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MSc Eng. Łukasz Frąckowiak became a laureate of the START 2021 programme

Program START 2021

MSc Eng. Łukasz Frąckowiak has received prestigious START 2021 stipend of the Foundation for Polish Science.

The START programme of the Foundation for Polish Science is the oldest scholarship programme in Poland for the best young scientists representing all branches of science. Its aim is to support outstanding young scientists and encourage them to further scientific development." (cited from:

Congratulations to our laureate!




Dr. hab. Eng. Piotr Kuświk, Professor IFM PAN has received a research project entitled "Artificial magnetic domains without domain walls in magnetically patterned Rare-Earth–Transition-Metal ferrimagnetic films (TWIST)". The project with a budget of PLN 1,996,760 will be implemented as part of the OPUS 20 call financed by the National Science Centre (NCN).

Prof. IFM PAN Piotr Kuświk is currently the leader of the OPUS 17 project and the Bilateral Exchange (NAWA) project. Moreover, his previous SONATA BIS 5 project was recently completed in April this year.

Congratulations to our Professor on his success!

IFM PAN as the honorary patron of the conference ”Nanotechnology in the face of the expectations of the 21st century”

Fundacja TYGIEL

The Institute of Molecular Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences became the Honorary Patron of the 5th National Scientific ConferenceNanotechnology in the face of the expectations of the 21st century”, to be held online on May 22, 2021.

The conference is an initiative of the Foundation for the Promotion of Science and Development TYGIEL and aims to present the knowledge and the latest achievements in the field of nanotechnology, nanomaterials and their applications in industry and medicine. 

Detailed information:

Another success of the Poznań Researchers' Night!

Komisja Europejska

A consortium of Poznań universities and research institutes, including IFM PAN, was granted under the EU program Horizon 2020 for the organization of the Researchers' Night 2021. Our joint application obtained as many as 14.5 points out of 15 possible and is now at the forefront of projects implemented in the European Union!

This means that we will see you during the Researchers' Night "SOS for Earth" on September 24, 2021 !!!

We congratulate to Dr. Dorota Dardas - the project coordinator on behalf of the IFM PAN, and thank her for a wonderful work!

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