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Final of the National Construction Competition

On Friday, June 10, 2022, the Final of the National Construction Competition took place, the aim of which was to build vehicles powered by mousetraps and driving them over a distance of 12 meters in the shortest possible time.

Over 50 teams from all over Poland applied for the competition, of which 35 teams took part, and 18 vehicles reached the finish line. The vehicles were made of a mousetrap (each team had the same mousetraps) and of ... Imagination!

The competition was full of excitement as each team had the ability to release the same vehicle 3 times. In between races, there was an opportunity to improve the designs, which was often associated with great emotions!

The essence of the competition was learning through play and observation that in the construction of even the smallest devices the laws of physics are of great importance. And that understanding these laws allows you to directly apply textbook knowledge in practice.

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Our visit to the Primary School No. 1 in Poznań STO

Photo from the lecture

Lecturers of "Physics Worth Poznań" on April 27 this year visited St. Urszula Ledóchowska Primary School No. 1 in Poznań. The lectures "We are changing the world for the better - how to take care of the climate and the environment", "Renewable energy sources" with the accompanying demonstrations were prepared and conducted by dr hab. Iwona Olejniczak, dr inż. Bolesław Barszcz and dr inż. Paweł Ławniczak. They enjoyed great popularity among students of the oldest classes of this School.

 We invite you to watch a short photo report.

New professor nomination at IMP PAS

We are happy to announce that dr hab. Tomasz Toliński, professor of the IMP PAS, by the decision of the President of the Republic of Poland, was awarded the title of professor.

We would like to congratulate Professor Tomasz Toliński and wish him many further scientific successes!

MSc. Eng. Sylwia Zięba received a START 2022 scholarship

Konkurs START 2022

MSc. Eng. Sylwia Zięba has been awarded the START 2022 scholarship of the Foundation for Polish Science.

Annual START fellowships are awarded to outstanding young scientists at the beginning of their scientific career with confirmed scientific achievements. The aim of the START program is to highlight the most gifted young scientists and encourage them to further development by allowing them to fully devote to scientific research.

Congratulations to our laureate!

More information available on the website of the Foundation for Polish Science.

Dr. Łukasz Lindner became an expert of the Climate Leadership program

Logo Climate Leadership

Dr. Łukasz Lindner became an expert of the "Climate Leadership" program organized by the UNEP/GRID-Warsaw Center, which carries out the mission of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) for sustainable development.

Climate Leadership is a program for the development of a community of leaders of real change in business to counteract irreversible environmental changes resulting in the climate crisis. The program supports activities undertaken by companies to achieve climate neutrality.


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