Exhibition details

Our conference meeting will provide excellent opportunities for an effective presentation of your company's products and laboratory equipment. The 2021 conference will take place in Poznań from June 31st to July 4th and will be transmitted via video conference using commercial software. We offer professional meeting rooms, where exhibitors can talk directly with other participants. The Exhibition fee (approx. 700 EUR) covers the following items:

The last two options are also available for advertisers and does not require participation in the conference (see details in the registration form, the advertisement cost without the participation is approx. 100 EUR).

The Organizers will acknowledge the Exhibitor's sponsorship of the PM'21 Conference using the Organizers social media. This will consist of a separate post to thank each Sponsor where a link to either the Sponsor's website or the Sponsor's social media profile will be provided.


Copyright Institute of Molecular Physics Polish Academy of Sciences ❖ Design by Pawel.Lesniak@ifmpan.poznan.pl