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Dr. eng. Krzysztof Ptaszyński on the Polish RDC Radio

Radio dla Ciebie

Dr. Eng. Krzysztof Ptaszyński is an another employee of our Institute, who was a guest appearance on the Polish RDC Radio. During the broadcast of “From another planet” series he tried to explain the complex issues of quantum information, entropy and time direction in quantum systems.

Dr Krzysztof Ptaszyński is a holder of the Minister of Science and Higher Education’ scholarship, and his work "Entropy Production in Open Systems: The Predominant Role of Intra-Environment Correlations” has recently been highlighted by Physics magazine.

Polish RDC Radio (Radio Dla Ciebie) is a regional radio station of Radio Poland, broadcasting in Warsaw, Masovian Voivodeship, and also on the Internet.

More: podcast "Z innej planety"

Photogallery from the Polish Science Gala

Konstantin Tretiakov

During the Polish Science Gala organized in Toruń on the Polish Science Day on 19 February, Prime Minister's and Minister of Science and Higher Education's prizes were awarded to 138 scientists.

Two employees of our Institute were among those honored for outstanding scientific achievements: Prof. IFM PAN dr hab. Konstantin Tretiakov and Prof. dr hab. Dariusz Kaczorowski (representing the Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research PAS).

Congratulations to the winners!

See gallery.

Report from the BUDMA Fair

BUDMA 2000

The Institute of Molecular Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences participated in this year's International Construction and Architecture Fair BUDMA (4-7 February 2020) as a part of The Polish Association of Centers for Technology Transfer (

Participation in this commercial fair was not only a completely new experience, but also a kind of experiment for us. The profile of our Institute, which mainly conducts basic research, seemed to exclude us from such events. Those four days spent at the fair have completely changed our perspective.


IMP PAS in the Polish RDC Radio

Radio dla Ciebie

Dr. Paweł Ławniczak was a guest during the broadcast on Polish RDC Radio on Tuesday, February 11th. Our employee during the episode of the series "From another planet" talked about the activities of the Institute during the International Construction and Architecture Fair BUDMA and explained why science should cooperate with industry and business.

Polish RDC Radio (Radio Dla Ciebie) is a regional radio station of Radio Poland, broadcasting in Warsaw, Masovian Voivodeship, and also on the Internet.

Podcast Polish RDC Radio.

Scientists from the Thin Layers group honored by Physical Review Letters magazine

Physical Review Letters

The article “Magnetic Domains without Domain Walls: A Unique Effect of He+ Ion Bombardment in Ferrimagnetic Tb/Co Films” has been highlighted by editors of Physical Review Letters magazine.
The publication is a result of a cooperation between the IMP PAS, University of Bialystok, Institute of Electronic Materials Technology oraz University of Kassel. The leading authors of the article are a group of scientists from Thin Layers Department of the IMP PAS: Mgr Łukasz Frąckowiak, Dr hab. Piotr Kuświk, Dr Gabriel David Chaves-O’Flynn, Dr hab. Maciej Urbaniak and Prof. Feliks Stobiecki.

According to PRL Editorial Board: “A highlighted Letter has additional significance, because only about one Letter in six is highlighted as a Suggestion due to its particular importance, innovation, and broad appeal”.

Read more ...

IMP PAS researchers elected for the Committee of Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Our researchers – Prof. Feliks Stobiecki, Prof. Roman Świetlik and Prof. Dariusz Kaczorowski have been elected for the Committee of Physics PAS for a 2020-2023 term.

The new nominees will join our other researcher, dr hab .Piotr Kuświk, who is a member of the Committee’s Academy of Young Scholars PAS.

We congratulate our employees on their nominations and wish them fruitful work for the Committee.

Join us at BUDMA 2020 fair!

We invite you to visit the IFM PAN stand at the BUDMA International Construction and Architecture Fair, which will be held on 4-7 February 2020 on the premises of the Poznań International Fair.

BUDMA is one of the most important events in the construction industry in Europe. During the BUDMA fair new products and technologies are presented, and new business contacts are established.

At the Fair we will present the achievements and offer of the IFM PAN regarding research
of wood materials and their composites, and cement materials. Our stand will be located in the start-up zone in which, among others, the offer of Polish universities and research institutes belonging to The Polish Association of Centers for Technology Transfer will be presented.

More: BUDMA 2020

IMP PAS on the Polish Roadmap for Research Infrastructures

Magnetic Resonance Consortium - inter-disciplinary platform for physicochemical research (MAGREZ), to which IFM PAN belongs, by decision of the Minister of Science and Higher Education has been placed on the Polish Roadmap for Research Infrastructures.
The Consortium leader is the Centre of Molecular and Macromolecular Studies Polish Academy of Sciences in Łódź.

The Polish Roadmap for Research Infrastructures includes infrastructures of the highest potential of scientific excellence, and significant research potential. There are currently 70 different research infrastructures on the Map.

Polish Roadmap for Research Infrastructures.

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