News archive

Poznań Festival of Science and Art 2023

On May 12-20, the XXVI Poznań Festival of Science and Art took place. Our employees took an active part in this event, which encouraged all guests and participants to "Bravely discover the world".

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Hydrogen Roadshow 2023

This year's "Hydrogen roadshow" event once again educates and raises awareness of what the hydrogen economy is and how hydrogen can transform transport, industry, storage and energy use  by all of us. On May 5-17, the "hydrogen town" - an initiative of the local government of the Greater Poland Voivodeship, in which our Institute also actively participated, visited Konin, Leszno, Piła and Poznań. It was an excellent opportunity to get involved for the benefit of society and to communicate information about hydrogen solutions as a real alternative to traditional fuels.

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Cooperation plans with AQUANET S.A.

On April 24, at the registered office of AQUANET S.A. in Poznań, a meeting was held between representatives of the Director's Board of the IMP PAS (Zbigniew Trybuła and Adam Rachocki) with the company's authorities represented by Zbigniew Grocholski (Chairman of the Supervisory Board), Paweł Chudziński (President of the Management Board, General Director), Anna Graczyk (Vice-President of the Management Board, Technical Director) and Marek Borowski (Vice-President of the Management Board, Director of Development). The meeting was also attended by Prof. Dr. hab. Lucyna Firlej. The current challenges faced by water supply companies in Poland were discussed in terms of improving the energy efficiency of the applied technological processes, as well as possible areas of bilateral cooperation.

Invitation to the conferences of TYGIEL Foundation


On behalf of the Foundation for the Promotion of Science and Development TYGIEL we invite participation in the upcoming scientific conferences: Interdisciplinarity as a key to development, March 23-26, 2023 and Nanotechnology in the face of expectations of the 21st c., May 12, 2023.

Both conferences are held under the honorary patronage by the Institute of Molecular Physics PAS. We strongly encourage participation in these events, and we wish future participants (especially younger entrants of science) fruitful meetings and inspiring discussions which will not only contribute to the dissemination of results of conducted research, gaining knowledge and experience, but will also contribute to establishing a new valuable cooperation.

Meeting with the PolSCA PAS Office in Brussels

Spotkanie lokalnego środowiska PAN z przedstawicielami Biura PolSCA PAN z Brukseli

On February 9, a meeting of the local community of the Polish Academy of Sciences with representatives of the PolSCA PAS Office in Brussels was held at the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry PAS in Poznań. The purpose of the meeting by the PolSCA Team was to discuss its mission and activities supporting scientific units of PAS and to present selected issues related to Horizon Europe. On behalf of the IMP PAS, the event was attended by: Director Zbigniew Trybuła and Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs – Adam Rachocki, and Monika Bartosińska, Zuzanna Górska, Dorota Dardas, and Grzegorz Michałek.

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Seminarium instytutowe - prof. dr hab. Marek Przybylski

Instytut Fizyki Molekularnej Polskiej Akademii Nauk zaprasza na wykład pt. Tunelowanie i zjawiska spinowe – nowe rozwiązania dla pamięci komputerowych swobodnego dostępu, który wygłosi prof. dr hab. Marek Przybylski (Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej i Akademickie Centrum Materiałów i Nanotechnologii (ACMiN), Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza, Kraków).

Wykład odbędzie się w auli Instytutu Fizyki Molekularnej PAN, dnia 23 stycznia 2023 roku o godzinie 13:00.

Board of Directors of Scientific Units PAS

Board of Directors of Scientific Units PAS

On January 12, 2023, a meeting of the Board of Directors of Scientific Units of the Polish Academy of Sciences was held. It is a twelve-member advisory body to the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences selected from among the directors of seventy PAS institutes in matters related to the activities of scientific units of the Academy. For the 2023-2026 term, Prof. Dr. hab. Zbigniew Trybuła was appointed again.

The chairman of the Council was Prof. Dr. hab. Eng. Tadeusz Burczyński (Real Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Director of the Institute of Fundamental Technological Research PAS) and vice-chairmen: Dr. hab. Celina Nowak (Director of the Institute of Legal Sciences PAS) and Prof. Dr. hab. Cezary Sławiński (Corresponding Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Director of the Institute of Agrophysics PAS).


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Professor Andrzej Łapiński as a President of the Management Board of Poznań Branch of PPS

Polskie Towarzystwo Fizyczne

During the general meeting of the members of the Poznań Branch of the Polish Physical Society (PPS), which took place on December 13, Assoc. Prof. DSc. PhD. Andrzej Łapiński was elected President of the Management Board for the years 2023-2024. On behalf of the Institute of Molecular Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the new Management Board also included Prof. DSc. PhD. Zbigniew Trybuła (member) and PhD. Eng. Paweł Ławniczak (treasurer).

We congratulate Professor Andrzej Łapiński, as well the other distinguished persons, and wish them fruitful work in the Poznań Branch of PPS.

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