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WINE - Polish Wine and Vineyard Fair (27-29 August 2021)

WINO – Targi Polskich Win i Winnic

WINE - Polish Wine and Vineyard Fair, where IFM PAN will present its research offer, is a new event organized by the MTP Group, enabling better understanding of the national wine-making.

WINE - The Polish Wine and Vineyard Fair will be open to visitors during the following hours:
Friday, August 27th: 10.00-20.00
Saturday, August 28th: 12.00-20.00
Sunday, August 29th: 10.00-17.00

Details about the Fair can be found on the official website of the event, Facebook profile and Instagram account.

Grupa MTP is a leader among the organizers of exhibition events in Poland and Central and Eastern Europe, which, apart from internationally well recognized business fairs, organizes also congresses, conferences, cultural and sports events, including mega-events, attracting over a million guests from around the world.

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We invite you to WINE - the Fair of Polish Wines and Vineyards

WINE - The Fair of Polish Wines and Vineyards

We cordially invite you to visit the Institute of Molecular Physics PAS stand at the Fair of Polish Wine and Vineyards WINE, which will be held on August 27-29, 2021 at the Poznań International Fair.

At the Fair, we will present our latest achievements and the research offer on vinification processes by means of nuclear magnetic resonance technique.

WINE - The Fair of Polish Wines and Vineyards is a completely new event devoted to Polish winemaking, organized in Poznań by the MTP Group. During the three-day meeting, the best Polish producers of wines and ciders, as well as suppliers of wine technology and equipment will present their products and technological solutions.
The rich program of the Fair also includes commented tastings, industry seminars, the presentation of the enotourism offer and the possibility of purchasing Polish wine.


Talk by Professor Albert Fert

We invite you to a talk by Professor Albert Fert from Unité Mixte de Physique CNRS/Thales in France, during the conference Physics of Magnetism 2021.
The speaker was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2007 for the discovery of the phenomenon of giant magnetoresistance, which contributed to the development of, among others, computer science.

Friday, July 2nd, 2021, 6:15 p.m. (CEST).

Youtube transmission:

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II National Scientific Conference "Kierunek NANO"

"Direction NANO" is a conference aimed at facilitating the exchange of experiences, presentation of research results and discussion on current and future challenges in the field of nanotechnology. This online event will take place on July 8, 2021.

The aim of the current meeting will be to exchange knowledge and experience in the field of nanotechnology, taking into account its interdisciplinary nature.

The official patron of the conference is IFM PAN.

We cordially invite you to participate in the conference:

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