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Professor Andrzej Łapiński as a President of the Management Board of Poznań Branch of PPS

Polskie Towarzystwo Fizyczne

During the general meeting of the members of the Poznań Branch of the Polish Physical Society (PPS), which took place on December 13, Assoc. Prof. DSc. PhD. Andrzej Łapiński was elected President of the Management Board for the years 2023-2024. On behalf of the Institute of Molecular Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the new Management Board also included Prof. DSc. PhD. Zbigniew Trybuła (member) and PhD. Eng. Paweł Ławniczak (treasurer).

We congratulate Professor Andrzej Łapiński, as well the other distinguished persons, and wish them fruitful work in the Poznań Branch of PPS.

Hydrogen Roadshow 2022

On October 20-25, a "hydrogen town" was created in the largest cities of Greater Poland Voivodeship (Konin, Kalisz, Ostrów Wielkopolski, Leszno, Piła, Poznań), as an initiative of the Self-Government of the Greater Poland region to popularize hydrogen matter and promote current hydrogen solutions and technologies. The event was actively attended by representatives of IMP PAS (Dr. hab. Adam Rachocki, Assoc. Prof. - Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs, Dr. Eng. Łukasz Lindner, Dr. Eng. Paweł Ławniczak, and M. Sc. Eng. Mateusz Wachowiak).

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Seminarium instytutowe - prof. dr hab. Lucyna Firlej

Instytut Fizyki Molekularnej Polskiej Akademii Nauk zaprasza na wykład pt. Gromadzenie wodoru dla celów transportowych: mity i rzeczywistość, który wygłosi prof. dr hab. Lucyna Firlej (Laboratoire Charles Coulomb Université de Montpellier, France).

Wykład odbędzie się w auli Instytutu Fizyki Molekularnej PAN, dnia 26 października 2022 roku o godzinie 13:00.

Nobel Prize for research into entangled quantum states

This year's Nobel Prize winners in Physics are Alain Aspect, John F. Clauser and Anton Zeilinger for pioneering research into the entangled quantum states underlying quantum computing. The work of the winners was used, among others, for building quantum computers, performing quantum teleportation, or in quantum cryptographic methods.

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RESEARCHERS’ NIGHT is already finished


After a difficult pandemic time, this year's Researchers' Night has exceeded all expectations.
We would like to thank the organizers of the Researchers' Night at IMP PAS and everyone who was involved in the presentation of laboratories, shows, workshops, and preparation of film materials, as well as volunteers and persons facilitating the course of the event. Thanks to all for their efforts, time and sacrifice they made.

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