Institute of Molecular Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Poznań Festival of Science and Art 2023

On May 12-20, the XXVI Poznań Festival of Science and Art took place. Our employees took an active part in this event, which encouraged all guests and participants to "Bravely discover the world".

The Poznań Festival of Science and Art (PFNiS) was created out of passion and the need to share knowledge and experience, as well as from a sense of mission to popularize science and art - science is art and art is science. For years, the festival has been a place of direct meetings of scientists, educators and practitioners with a young audience who, out of love for science and art, and even out of curiosity, directed their steps towards the field of science.

This year's edition of the XXVI PFNiS was held under the motto "Bravely discover the world" (May 15-20, 2023). Our scientists actively participated in this event. On May 17, at the Działyński Palace (i.e., at the residence of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Poznań) Dr hab. Iwona Olejniczak, Dr. Arkadiusz Frąckowiak, Dr. Magdalena Knapkiewicz, Dr. Sylwia Zięba, Dr.  Adam Mizera, Dr. Karol Synoradzki, Eng. Zuzanna Nowacka, and Eng. Justyna Szymaniak conducted shows with experiments for children and teenagers. In total, over 180 children took part in these shows.


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