Institute of Molecular Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Invitation to the ISyDMA'7 conference

The International Symposium on Dielectric Materials and Applications (ISyDMA'7) will be held on December 6-8, 2022. This year's conference, as the seventh meeting in the series, is organized online by the Institute of Molecular Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences in cooperation with Adam Mickiewicz University (Faculty of Physics) in Poznań and its Foundation. We cordially invite young scientists in particular, to participate in the conference and inspiring lectures presented by recognized scientists from the international scientific community.
We highly encourage you to visit the official website of the conference.

Tło strony

Żel fizyczny utworzony przez żelator methyl-4,6-O-(p-nitrobenzylidene)-α-D-glukopyranozę z butanolem w stężeniu 2%, obraz z polaryzacyjnego mikroskopu optycznego