The European Conference PHYSICS OF MAGNETISM 99 June 21-25, 1999 Poznan, POLAND |
Participants can make their own hotel reservation. To make the hotel reservation the following links will be helpful:
Note that the time of the Conference is just after the International Fair in Poznan and we urge you to book as soon as possible to be sure that you are accommodated in a hotel of your choice.
If you would like us to book your hotel accommodation, please indicate below your preference.
There are several solutions:
hotel in the Science Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences ON PAN (limited number of rooms, up to 25 June, 1200 am !!!)
1. apartment: 184 zl ($ 55) per night for two persons and 130 zl ($39) for one person
2. double room: 120 zl ($ 36) per night for two persons and 95 zl ($29) for one personstudent dormitory ( DS Jowita, ul. Zwierzyniecka 20; modest living conditions, about 10-15 minutes walk from the ON PAN)
3. single room (limited number of rooms): 37 zl ($ 11) per night
4. double room: 27 zl ($ 8) per night per person
To make a reservation download the accommodation form , fill in, attach to the registration form or send separately by e-mail to the Conference Office. Please note that all costs for accommodation and hotel services are to be paid by the participant himself before his departure directly in the hotel.
In the case you have decided to stay in the student dormitory you are asked to pay for accommodation by 31 May, 1999 (see payments).
Free refreshments will be available for all participants during coffee breaks. Each participant can buy lunch tickets. The exact price of the single lunch ticket is not known yet, and it will be announced later. We think that the price will not exceed 15 zl (ca. $ 4). To estimate the number of meals please indicate in the accommodation form if you intend to buy lunch tickets.