characterization of PbTiO3 nanopowders obtained by room temperatures synthesis.
    Ferroelectrics 336, 279-287, 2006
  24. M. Połomska, J. Wolak, L.F. Kirpichnikova
    Molecular dynamics study in the vicinity of ferroelastic – paraelastic phase transition of [(NH4)1-xRbx]3H(SO4)2.
    Ferroelectrics 334, 223-232, 2006
  25. I. Szafraniak, M. Połomska, B. Hilczer
    XRD, TEM and Raman scattering studies of PbTiO3 nanopowders.
    Crystal Research and Technology 41, No. 6, 576-579, 2006
  26. P.A. Troshin, A. Łapiński, A. Bogucki, M. Połomska, R.N. Lyubovskaya
    Preparation and spectroscopic properties of chlorofullerenes C60Cl24, C60Cl28, and C60Cl30.
    Carbon 44, 2770-2777, 2006
  27. Z. Trybuła, W. Kempiński, B. Andrzejewski, L. Piekara-Sady, J. Kaszyński, M. Trybuła, J. Piekoszewski, J. Stanisławski, M. Barlak, E. Richter
    Superconducting regions and Kondo effect of MgB2 formed by implantation of magnesium ions into boron substrate.
    Acta Physica Polonica A, Vol. 109, No. 4-5, 657-660, 2006
  28. A. Kowalczyk, B. Andrzejewski, A. Jezierski, T. Toliński, A. Szlaferek, M. Falkowski, G. Chełkowska
    Superconductivity and electronic structure of the W7Re13B compounds.
    Acta Physica Polonica A Vol. 109, No. 4-5, 597-600, 2006
  29. B. Andrzejewski, A. Kowalczyk, T. Toliński
    Negative magnetisation and absence of superconductivity in RFe4Al8 (R = Lu, Yb) compounds.
    Acta Physica Polonica A Vol. 109, No. 4-5, 561-564, 2006


  1. J. Piekoszewski, W. Kempiński, B. Andrzejewski, Z. Trybuła, L. Piekara-Sady, J. Kaszyński, J. Stankowski, Z. Werner, E. Richter, F. Prokert, J. Stanisławski, M. Barlak
    Superconductivity of MhB2 thin films prepared by ion implantation and pulsed plasma treatment.
    Vacuum 78, 2005, 123-129
  2. A. Pawłowski, M. Połomska
    Fast proton conducting hydrogen sulphates and selenates: Impedance spectroscopy, Raman scattering and optical microscope study.
    Solid State Ionics 176, 2045-2051, 2005
  3. M. Zdanowska-Frączek, M. Zdanowska-Frączek, R. Jakubas, R. Jakubas
    The pressure influence on the incommensurate-commensurate ferroelectric phase transition in [4-NH2C5H4NH][SbCl4].
    Solid State Communications 136, 470-474, 2005
  4. M. Olszowy, Cz. Pawlaczyk, E. Markiewicz, J. Kułek
    Dielectric and pyroelectric response of lead zirconate titanate-poly(vinyl chloride) composites.
    e-Polymers 2005, 1- 6 http://www. e-polymers. org/papers/Olszowy1_221105. pdf
  5. M. Olszowy, Cz. Pawlaczyk, E. Markiewicz, J. Kułek
    Dielectric and pyroelectric properties of BaTiO3-PCV composites.
    phys. stat. sol. (a) 202, No. 9, 2005, 1848-1853
  6. M. Połomska, J. Wolak, L.F. Kirpichnikova
    Effect of ferroic domain pattern changes on the Raman spectra of some ferroic crystals.
    Materials Science and Engineering B 120, 2005, 76-8
  7. M. Zdanowska-Frączek, R. Jakubas, P. Czarnecki
    Decoupling of the order-disorder and displacive contributions to the transition in NH4H(ClH2CCOO)2
    Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 66, 2005, 845-850
  8. B. Hilczer, J. Kułek, M. Połomska, M.D. Glinchuk, A.V. Ragulya, A. Pietraszko
    Dielectric and pyroelectric response of BaTiO3-PVDF nanocomposites.
    Ferroelectrics 316, 31-41, 2005
  9. M. Zdanowska-Frączek, R. Jakubas, P. Czarnecki
    Compositional and pressure effects on the phase transition in ferroelectric NH4H(ClH2CCOO)2.
    Ferroelectrics 316, 2005, 1-5
  10. L.F. Kirpichnikova, M. Połomska, A. Pietraszko, V.S. Shakhmatov, B. Hilczer
    Characteristic features f the change of domain structure in mixed [(NH4)1-xRbx]3H(SO4)2 crystals in the vicinity of superprotonic phase transition.
    Crystallography Reports Vol. 50, No. 1, 2005, 108-114
  11. Z. Trybuła, W. Kempiński, B. Andrzejewski, L. Piekara-Sady, J. Kaszyński, J. Piekoszewski, Z. Werner, E. Richter, F. Prokert, J. Stanisławski, M. Barlak
    Formation of superconducting regions oh MgB2 by implantation of boron ions intomagnesium substrate.
    Acta Physica Polonica A, Vol. 108, No. 1, 2005, 165-170
  12. A. Rachocki, E. Markiewicz, J. Tritt-Goc
    Dielectric relaxation in cellulose and its derivatives.
    Acta Physica Polonica A, Vol. 108, No. 1, 2005, 137-145


  • dielectric spectroscopy
  • viscometer CV100/RV20
  • Linkam - THMSE 600 Hearing & Freezing Stage with temperatur programmer TMS 943
