Institute of Molecular Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences

We support Poznań Science Slam

Poznań Science Slam 2024

On April 20, the "Poznań Science Slam 2024" conference will be held at the Biocentre of the Poznań University of Life Sciences. This event will enable science enthusiasts and young science students from all over Poland to develop their interests and create a unique opportunity to present their own research, analyses and innovations.

The Institute of Molecular Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences took honorary patronage over this unique conference. The winner of the main prize will be able to complete a research internship at our Institute, and another outstanding speaker - as part of our special award - will be able to take part in this year's Scientific Workshops "Summer with Helium".

We wish all conference speakers successful speeches.

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Żel fizyczny utworzony przez żelator methyl-4,6-O-(p-nitrobenzylidene)-α-D-glukopyranozę z butanolem w stężeniu 2%, obraz z polaryzacyjnego mikroskopu optycznego