Institute of Molecular Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Scientists from the Thin Layers group honored by Physical Review Letters magazine

Physical Review Letters

The article “Magnetic Domains without Domain Walls: A Unique Effect of He+ Ion Bombardment in Ferrimagnetic Tb/Co Films” has been highlighted by editors of Physical Review Letters magazine.
The publication is a result of a cooperation between the IMP PAS, University of Bialystok, Institute of Electronic Materials Technology oraz University of Kassel. The leading authors of the article are a group of scientists from Thin Layers Department of the IMP PAS: Mgr Łukasz Frąckowiak, Dr hab. Piotr Kuświk, Dr Gabriel David Chaves-O’Flynn, Dr hab. Maciej Urbaniak and Prof. Feliks Stobiecki.

According to PRL Editorial Board: “A highlighted Letter has additional significance, because only about one Letter in six is highlighted as a Suggestion due to its particular importance, innovation, and broad appeal”.


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