News archive

Researchers' Night 2019

We are pleased to announce that the Institute of Molecular Physics PAS is organizing a second edition of In the "Labyrinth of Physics". Due to high interest the event In the "Labyrinth of Physics" organized at our Institute most likely will permanently enter Europe-wide event taking place under the slogan "Researchers' Night".

This year’s "Researchers' Night" will be held on September 27. Detailed program of the event will be available soon.

Check out how much fun we had last year.

We invite you to join us!

Patent for a low-temperature head for stabilization of temperatures below 4.2K in systems using liquid helium

On 2 July 2019 the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland has granted a patent No. P.417132 for the invention of “Low temperature head for stabilization of temperatures below 4.2K in liquid helium systems” to the Institute of Molecular Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Wroclaw University of Technology and Polish Mining and Gas Extraction Company PGNiG. The use of a capillary head with increased flow resistance allows for cooling and stabilization of a large volume of liquid helium with optimal, low consumption of this liquid, and preservation or increase of the helium He3 isotope concentration in He4 helium to the lowest temperatures.

35th Scientific Workshops "Summer with Helium"

Between 26th June and 6th July 2019 the 35th Scientific Workshops “Summer with Helium were held at the Department of Low Temperature Physics IMP PAS in Odolanów. The main theme of this year's Workshops was "Low temperature physics".

Science Workshops "Summer with Helium" are a unique meeting between young people, pupils and students, and the most outstanding physicists from all over Poland.

As part of the 35th Workshops, on July 5, a special jubilee session “Helium in Odolanów – science, industry, education” took place in memory of Professor Jan Stankowski – the creator and longtime scientific director of "Summer with Helium".


Sztafeta maratońska EKIDEN PragmatIQ z udziałem drużyny IFM PAN

W niedzielę 9 czerwca br. na terenach toru regatowego Malta w Poznaniu nasza drużyna po raz kolejny wzięła udział w biegu sztafetowym Ekiden PragmatIQ na dystansie maratońskim.

W tym roku IFM PAN reprezentowali:

  • Łukasz Lindner (9795 m)
  • Adam Ostrowski (10800 m)
  • Iwona Płowaś-Korus (5400 m)
  • Iwona Olejniczak (5400 m)
  • Grzegorz Michałek (5400 m)
  • Tetiana Yevchenko (5400 m)

W pięknej słonecznej pogodzie przebiegliśmy dystans 42195 m w czasie 3:40:34.

W klasyfikacji drużyn mieszanych zajęliśmy 25 miejsce na 82 drużyny, w klasyfikacji drużyn firmowych 79 miejsce na 184 drużyn, a w klasyfikacji ogólnej 125 miejsce na 266 drużyn.

Naszym kibicom bardzo dziękujemy za wsparcie w czasie biegu i miłe towarzystwo.

Zapraszamy na fotorelację.

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