The European Conference PHYSICS OF MAGNETISM 2011 (PM'11) June 27 - July 1, 2011 Poznan, POLAND |
1. Luciano Ortenzi, Stuttgart, Germany: poster P-1-35 2. Lukas Bochenek, Wroclaw, Poland: poster P-1-43 3. Magdalena Wencka, Poznan, Poland: poster P-7-06 Three honorable mentions: I. Hagymasi, Budapest, Hungary: poster P-1-34 S. Mamica, Poznan, Poland: poster P-3-54 A. Zaleski, Krakow, Poland: poster P-4-17
At the occasion of the European Conference “Physics of Magnetism 2011” three PM’11 Poster Prizes for young scientists will be awarded for the best poster presentations. During the poster sessions of the conference a scientific jury, consisting of distinguished scientists, will select the winning posters. Jury will look for a concise statement of the research problem, presentation of methods, appropriate data analysis, conclusions that are warranted by the data, an explanation of why the work is important, as well as knowledge and clarity of the presenter. The winners will be announced at the Closing Ceremony and will awarded the certificates and monetary awards of 250 EUR for the first, 150 EUR for the second, and 100 EUR for the third place. The first place prize is sponsored by the European Physical Society. We look forward to your presentations! The members of the scientific jury: A. Ehresmann (Kassel, Germany; chairman) P. Horsch (Stuttgart, Germany) S. Lipinski (Poznan, Poland; member of the Organizing Committee) M. Przybylski (Halle, Germany) K.I. Wysokinski (Lublin, Poland)