Institute of Molecular Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences

"Fizyka Warta Poznania" under the patronage of MENSA

Mensa Polska

Open lectures “Fizyka Warta Poznania” organized by IFM PAN obtained the prestigious patronage of MENSA.

This patronage is an appreciation for the work of the speakers from IFM PAN and recognition of the quality of the lectures.

MENSA is the largest and oldest non-profit organization associating people with a high IQ. It was founded in 1946 by British scientist and lawyer Lancelot Ware and Australian lawyer Roland Berrill. MENSA brings together national associations, including MENSA Poland.

Open lectures Fizyka Warta Poznania in Facebook.

Open lectures Fizyka Warta Poznania in YouTube.

Home page Fizyka Warta Poznania.


Tło strony

Żel fizyczny utworzony przez żelator methyl-4,6-O-(p-nitrobenzylidene)-α-D-glukopyranozę z butanolem w stężeniu 2%, obraz z polaryzacyjnego mikroskopu optycznego